In the world of Fairy Tail, the magic source of wizards can draw magic from the air for transformation, so naturally no one would create something like a"magic circuit".

But Lu Li could see that this"magic circuit" actually has great potential.

For wizards, there are two things that really limit their strength.

One is the amount of magic. For the same magic, the higher the magic output, the greater the magic power.

The magic stored in the wizard's body is limited, so every time you release magic, you need to calculate it well.

Don't look at the magic of Natsu and others in the anime one after another, they are the elite among the elites of wizards.

For most wizards, after casting a dozen low-level magic, the magic power has reached the bottom.

And the importance of magic to wizards goes without saying. If the magic power reaches the bottom, it will affect the whole body. Physical weakness is the lowest level of impact. In serious cases, it may even lead to death.

The other is magic. Different magics have different powers.

When the magic power is insufficient, some magics are not even qualified to be learned.

In Lu Li's opinion, there should be another one, that is the speed of magic recovery.

This kind of magic has a very low presence in the world of Fairy Tail, because almost everyone relies on their own magic source to recover.

So Lu Li created the meditation method.

Meditation can speed up the speed at which the magic source absorbs magic from the air.

But that can only maintain the release of some not particularly powerful magic, such as the maintenance of daily practice.

If some powerful magic is released, the magic will be consumed quickly. Even if the meditation method is turned on, the absorption of the magic source is limited.

It's like a bucket of water. The faucet is constantly dripping, but there is a hole under the bucket. After a long time, the bucket will naturally be empty.

Lu Li, not just one hole, but several holes. Each of his magic is very powerful, and the price of powerful magic is that the consumption of magic is also very huge.

So even if Lu Li now has two magic sources, he still needs to calculate when fighting.

The"magic circuit" provides Lu Li with a very novel idea. Using the"magic circuit" to directly draw magic from the atmosphere to cast magic, then there is no need to worry about insufficient magic when casting magic.

Of course, according to his understanding, the magic power that the 'magic circuit' absorbs from the air is also limited, and it is mainly determined by the number of 'magic circuits'.

Moreover, when the magic circuit is functioning, the human body will be accompanied by corresponding pain.

This is easy to say. The human body will be accompanied by corresponding pain, but what about non-human beings, such as dragons.

Lu Li carefully recalled the method of opening the magic circuit in his mind, and then began to open the magic circuit for himself.

After a while, a 'magic circuit' appeared on the surface of Lu Li's body.’

"The opening went smoothly! Keep going! I want to see how many magic circuits I can open.’"

Soon, the second, third, fourth...

This feeling is just like breaking through the acupuncture points in martial arts novels.

As time goes by, Lu Li's"magic circuits" are increasing. Soon, 108 magic circuits appear on Lu Li's body.


Lu Li frowned. He could feel that 108 was not his limit, but the limit of this 'magic circuit' development method. The secret method of the Tosaka family to develop the 'magic circuit' was already very good, but the limit could only be here.

And he felt that this magic circuit that was independent of the magic source was actually not perfect.

Lu Li closed his eyes and began to think.

【You feel that the development method of the 'magic circuit' is not perfect enough. You start to think that since the 'magic circuit' draws magic power from the atmosphere, it must naturally be rooted in the magic source. With the magic source as the core, you begin to transform the development method of the 'magic circuit'.】

【Your comprehension is incredible, and you have successfully created a new 'magic circuit' development method. Please name it!】

"It's called"Dragon God Magic Circuit Development Method』"


Lu Li licked his lips and said to himself with some expectation:"Let's see how many magic circuits I can open up this time." Lu Li began to use the"Dragon God Magic Circuit Development Method

" he created to open up the"magic circuit".

The 109th, 110th, 111th...

As time went by, Lu Li stopped until he opened up the 360th magic circuit.

"A magic source opens up 360 'magic circuits'?"

At this time, 360 red flame-like 'magic circuits' appeared on Lu Li's body surface, and it looked like he was wearing a magic costume.

"Now that the magic circuits have been developed, we need to rebuild the circuit combinations."

The magic circuits are not simply about quantity, but need to be coordinated with each other. Only by combining them can the power be maximized.

For example, graphite and diamond are both made of carbon. When graphite is touched, it will break, while when diamond is touched, the other will break.

【You start thinking about how to combine 360 'magic circuits'】

【Your comprehension is amazing, and you have successfully created a new 'magic circuit' combination. Please name it!】

"It's called"Dragon God and Demon Costume"』!"

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