Chapter 63: Nishiki Chitsuka's Dimensional Slash!

Yabai Mina could never have imagined that at her most desperate moment, the one who saved her would be Chen Mu.

Not Hibino Kafka, not the vice-captain Hoshina Soshiro.

But Chen Mu.

This person who she had only known for a few months and had a shallow relationship with.

In the past, Yabai Mina's perception of Chen Mu was just exceptionally strong.

But now, Yabai Mina saw another strong side in Chen Mu.


However, without giving Yabai Mina time to continue to be dazed,

Chen Mu casually put her aside.

Then, he looked at Monster No. 9.

At this time, Monster No. 9 had already begun to get furious.

"You, you, how dare you do this!"

"How dare you ruin my good thing at this time."

Monster No. 9's mentality completely collapsed at this moment.

Before being crushed to death by Chen Mu, Monster No. 9 was just afraid.

Then he thought about evolving to a higher level next time and fighting back.

But now, it is really a little broken.

So much so that the hatred for Chen Mu overwhelms the fear of Chen Mu.

There is no other reason, Chen Mu's timing of appearance is too murderous.

If Chen Mu had come a little later by a dozen seconds.

Then Monster No. 9 would have completely digested Yabai Mina.

Yabai Mina's ability would also be picked by it.

As a result, at the moment of success, , and Chen Mu ruined his good thing.

The feeling of having succeeded but failing at the critical moment.

It is no less than falling directly from heaven to hell.

This is why Monster No. 9 is so angry.

It can only be said that after eating too many humans.

Its own thoughts have also been influenced by humans.

Whether it is speaking or doing things, it is now more and more human.

If it is the earliest version of Monster No. 9, it will not have such rich emotions.

The original Monster No. 9 is more like a pure"monster weapon" with very rigid thoughts.

Now it can be like this... The reason why it is so smart is that it has eaten too many human genes.

Facing the roar of Monster No. 9, Chen Mu didn't take it seriously at all. He just regarded it as a dog barking.

If it was before, Chen Mu might still be interested in paying attention to it.

But now, who wants to listen to you barking here?

The scorching super heat ray was launched, directly and accurately melting the core of Monster No. 9.

In an instant, the powerful monster that beat Yabai Mina and others without any chance of fighting back was killed by Chen Mu.

Absolute strength crushing, absolute oppression.

This is the impression Chen Mu gave to everyone.

However, at this time In Yabaimina's heart,

Chen Mu had another image.

An absolute sense of security!

However, Chen Mu did not have too much contact with Yabaimina.

After killing Monster No. 9, he casually said a few words, and then quickly disappeared.

Only Yabaimina was left there, staring blankly at Chen Mu's back as he left, with hazy eyes and no one knew what she was thinking.

Not far away,

Hibino Kafka looked at Yabaimina.

His eyes were also very complicated.

At this moment, Hibino Kafka found that the gap between himself and Yabaimina had become out of reach again.

But why was this happening?


After destroying the split of Monster No. 9 that attacked the headquarters of the Defense Force and the Third Expeditionary Force,

Chen Mu returned to the original battlefield.

That is, the Shinagawa District.

Here, some of the original beasts that escaped and the remaining beasts have been cleaned up by the members of the Fifth Expeditionary Force, together with Shinomiya Chikoro.

The only one left is a split of Monster No. 9.

When Chen Mu arrived, this split of Monster No. 9 had been cut into a human stick.

Moreover, a layer of strange power was attached to the wounds of Monster No. 9.

This power directly suppressed the self-healing ability of Monster No. 9. So that its wounds could never heal.

In this case, Monster No. 9 naturally had no chance of winning.

Not only could it not defeat Nishiki Chitsuka, but it suffered a lot at the hands of Nishiki Chitsuka.

It can only be said that Monster No. 9 still underestimated Nishiki Chitsuka.

This is actually normal.

Except for Chen Mu.

Who knows that Nishiki Chitsuka has such a hand.

Complete liberation?

It is super complete liberation!

Others' liberation power is capped at 100%.

But Nishiki Chitsuki's power soared directly to 200%, or even more.

Who would have thought of this!

In addition to the super-high liberation power,

Nishiki Chitsuki also has a very special ability.

Dimensional Slash!

Her attack will have the same effect as Dimensional Slash.


It is precisely because of this Dimensional Slash ability that Monster No. 9 suffered a great loss.

By the time he reacted, he had no chance.


"It looks like you're having a lot of fun."

Chen Mu glanced at the miserable state of Monster No. 9, and then stopped paying attention.

He turned his gaze to Jinmu Qianshu and said in an admiring tone

"It's ok. I haven't met a suitable opponent for a long time."

"It's a pity that I won't be its opponent the next time I meet this guy."

Kinki Chitsuka first talked about her feelings.

Then she smiled bitterly.

She was telling the truth.

The most abnormal thing about Monster Nine is that it can keep growing and evolving.

This time, Monster Nine underestimated Kinki Chitsuka, and the information about Kinki Chitsuka's"Dimension Slash" had never been leaked.

As a result, Monster Nine was caught off guard.

But next time, Monster Nine will come back again.

That's another matter.

By then, Kinki Chitsuka will face a more powerful Monster Nine that has more restrained abilities.

In this case, it's too difficult to win.

But there's no need to worry too much.

If she can't defeat Monster No. 9 next time, she can just ask Chen Mu for help.

She has worked for Chen Mu for so long, and has been a palu for so long.

He doesn't look at the credit but the hard work, and doesn't look at the hard work but the fatigue.

Chen Mu can't really ignore her.

That would be really conscienceless.

Chen Mu didn't chat with Jinmu Qianshu anymore.

While the other members of the expeditionary force hadn't arrived yet.

He released a super heat ray and directly melted the core of Monster No. 9.

With the influx of the original power, Chen Mu was so comfortable that he almost shouted out.

He stopped at the last moment.

But Chen Mu's heart was still inevitably excited.

Because the harvest this time was huge!


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