"You big idiot! If you can really sense my emotions, then is it not good to silently guard each other, why force me like this?

Sharna scolded angrily, her eyes blurring, tears silently streaming down her cheeks.

In this regard, Ye Zhao was smiling. Although his face was hot and painful, he didn't pay attention to it, but the small universe burned more violently.

In the next instant, a purple light also suddenly cut through the sky, and immediately appeared beside the two, it was the silver holy robe of Ophiuchus.

"Why, why would my holy robe—

" "I summoned it!" Sharna, although you are the Ophiuchus Saint Seiya recognized by the Holy Domain, my guardian constellation is also Ophiuchus, and the small universe is much stronger than you, so naturally you can also summon the Holy Clothes!

"What do you want to do?"

"I just want to leave you a little relic before I die!"


Sharna looked shocked, but Ye Zhao didn't say much, just walked to the side of the holy robe, and then swung down with a punch.

Although Ye Zhao was not wearing a holy robe, the powerful small universe still made him burst out with unimaginable destructive power. The silver holy robe of Ophiuchus was completely crushed at the touch of a button, and it was directly beaten into sparseness by Ye Zhao's punch!

"What are you doing, why are you destroying the holy robe?"

"Because, this is the only way for me to evolve and grow the Holy Clothes at the moment!"

In the face of Sharna's questioning, Ye Zhao's eyes flashed with determination. With a swipe of the right hand, the aortic artery of the left hand was directly cut by the hand knife, and blood immediately flowed out and dripped onto the already shattered holy robe.

"Ye Zhao, you are..."

"Sharna, my right hand can heal any injury, disease, and this is effective for any life. And the holy robe of the Saint Seiya is actually not just a protective armor, it is actually alive. If it is slightly damaged, the Holy Robe can completely repair itself. However, if it is seriously damaged, it will need to be repaired by the corresponding craftsman. If a vestment is damaged to the limit, it will cause the garment to lose its life, that is, the death of the vestment. In this case, the restoration of the Holy Robe requires baptism with the blood of the Saint Seiya, and the baptized Holy Robe will be reborn into a stronger form. My right hand can actually completely restore the broken holy robe, but simply restoring the holy robe with my right hand will not allow the holy robe to evolve. Therefore, killing this Ophiuchus silver holy robe, and with the help of my blood and right hand, is enough to regenerate and reincarnate this holy robe! Although I am not yet a Saint Seiya, I have reached the level of a Golden Saint Seiya. With the infusion of my Golden Saint Seiya-level blood, the silver holy robe of Ophiuchus will definitely evolve, I can be sure of this!

"Enough, enough, if you continue to bleed, you will die from excessive blood loss!"

Seeing that Ye Zhao not only did not only have blood, but also used the small universe to accelerate the outflow of his own blood, Sharna was also heartbroken in her heart.

As for the rules after the mask was taken off, she had long been unable to take care of it at this time, and she was only worried about Ye Zhao's safety.

Ye Zhao didn't say anything more about this.

To revive a dead holy robe, at least one-third of the Saint Seiya's HP is required.

After Ye Zhao estimated the amount of blood he was shedding, his right hand was directly placed on the body of the holy robe.

In the next instant, with the flash of golden light, the Ophiuchus Silver Saint Robe reacted with his blood and directly fused together.

"Heal the Ophiuchus Silver Holy Robe successfully, gain the skill: Thunder and Lightning Serpent Claw!"

"Gain Skill: Thunder Serpent Fang!"

"Gain Skill: Snake!"


"This is ... So it is, Ophiuchus Silver Saint Seiya skills!

As a stream of information surfaced in his mind, Ye Zhao also immediately understood the situation.

Although the Healing Saint Robe is not like the Healing Saint Seiya, which can obtain the attributes of the four-dimensional and small universe, it can obtain the skills of the previous Saint Seiya wearing the Holy Vestment!

In Ye Zhao's opinion, this is also very good!

Soon, the Ophiuchus Silver Holy Robe appeared in front of Ye Zhao and Sharna in a new attitude.

Even if they weren't wearing it, the two could feel the vigorous vitality emanating from the holy robe.

"This is the newborn Ophiuchus holy robe!"

"Well, it's not bad, it's really getting a lot stronger!"

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said, but because of excessive blood loss, his consciousness began to become blurred.

Then he stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Ye Zhao..."

"I'm okay! But you, Sharna, I have seen your face under that mask, according to the rules, you should kill me! Now, you're ready to get your hands dirty!

"No, don't say it! I admit, I'm in love with you!

Sharna burst into tears again and took the bloodless Ye Zhao into her arms.

Feeling the softness and heartbeat in Sharna's chest, Ye Zhao couldn't help but smile and hugged Sharna.

At this moment, the small universe of the two resonated again.

Perhaps because the frankness of the two had a good result, this time, the two small universes merged more fiercely, until finally completely integrated, regardless of each other.

It's just that although they are integrated, it is Sharna's small universe that is integrated into Ye Zhao's small universe.

In other words, it is a situation in which Sharna is supplemented and Ye Zhao is the mainstay.

Sharna understood at this moment that Ye Zhao was indeed not her heir, but her master.

She is Ye Zhao's snake, and Ye Zhao is her husband, a man and a woman under the Ophiuchus' seat, and Ye Zhao is destined to catch her snake.

This was already doomed when the two met!

"Ye Zhao, your healing ability should also be useful to yourself, right?"

"It really works!"

Ye Zhao said, and his right hand was also pressed to his chest.

Soon, as the golden light flickered, Ye Zhaoren also recovered as before.

Not only did the symptoms of excessive blood loss completely recover, but even the slap marks that Sharna had left on her face before disappeared.

However, although the skills given to him by the system can heal himself, they cannot superimpose their own attributes.

In Ye Zhao's opinion, this is the only deficiency of the system.

If he can superimpose his own attributes, then Ye Zhao doesn't mind giving himself a knife every day, and then healing, and constantly "brushing points".

At that time, his small universe is afraid that he will have to break through the sky, and even the Lord God will not be able to catch up.

At that time, even if the realm is insufficient and there is a powerful small universe body, Ye Zhao is confident enough to deal with most situations.

Of course, this is just thinking about it, the system does not have this kind of BUG to mess around!

"Great... Don't make such a mess in the future, you know?

Unconsciously, Sharna's words were already mixed with some tenderness.

Ye Zhao looked at her bright eyes and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I'm sorry, Sharna, I'm afraid, I'm really going to mess around again!"

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