【Erica:"That's right, because most disobedient gods will bring disaster to the world, killing them is naturally justice."】

【Whitebeard:"The Demon King is justice, and the Gods are evil. What an interesting world!""】

【Erica:"Yes! But there are very few people who can kill the God of Disobedience, so these demon kings are also honored by the magic world as the 'Supreme King', which is the highest honor and status."】

【Erica:"There are now six God Slayers in the world. They may have killed some weak gods at first, and then used their power to kill some stronger gods. Each of them is very important to the world."】

【Erica:"And Lu Li is the seventh demon king"】

【Toosaka Rin:"@Lu Li, Brother Lu Li, Demon King! Hey! He sounds so powerful!"】

【Lu Li:"I am not interested in Demon Kings or not. Powers are just average. There is a limit to the number of times they can be used. They are not as useful as magic."】

Lu Li has now figured out the capabilities of several powers. Generally speaking, the power of an incarnation can only be used once a day, which is obviously greatly reduced compared to the real power of gods. It is far less useful than his magic. Of course, some powers are still very good.

For example, the first incarnation is"Strong Wind".

When a familiar person calls the user's name, even if it is a pseudonym or alias, as long as the person calling the name is aware of the user's existence, they can use the"wind" to instantly move to the other person's location.

However, the conditions for use are somewhat harsh. It is necessary to know the appearance of both parties and both are in a place where the wind can reach. It can only be used when a person in danger calls the user's name.

No matter how far away, it can be reached instantly, even to another world, and it can also move instantly with the people around.

The second is the eighth incarnation, Aries, who can be resurrected after death.

The others are all very ordinary in Lu Li's opinion.

【Toosaka Rin:"Brother Lu Li is really a man who is full and does not know the hunger of a hungry man. That's because Brother Lu Li, your magic and strength are very powerful. For us, any power is an incredible power."】

【Lu Li:"Uh, sorry, but you don't have to worry, Xiaolin, you will become very strong too."】

The level of the Holy Grail world is not bad. If we count from ancient times, there are gods in the Holy Grail world.

Not counting those gods, the strength of those heroes is not weak, especially Gilgamesh. The difference may be that they are more inclined to the summoning system.

【Toosaka Rin:"If Brother Lu Li upgrades my magic, I will forgive you."】

【Lu Li:"Okay, I'll study it first."】

During this period of time, Lu Li was eager to improve his strength and had been practicing magic. He had so many magics that he could not practice them all, so he had no time to study other magics.

However, he still studied some magics intermittently during this period, such as the wing magic learned from Harpy, and the super-advanced destructive magic-crushing learned from Uncle Gildarts.

He integrated both types of magic into his own magic system.

This also resulted in the increase of two more types of magic that he needed to practice.

So he had a high standard for magic. In his opinion, the only powerful people in the Holy Grail world were the Heroic Spirits, and the masters were not much different from the small fry.

Naturally, he had no interest in those magics.

At the beginning, he and Toosaka Rin were not familiar with each other, so he naturally had no obligation to help others.

Now, after half a year of getting along, although they are only netizens, they are familiar with each other, and it’s okay to help out. He also likes all kinds of magic.

【You spent 1000 points to purchase the Magic Basic!】

【You spent 1000 points to buy the magic circuit! 】

Now these points are nothing to Lu Li.

【Toosaka Rin:"Yeah!(^-^)V!! Master Lu bought my magic!"】

After getting to know each other for a while, she knew that Lu Li's most abnormal thing was his ability to draw inferences from one thing to another, as if there was nothing he couldn't learn.

As long as Lu Li bought power, he would give a stronger feedback in return.

Lu Li began to receive this information carefully.


Lu Li's eyes lit up.

The magic power in the Holy Grail world is similar to that in the Fairy Tail world.

The magic power is divided into a large source that fills the world, and a small source that is generated in living things.

The large source is like the almost inexhaustible magic power in the air in the Fairy Tail world.

The small source is the magic source in the wizard

's body. The difference is that in the Fairy Tail world, as long as the wizard has a magic source in his body, when the magic power is consumed, he can autonomously and continuously draw magic power from the air.

But it is different in the Holy Grail world. The magic source in the human body does not actively draw magic power from the air, but requires something called a magic circuit.

The magic circuit is a magician's body that forms a transformation The magic circuit draws magic power from the outside world and forms magic power that humans can use, thereby replenishing their own magic source.

This is the organ that magicians use to transform vitality into magic power. It is something similar to nerves. Without it, magic cannot be used normally.

There are two main functions, one is the generation of magic power, and the other is the path to connect to the magic base engraved in the world.

Magicians use magic circuits to create magic power, and use magic power to grind the magic base to perform magic.

The number of magic circuits is determined at birth and will not increase due to external factors.

Therefore, magicians accumulate bloodlines for several generations to make their offspring more suitable for the body of magic.

Lu Li touched his chin:"Magic circuit? It looks very interesting."

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