The addition of the female monster has added new vitality to Zishan.

Kikyo is making rapid progress.

Facts have proved that there is a difference between the effect of one person practicing hard and two people simulating actual combat. The effect of two people simulating actual combat is even more different from fighting a real monster.

Even though this is just a very weak female monster, the demonic aura emanating from her is like a stimulant, constantly stimulating the spirit and soul of the little witch - it's like the encounter of water and fire, destined to end with the complete disappearance of one side.

In the battle with the female monster, Kikyo won more and lost less.

But it is worth mentioning that with the passage of time. Kikyo's difficulty in defeating the female monster is increasing, and the time to defeat her is being dragged out longer and longer.

Facts have once again proved that she is not the only one who is making rapid progress.

"This witch's talent is not that great."

"But she is not stupid after all."

Lu Li had personally witnessed the female monster go deep into Mount Zi and merge with the fog in the mountain.

She is a water monster and has an innate affinity for this humid environment. When the spiritual energy in Mount Zi could no longer harm her, the foggy environment was her absolute home.

Water is her body and her weapon. As long as she wants, she can condense some water vapor into water droplets and then gather the water droplets into hidden weapons.

In such an environment, even Kikyo must be cautious and guard against the sudden attack that may come from nowhere at any time.

Her spiritual power detection skills have made great progress.

But the disadvantages of doing so are also obvious - with Kikyo's current soul power, she can't maintain the state of [Spiritual Power Detection] for a long time, let alone normalize it. So

, after her mental power was over-consumed. Kikyo had to lie back on her little bed and stare at the ceiling in a daze.

"My head... hurts so much."

The splitting headache caused by the overdrawn mental power made the little witch grimaced, and it was difficult for her to really rest.

She had to force herself to think about something else to distract herself.

What to think about?

"Think of the scenery of Edo Castle."

When she thought of the brilliant lights of Edo Castle, the little witch was filled with joy, and even the pain in her body was reduced a little.


The little witch was resting.

Lu Li was not idle.

He took his tools and came to the foot of Mount Zishan. He found a flat and fertile river valley.

He planned to plant something here and raise something.

——He had wanted to do this a long time ago.

But before, he was powerless and didn't even dare to go to Zishan, so the plan was left idle.

Now, not only did he have the power to farm in this chaotic world, he also had an excellent helper.


When Lu Li learned that monsters don't need to eat to maintain their basic life activities, he almost gave all his praise to the Zanpakuto in his hand.

""Work, work!"

That was a real waste of talent.

This weapon called [Hundred Ghosts] was originally a scepter that could control all monsters in the world; but in Lu Li's hand, it became a whip, lashing the poor demon girl.

The demon girl wanted to cry, but she couldn't even cry.

Her throat had been sealed by Lu Li with the Binding Dao, and she could no longer make any sound. Her body was even more restricted by the Zanpakutō. If Lu Li wanted to, he could wipe out all her consciousness in the next moment, turning her into a real"walking corpse".

She didn't want to be like that.

——This is not because she is afraid of death. She is already a monster, so how can she be afraid of death?

She just has an obsession in her heart, and she has something she has to complete even if it means enduring humiliation.


"Work, work."

The female monster followed Lu Li's instructions.

Water dripped from her body, and it was hard to tell whether it was her tears, her sweat, or her own water.


Another day has passed.

The people who were clearing the land at the foot of the mountain had a great harvest.

Obedient monsters are really the best labor force. They don’t need rest or food, and they have great strength (compared to ordinary humans).

Lu Li cooperated with this female monster and reclaimed a piece of land of about two acres in just one day, and also surrounded it with a fence.

Lu Li planned to plant some vegetables in it to improve the taste - he was tired of the days of corn porridge with pickles.

But how to get vegetable seeds is a problem.

In this island country with scarce supplies, vegetables themselves are not common things. Even tomatoes and potatoes, which are very common in later generations, are extremely rare in this era.

Lu Li made a wish that the system would be better to trigger some tasks that can reward vegetable seeds. Or to be more straightforward, just send an all-inclusive seed bag.

"Maybe I can try to guide the little witch to come and farm?"

After such a long time of communication, Lu Li has actually vaguely grasped the rules of the system triggering tasks - it will be triggered when the little witch does something new, and the reward is likely to be related to this event.

But then again.

What is the little witch doing now?



In the room of the Azusa Mausoleum.

Kikyo was staring at the moon outside the window in a daze.

She had slept intermittently during the day and was no longer sleepy.

She wanted to get out of bed and practice drawing spells. But her aching brain told her that now was not a good time to practice more.

She could only continue to stare blankly and continue to think about Edo Castle.

——But, it was very strange.

She was obviously thinking about the same thing.

However, due to the difference in time, the little witch's perspective suddenly changed.

During the day, she recalled the prosperity of Edo Castle, the noisy crowds, the aroma of wine and food.

It was all the beautiful things in the world.

But at night, she inexplicably thought of some details that she had never thought about before.

She thought of the smile on the face of the Yin Yang Master, the frown on Lu Li's face, and the pale face of the female monster.

And, more importantly - after Lu Li killed the monster, he pulled her away from Edo Castle at a high speed and returned to Azusa Mountain as quickly as possible.



Recalling Lu Li's nervousness along the way and his relieved expression after returning to Zishan, the little witch seemed to have thought of something, and her face changed instantly:

"Brother is hiding something from me!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of [In the Mood for Love]

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