Chapter 64 46% and Super Breathing! Chen Mu killed a lot of people in the entire Shinagawa crusade. He killed four monsters alone, including the numbered monsters, as well as the origin power of some of the original monsters and the remaining monsters. These accumulated together are a huge harvest. After Chen Mu finally absorbed all the origin power , the fusion degree of the superman template soared to 46%! Almost half of it. This is because the later the stage, the more difficult it is to improve. Otherwise, it would be higher. But even so, Chen Mu's strength has also ushered in a surge. It seems that it has only increased by 8%, but in fact, the improvement in strength has doubled. Today's Chen Mu, who used to fight himself, can easily beat ten people. Of course, the most critical thing is that after breaking through 46%, Chen Mu unlocked another superpower. Super breathing. It may sound that the ability of super breathing is not strong. But in fact, this is a god-level ability. Before having this"super breathing" ability, Chen Mu was actually restricted by some conditions. For example, he cannot survive in a vacuum, nor can he survive in extreme conditions such as the deep sea. But with super breathing, all of these are no longer a problem.

""Super Breathing" gives Chen Mu the ability to adapt to any environment.

Vacuum, deep sea, or a closed space filled with deadly poisonous gas.

Chen Mu can breathe freely and is not affected by anything.

In short, it is a super survival buff.

This is only part of it.

Super breathing also greatly increases Chen Mu's lung capacity.

When inhaling, he can suck out all the surrounding air in an instant and create an artificial wind tunnel vortex.

When exhaling, he can spit out a super strong airflow comparable to a hurricane or a storm.

And he can control the temperature when breathing.

Superman freezes his opponent in one breath by relying on this ability.

All of the above are just the most basic versions.

In the later stages, Superman's enhanced versions.

The power of super breathing will become very exaggerated.

When inhaling, a black hole is directly created.

When exhaling, it blows out stars and even galaxies.

However, that height is still too far away from Chen Mu now.

He doesn't expect it in a short time.

But even now, he is satisfied with the ability of"super breathing".

"Unfortunately, after this crusade, Monster No. 9 will have to hide for a while."

"I don't know when Monster Nine will come next time."

Chen Mu thought a little greedily.

After destroying Monster Nine this time, he will definitely bring a lot of psychological pressure to Monster Nine.

Even the Star Guide Civilization behind Monster Nine will really start to pay attention to him.

In this case, in a short period of time, the Star Guide Civilization and Monster Nine will not dare to trouble Chen Mu.

There will only be one reason when they appear in front of Chen Mu again.

That is, the Star Guide Civilization and Monster Nine have evolved several times.

Only in this way can they muster the courage to challenge Chen Mu again.

Before that, they will definitely avoid Chen Mu when they see him.

In this way, there will be no monsters in Neon or even the entire hemisphere.

As for the monsters in the other hemisphere,

Chen Mu is too lazy to run so far.

Therefore, the next period of time is destined to be a leisurely time.


The fact is just as Chen Mu expected.

After the battle of Shinagawa, all the members of the defense army had a holiday.

Not to mention the enemies of the level of the numbered monsters.

Even the original beasts of Xitong did not appear again.

It was already very good if a few remaining beasts appeared occasionally.

And Chen Mu's appetite has become picky now.

Unless a numbered monster appears, it is really not worth his trip to the remaining beasts.

Therefore, he has completely free time.

Every day, he either basks in the sun or accompanies Sister Jing to do things that everyone likes to do.

However, it is not all like this.

There are still some episodes in the middle.

For example, Yukinoshita Yukino.

At this time, it has been a month since Yukinoshita Yukino confessed to Chen Mu.

During this month,

Yukinoshita Yukino also thought carefully as Chen Mu said.

In the end, she confirmed her feelings. She still likes Chen Mu, and still can't forget the scene when Chen Mu came to the world like a god.

So, a month later, Yukino found Chen Mu again.

However, this time it was not in public.

Instead, she found Chen Mu privately.

In a private setting.

Once again, Xue No confessed to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu had already declined last time.

This time, of course, he would not refuse again.

He was not really incompetent.

So naturally, Chen Mu agreed.

Seeing that Chen Mu agreed to her request and really wanted to be with her.

Xue No was so excited that she almost jumped up.

At this moment, her dream can be said to have come true.

Even her usually cold expression softened.

After that, it was just something that normal couples should do.

Xue No is better than Hiratsuka Shizuka in one aspect.

That is, she has a better physique.

Although Sister Jing looks like a queen, her physique is really incomparable to that of Xue No.

So often, Sister Jing would hang up the white flag.

But Xue No is different.

She is tough.

Of course, this is also the result of Chen Mu's letting her go.

Otherwise, if he goes all out.

Aerospace alloys can be molded into plasticine, let alone humans.


In short.

Chen Mu changed from a two-person life to a threesome now.

Moreover, Chen Mu was not sneaky.

Both Xueno and Shizuka Hiratsuka knew about each other's existence.

However, they tacitly did not mention it.

It's not that they don't care.

But, it's useless to care.

First of all, they both love Chen Mu deeply, which makes them reluctant to let go.

Secondly, the distance between them and Chen Mu is too far, so far that they have no confidence to keep him.

In this case, naturally they will not force anything to be single-minded.

Single-mindedness is only possible under the same level.

When the gap between the two sides is too large.

It will only lead to inequality in the relationship.

In the final analysis, there is actually only one reason.

Chen Mu is too strong.

So strong that anyone standing next to him seems unmatched.

Chen Mu is not the kind of person who can wrong himself for love.

He has become a superman.

Can't he act recklessly? Can't he be willful and rampant?

Then this superman, isn't it in vain.

Knowing this, Xueno and Shizuka Hiratsuka will not have the fantasy of monopolizing Chen Mu.

Chen Mu has never asked himself to do this.

Yes, it is very bad to do this.

It is very immoral.

But, you are talking about morality with your ancestor Superman?

Are you kidding?


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