Green Dolphin Prison is a prison built on an isolated island, with only a ten-minute drive to the land by cross-sea bridge.

Therefore, in order to facilitate the work of the prison police in the prison, a prison guard's apartment was specially set up inside the prison.

The apartment is next to No. 1, connected to the main control building, and it is only a twenty-minute walk from the men's prison for adults.

After returning to the apartment, Jiang Zhou first had a simple sandwich, and then he couldn't wait to adapt to the ability of Star Platinum.

In addition to the ability to stop time, Star Platinum is worthy of praise for its almost invincible five A and one C panel. In addition to the basic power and speed double A, Star Platinum also has the rarest attribute of a close-range power stand-precision A.

Looking at parts 3 to 6, the only stand that can have both power and speed A at the same time and a precision of A is Jotaro Kujo.

In the process of confronting the world with the same power and speed double A, Star Platinum can quietly place magnets on DIO's cuffs while being high-speed Euler. This is the advantage of high precision


At this moment, an annoying sound reached Jiang Zhou's ears. Jiang Zhou turned his head slightly, and the figure of Star Platinum instantly appeared behind him. The extremely high precision provided it with precise image recognition capabilities, allowing Jiang Zhou to easily see the creature that made the sound.


"The appearance is metallic with a black sheen.

The entire antennae are feather-like.

There is a distinct depression on the second segment of the antennae.

There are two dorsal setae and the last post-shoulder setae at the side-to-front seam.......

"Jiang Zhou, who was familiar with the encyclopedia of insects, was familiar with these characteristics and made the final judgment,"This is a vomiting blowfly of the genus Calliphoridae, family Calliphoridae, which lives in temperate and tropical regions.


"Without a rear shield, it seems that this fly is somewhat underdeveloped.

Jiang Zhou smiled, and then gave the order to Star Platinum to attack.


Star Platinum punched at the speed of light and caught the fly's two wings in 0.04 seconds.


The fly's wings were pinched, and its cries became even louder. It was also struggling constantly, but with such little strength, it was hard to escape from the child's hands, let alone the Platinum Star.

However, Jiang Zhou had no intention of hurting the fly, and then walked to the window and threw the fly out.

The moment it left his hands, the fly flew up again without any obstacles.

The wings, which were thinner than white paper, were not hurt at all by the pinching just now.

Turning around, Jiang Zhou leaned against the windowsill and took out a bag of steel balls that he had prepared long ago.

"Next is shooting training......."Jiang Zhou controlled Star Platinum, picked up a steel ball, and made a shooting motion.

Not all enemies would fight with Star Platinum within the range of the Stand.

Most of the battles were outside the range.

Using steel balls could guarantee an effective range of 20 meters within the control range, and compared to pistols, steel balls were more convenient to carry, so they became Jiang Zhou's [preferred ammunition】

"So the first......"

Jiang Zhou's eyes flashed, and he instantly locked onto a dartboard on the wall opposite the window.

With a bang, a steel marble was embedded in the center of the target.

Then, two more darts broke through the air.

"call out——"

"call out——"

The two steel balls hit the bull's eye one after another, pushing the steel ball that was originally embedded in the bull's eye deeper.

Jiang Zhou walked closer to check and found that it had broken through the target and embedded in the wall.

"There is no problem with the accuracy."Jiang Zhou nodded,"However, the next test cannot be carried out in the room."

After the accuracy, Jiang Zhou wanted to test the Platinum Star's continuous punches.

He didn't dare to try the boxing that exceeded the speed of light easily in his room.

Although the room could be repaired with public funds if it was damaged, or he could directly change to another room with his connections, it would inevitably attract the attention of the priest, and he was not sure if he could fight with the priest....At least he would not confront Father Pucci head-on until he had fully mastered the Platinum Star.

With this belief, Jiang Zhou went to the prison guards' usual activity room.

Since it was still working time, there was no one in the activity room except for a prisoner cleaning.

"Hey, the room is already clean, you can go clean other places."

Jiang Zhou waved at the prisoner, and then walked to the fitness area in the corner of the room.

The prisoner also hurriedly left the room and closed the door before leaving.



Not long after the prisoner left, continuous hitting sounds began to be heard in the room.

Until the sound of heavy objects falling was heard.

The next second, Jiang Zhou pushed open the door and walked out, with a slightly wet towel around his neck.

After Jiang Zhou left, the prisoner cleaner walked out from the corner of the stairs.

He just heard the sound of sandbags falling!


But when he opened the door, he found that the room was cleaner and tidier than he had imagined.

"What on earth is going on here?" The prisoner was puzzled.

The room was even cleaner than when he left.

The prisoner walked through every corner, trying to find a speck of dust.

But the result disappointed him greatly.


The cleaning was almost perfect!

Even in the most difficult corners, there was not a speck of dust at all.

"But, was there a sandbag here?"The prisoner Lawrence scratched his head, but he did not suspect Jiang Zhou.

After all, Jiang Zhou did not take anything with him except a towel when he left.

It is impossible that he hid more than 40 kilograms of sandbags under his sweat-soaked clothes?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Walking out of the spotless room, Lawrence's feet made a rustling sound when he stepped on the floor of the corridor.

"What is this?"Lorens bent down and touched the ground. It was brown particles with a metallic sheen.

"Like the stuffing in a sandbag......."

But the next second, a silver light flashed.

Lawrence's body fell forward, but the next second he suddenly stood up and staggered to the corner of the blind spot of the surveillance camera.

"Oh my, there are so many talented people in the prison. Wouldn't it be better to be a little stupid?"

Jiang Zhou held Lawrence's body and placed him in a corner.

Then he stopped time again, cleaned the sand on the ground, and scattered a handful of leaves.

Then he left the scene.

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