The next day,

Kikyo woke up very early.

She got up before dawn. But after getting up, she did not practice as usual, but went straight to the wing room.

When she came out of the wing room, it was already dawn and today's breakfast was ready.

"Senior Brother, let's eat."

Standing at the door of Lu Li's room, the little witch didn't dare to look out. She only dared to knock on the door gently to confirm that there was someone inside.

Today's little witch was mainly a well-behaved one.

But her constantly moving eyes betrayed her true thoughts - especially when the door was opened, her eyes that seemed to be looking for something showed her true thoughts vividly.

"She is not dead."

Lu Li could tell what the little witch was thinking at a glance.

"She is in this sword."

Lu Li patted the hilt of his Zanpakutō. The Zanpakutō that was inserted back into the hilt returned to its ordinary appearance.

But feeling the demonic energy coming from the sword, Lu Li knew that this sword was completely different.

【Zanpakuto: Hundred Demons].

Essentially, this should be a growth-type Zanpakuto.

It feeds on the power of monsters. The more monsters it kills, the stronger it becomes.

In addition, even Lu Li's own spiritual pressure will be improved to a certain extent. At the same time

, after it kills a monster, there is a certain probability that the monster's original power - it seems to be called [fear] or something else - will be absorbed into the blade. Then use the spiritual pressure of the god of death to summon the monster.

From this point of view, this sword is also a"summoning" Zanpakuto.

To be honest, the ability of this sword itself is not that strong.

At least in"Bleach", it is not as good as the strongest fire-type Ryujin Jakka, and it is far from the strongest control-type Kyoka Suigetsu.

But from another perspective, it is the most suitable Zanpakuto for this world.

——In this world full of demons, relying on the power of this Zanpakuto, his future possibilities are limitless.

"But so what?"

"No matter how strong you are, you still have to eat three times a day."

Lu Li muttered softly and walked towards the wing room.

"cooked rice!"


In the wing room.

Although the cook has changed, the food has not changed.

The same corn porridge, with a little pickled vegetables as garnish, is already a rare delicacy in this era and this country.

Lu Li thought, this might be the reason why he is always unmotivated.

——Once you have seen the sea, all other waters are but puddles; except for the Wushan Mountains, all other clouds are but mounds.

Having seen the good things before, he felt that these things were boring.

In contrast, the little witch was full of energy.

In her vision, everything was unknown, so everything was new. Even though she knew that the road ahead was full of dangers, she could not help but be curious and would find ways to find out.

For example, now


When the flattering voice that was totally inconsistent with the little witch's cold and holy temperament suddenly sounded in this room, Lu Li knew what she wanted to say. When you are polite to someone, you must ask for something.

If you are nice to someone without any reason, you are either a traitor or a thief.

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he has already squeezed out the value of that monster, and now throwing her to the little witch is just to make use of her last remaining energy.

"Come with me"


Lu Li brought Kikyo to the foot of the mountain.

Unlike the foggy mountain, the Azusa Mountain at the foot of the mountain was sunny and full of vitality.

It was a good day.

According to common sense, such good weather is not suitable for monsters to appear.

The fact is just as Lu Li guessed.

When he swung his sword and released the female demon sealed in the Zanpakutō, the monster almost subconsciously stretched out her arms, covered her face with her wet sleeves, and let out a miserable cry.

For a low-level monster like her, sunlight is the most deadly weapon.

——But that was in the past.

Three seconds later, when the female monster, whose face was filled with fear, suddenly realized that the scorching sun could no longer cause her any harm,

"This is……"

She looked at her hands in disbelief.

On her wet hands, water kept dripping down her fingers to the ground. In just a moment, a small puddle formed, reflecting her blurry face.

She was still a monster.

A monster born from despair, cursing all the beautiful things in the world.

But now she was no longer afraid of the sun.

No longer only appeared at night.


She raised her head and looked at the knife-wielding boy in front of her with a very complicated look. Her face showed gratitude and fear. She moved her throat as if she wanted to say something.

——But Lu Li got there first and sealed her mouth.

"Destroy yourself, black dog of Rondanini. Read it, burn it, cut your throat!"

""Nine Strike of Binding."

A subtle red light extended from Lu Li's body, and in the next moment connected to the female monster's body, completing the binding of the [mouth].

Lu Li silently marveled at his exquisite control over the ghost way.

You know, [Nine Strike of Binding] is a binding method for the whole body. Only a god of death like him who can precisely manipulate his own spiritual pressure can control the scope of the binding method to local organs and not affect other parts.

But unfortunately, there are no other gods of death here. There is only an ignorant little witch here, and a female monster who keeps pointing at her throat as if she wants to say something - the two of them cannot understand this art of"exquisite control of spiritual pressure"


"You can start now"


The next day was a day of experimentation.

The little witch used this female demon as a target to test the power of various spells, talismans, and purification techniques.

——Just like Lu Li yesterday.

Practice makes perfect. Only after being tested by monsters can we know what level the current strength has reached.

Lu Li feels pretty good about himself.

Facing this newly born monster in front of him, whose strength is not very strong, his ghost way can almost be used 100%. He has also tried the slash with spiritual pressure, and the performance is quite good. The spiritual pressure of the god of death seems to have a special effect on monsters, and it can often produce some unexpected effects-using more professional game terms, it should be called"special attack".

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the ghost way that can really achieve"outstanding effect" on monsters is not the ghost way and the way of binding, nor the slash with spiritual pressure.

It is the way of healing.

Even if it loses its breath and consciousness, a way of recovery can bring it back to life, or even revive it with full blood-Lu Li is already considering whether to change his nickname to [Underworld Chasing Soul].

PS: Thanks to [18378..】's monthly ticket support.

Keep it, keep it.

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