Chapter 62: Abai Mina's moment of despair!

The evolution speed of Monster No.

9 is unmatched by ordinary humans and even ordinary monsters.

Before, whether it was Kafka Hibino who transformed into Monster No.

8 or Abai Mina, they could easily defeat Monster No.


But now, with repeated evolutions and swallowings, the strength of Monster No.

9 has completely risen to several levels.

The energy level alone is above 13.


In this case, Kafka Hibino and Abai Mina are fighting head-on.

Kafka Hibino's energy level is only about 9.


It is 0.

1 higher than the beginning, but the improvement is too small.

And Abai Mina has not made any progress.

In this case, how can she be the opponent of Monster No.

9? Only Soshiro Hoshina, the deputy captain of the third expeditionary force, changed his monster enhancement suit.

After changing his monster enhancement suit to one with Monster No.

10 as the core, he exploded.

The released combat power directly broke through to the level of 100%, and the whole person turned into a monster.

Only then did he fight a few moves with Monster No.


But it was still useless.

First of all, Monster No.

10 itself is not a very powerful numbered monster.

Secondly, Soshiro Hoshina is not a natural genius like Nishiki Chitsuka.

He is just more talented than ordinary people.

In this case, Soshiro Hoshina can't directly evolve to the level of Monster No.


At most, he is slightly stronger than the current Kafka Hibino and Abami Mina.

How can he defeat Monster No.

9, which has evolved several times? In a few moves, Soshiro Hoshina's arm was chopped off by Monster No.


The whole person was seriously injured and lay aside, unable to move.

And Monster No.

9, after easily defeating the three major forces of the third expeditionary force.

It directly ignored Soshiro Hoshina and Monster No.


It walked straight towards Abami Mina.

"I have been looking forward to your ability for a long time."

"Now, I finally found the opportunity"

"Next, let's make a glorious evolution together!"

Yabai Mina's ability is ultra-long-range sniping.

This ability is actually very ordinary when viewed alone.

But if this ability is magnified and a monster unit with this ability is created based on it, it will be terrifyingly powerful.

From now on, Monster No. 9 directly has an entire firepower unit with ultra-long-range strike capabilities.

This is a huge blessing for war.

Therefore, Monster No. 9 is determined to obtain Yabai Mina's ability.

Even Monster No. 8 does not seem attractive enough in front of Yabai Mina.

Yabai Mina can only watch Monster No. 9 approaching step by step.

She can't even run away.

Because at this time, all the bones in her legs were broken and she was seriously injured.

Yabai Mina's ability is ultra-long-range sniping, and her weakness is also this.

It is equivalent to an ADC , the output is strong, but it is fragile.

And its melee ability is average, and it was directly approached by Monster No. 9.

In this case, how could Yabaimina's end be miserable?

As for Hibino Kafka.

At this time, although he was watching with bloodshot eyes.

But he could do nothing.

His injuries were even more serious than Yabaimina. His body was directly torn in half, and even the biological core comparable to the heart was severely damaged.

Although he did not die suddenly, he basically lost the ability to fight. He could only passively embed himself in the wall, watching Monster No. 9 in despair as he came to Yabaimina.

Then, Monster No. 9's right arm expanded rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a bloody mouth.

Then there was no surprise, and no miracle happened.

Monster No. 9 swallowed Yabaimina directly.

It's over... right?


After being swallowed,

Yabai Mina was in a trance.

Suddenly, she seemed to have returned to the inner world where she had accidentally entered when she was a child.

There were bloody corpses all around. In the distance was endless darkness.

In the darkness, countless greedy eyes were constantly peeping at her.

At the same time, there were countless roars that made her tremble.

Few people know that Captain Yabai Mina, who looks cold and has a decisive and strong fighting style, is actually a very insecure person.

All this comes from her experience since childhood.

When she was a child, she fell into the inner world in an accident.

There, she witnessed hell on earth.

Although she successfully returned to the surface alive in the end, she left an insurmountable psychological shadow.

It was just because of her personality that she hid this shadow very deeply, so deep that others could not see it.

Even later, she became a legend in the defense force and became the captain of the third expeditionary force.

Her shadow still did not disappear.

Instead, it became even deeper.

Many nights, she would wake up in her dreams.

This is why she always longs for someone to walk with her.

What she really wants is not a companion, but a sense of security.

However, Hibino Kafka failed.

He could not bring a sense of security to Yabai Mina.

Perhaps, no one can do it.

Thinking of this, Yabai Mina closed her eyes.

Despair surged, as if it would swallow Yabai Mina in the next second.

But at this moment

""Dog, I found you!"

As the voice sounded, a ray of light seemed to light up in front of Yabaimina's eyes.

Before she could think whether it was an illusion, the light instantly dispelled all the darkness.

When she really came to her senses, she found that she had been rescued without knowing when.

And she looked up and saw who saved her.

That's right, it was Chen Mu.

Almost when Monster No. 9 just swallowed Yabaimina,

Chen Mu arrived.

Then, without giving Monster No. 9 a chance to digest, Chen Mu directly and violently tore open Monster No. 9's body.

And found Yabaimina who had just been swallowed in the fragments of Monster No. 9's body.

After that, Chen Mu took Yabaimina away from the area where Monster No. 9 was.

All this happened in an instant.

Not only Monster No. 9 didn't react.

Even Kafka Hibino, Soshiro Hoshina, and even Yabaimina, the person involved, didn't react.

When she came to her senses, Yabaimina realized that she was saved. She was brought back from hell by Chen Mu in a princess hug.


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