After leaving the atrium corridor, Jiang Zhou forced himself to move forward. He eventually fell down at the entrance of the stairs.


"Hey, what's wrong with you? Is it because of the weird weather just now?"

"Hey, hold on, I'll take you to the infirmary now!"

The voice of the prison guard made Jiang Zhou completely relax. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he completely fainted.

"We have won."

Five minutes later, Jiang Zhou's body was carried up on a stretcher by two prison guards.

They were carried to the direction of the medical building.

On the way, Father Pucci was walking back from the atrium.

He had completely confirmed that the disk was not taken away by the SPW people, nor was it left in the original place, so it could only be on Kujo Jolyne!

On the way back, Father Pucci happened to meet Jiang Zhou who was being carried.

When the two prison guards saw Father Pucci, they also put Jiang Zhou aside and hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Priest"


Pucci nodded, then looked at Jiang Zhou lying on the stretcher and asked in confusion,"What happened to him?"

"Oh, it must be an allergic reaction caused by the poison dart frog's body fluid sticking to my body. I need to go to the infirmary for an injection and rest for two days."

"I see."Father Pucci nodded again, not paying attention. Since Jiang Zhou also had a large rash on his face, the priest did not recognize him as the prison guard who opened the door for him.

"Then you should send him to the infirmary as soon as possible. Even if it is just an allergy, it cannot be taken lightly."

""Yes, Mr. Father."

He dismissed the two prison guards succinctly.

Father Pucci now just wanted to get back to the chapel as soon as possible, and then plan how to take Star Platinum back from Jolyne Kujo. He never thought that the prison guard who was lying on the stretcher at this moment was the one who finally got Star Platinum. In the confinement room.

Jolyne Kujo sat on the iron bed, facing the wall in a daze.

The scene that happened in the atrium was still replaying in her mind.

The prison guard disappeared in front of her eyes out of thin air. There was no doubt that it was the time-stopping power of Star Platinum, but she couldn't figure out why the prison guard could control the power of Star Platinum, and if his father Jotaro Kujo couldn't get the disk again, he might never wake up again.

"Damn it, why did things turn out like this!"Kujo Jolyne punched the wall with her fist, and bright red blood flowed down the back of her hand.

The intense pain spread from the back of her hand to her whole body.

"Stay calm. The more you have to stay calm at this time, the more you have to stay calm. If you can find the prison guard, you may be able to get the disk back. There is no trace of the prison guard in the direction where the weather forecast and I came from, so the prison guard should be from the men's prison."

"Qi, in this case, can't we ask F.F. and Ames for help? Weather forecast is also seriously injured and should still be lying on the bed in the medical building."There was a bit of struggle in Jolyne's eyes. If there was no one to turn to, she really didn't want to ask for help from a stranger who had never spoken to her.

In Emporio's room, there was a man with pink hair. He would be Jolyne's last hope.

"In other words, what I have to do now is to wait for Emporio to come again in the confinement room."

Thinking of this, Jolyne Kujo wiped the blood off her hands with the only rag she had, and then lay down on the bed.

On the other side, in the medical building.

After being injected with anti-allergic drugs, Jiang Zhou also woke up from the bed.

Because he had been unconscious for a long time, his lips were a little chapped and he urgently needed to replenish water.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, the Star Platinum automatically appeared beside him and handed him a cup of warm water.

"......"Jiang Zhou was stunned for a moment after taking the water, then he reacted and said to Star Platinum with a smile:"Thank you, Star Platinum."

But Star Platinum just disappeared into thin air.

"Do you only have a small amount of self-awareness, or do you still hate me as a thief?"Jiang Zhou drank water in small sips, and at the same time thought about the next action in his mind. The most important Star Platinum has been obtained.

But the danger is far from over. Although there is no surveillance in the courtyard of the atrium, if Father Pucci does not find the substitute of Star Platinum in Jolyne Kujo, he may still suspect him.

Moreover, Father Pucci's ultimate goal is to speed up time. The scope of influence of Heaven's Creation is the entire universe. In other words, unless he can escape to a parallel universe, he will eventually stand on the opposite side of Father Pucci.

As for praying for Jolyne Kujo and Anna Sui to stop the priest?

That is even more impossible. Jotaro Kujo was wiped out on the scene, not to mention the other few small fish-like characters.

Moreover, it is not Jiang Zhou's character to pin his fate on the efforts of others.

If this is really the case, then he doesn't need to fight for the substitute of Star Platinum at all. He just needs to find a chapel and pray for Jolyne Kujo and others.

"However, I still need to build a good relationship with Jolyne Kujo and the others."Jiang Zhou sat up slightly, leaning his back against the hard headboard.

To be precise, he needs to build a good relationship with the SPW consortium behind Jolyne Kujo. Strictly speaking, he is an illegal crosser and an illegal immigrant in this world. He will not have any legal identity after leaving this prison.

The law is not as relaxed as it was decades ago. If he is really encountered by the US police, he will not be a prison guard when he returns here.

"With Kujo Jolyne's intelligence, he should have guessed that I was a prison guard at the men's prison.���Then he stepped on his slippers and went to the nurse to complete the discharge procedures.

What he had to do now was to return to the men's prison as soon as possible and wait for Kujo Jolyne's helpers to come to him.

"The weather forecast is lying in this building now, which means it will be Anna Sui."

When Jiang Zhou thought of that dangerous man, he felt a chill.

The ability of the Angry Sea Diver to disassemble and reassemble may sound similar to Crazy Diamond, but in practice, it is much more bloody and violent than Crazy Diamond.

You know, the reason why Anna Sui went to jail was because she witnessed her girlfriend cheating on her, and then she personally [disassembled the bodies of the two]】

"I'm a little nervous about coming into contact with someone like this."

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