"What do you want to do?"

Because the small universe is completely integrated, Sharna now also has complete trust in Ye Zhao.

But when she heard that he was going to mess around, Sharna couldn't help but be a little worried.

She didn't know what Ye Zhao wanted to do, but it was definitely not a good thing!

In this regard, Ye Zhao caressed Sharna's hair and calmed her emotions.

"Sharna, do you know the realm of the small universe?"


"That's right, Sharna, although your ability is not enough, some common sense should also be clear. As we all know, those who can make their own small universe burn and explode can win in battle, but this is only a superficial statement. It's like saying I, Sharna, you should be able to feel my little universe. Do you think that even if you burn and explode the small universe to the maximum, you can defeat me?

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Sharna immediately shook her head.

Ye Zhao's small universe is so vast and vast, although Sharna can't fully detect it, she also knows that even just the tip of the iceberg and a drop in the bucket are enough to crush her.

Even if Ye Zhao didn't wear a holy robe, Sharna didn't have the slightest chance of victory.

"Sharna, as I know, everything in this big universe was created by the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Ordinary human beings can only rely on five senses to observe the universe - eyesight, ear knowledge, nose knowledge, tongue knowledge, and body knowledge! The reason why the bronze and silver Saint Seiya have power beyond ordinary people is because their sixth sense, the mind, is strong enough. The powerful sixth sense also allows ordinary Saint Seiya to obtain excellent superpowers and step into the realm of the speed of sound! But this is not enough, at least in front of the Golden Saint Seiya, the power of the sixth sense, that is simply not enough to see!

As he spoke, Ye Zhaoren also took a deep breath and completely revealed his small universe.

At this moment, Sharna's eyes couldn't help but flicker. In her six senses, she was as if she was in an endless river of stars.

She knew that this was Ye Zhao's power. In front of Ye Zhao's small universe, her little strength is afraid that she can't even compare to a speck of dust in the desert!


Feel it, Sharna, this is the real power of the little universe!" The reason why the Golden Saint Seiya is so powerful is precisely because they have comprehended the essence of the small universe, the ultimate small universe, and the seventh sense-the knowledge of the end! Just as after the Big Bang, the universe will continue to expand at the speed of light, the seventh sense of the realm, the golden saint of the last knowledge, has also entered the realm of the speed of light!

"The speed of light! Doesn't that mean..."

Sharna's face was full of horror, and Ye Zhao also nodded.

"That's right, the Golden Saint Seiya who comprehended the seventh sense, their second speed is at least 300,000 kilometers! Bronze and Silver Saint Seiya, who only has a sixth sense, mind, and can only reach several times the speed of sound at most, is definitely not comparable to the Golden Saint Seiya! Legend has it that in the mythical era of the reign of the Titan god king, Kronos, that is, the golden age, human beings are immortal and immortal, and they have a seventh sense at birth. At that time, the earth was full of fruitful fruits, and it was usually possible to pick and enjoy sweet fruits without labor. Human beings are like gods, without any troubles or worries. The era of the reign of the Olympian gods was the silver age of mankind. At that time, human beings were born with a strong sixth sense, so they generally had superpowers, but they were far from being comparable to the humans of the golden age! Today, modern humans can only be regarded as the Bronze Age, not only losing their seventh sense, but also degrading their sixth sense. Although the population base has increased by hundreds or thousands of times, there are very few awakening the sixth sense, or even the seventh sense! And even if modern humans awaken the sixth and seventh senses through cultivation, there is still a gap compared with the humans of the silver and golden ages! After all, what is innate is always much stronger than the acquired cultivation! This point, life is the most intuitive embodiment!

"So it was... However, your purpose should not be the seventh sense! In itself, you have already comprehended the seventh sense!

Sharna said, but Ye Zhao did not refute it.

"It's true that the seventh sense doesn't really mean anything to me anymore. The reason why I say this to you is just to let you understand the realm of the small universe and give you a goal of becoming stronger! Moreover, the seventh sense itself is not the end of the small universe, it can only be regarded as an important milestone for mankind! Because only those who comprehend the seventh sense are qualified to pursue that higher realm! "

A higher realm?"

"Hmm... In different mythological systems in the East and the West, the existence of comprehending the seventh sense often has different titles! Half-immortal, half-Buddha, half-god, and so on. And since there are half-immortals and half-gods, they can naturally grow into true immortals and true gods! And the essence of the small universe, the eighth sense, Alaya knowledge, is the beginning of man's growth to God!

"In addition to the seventh sense, there is also the eighth sense—Alaya knowledge. That is, the Golden Saint Seiya, still not the most powerful!

"Of course! No matter how powerful the Golden Saint Seiya is, he is always a human being, how can it be the most powerful! This eighth sense is a dividing line. Everyone has the first sense of the small universe, but having a small universe does not mean that the small universe has awakened. Only by awakening the small universe can it exert its due power. This eighth sense is deeper in the seventh sense, and many people are not aware of its existence until death. However, this is also reasonable, only living people can awaken the small universe, once a person dies, the small universe of the first sense of seventh sense will be interrupted. Even if the eighth sense appears after death, without the support of the first seven senses, the eighth sense will have no power at all, which can be said to be a castle in the air! However, if people can awaken the eighth sense while they are alive, they can break through the boundary between life and death and enter the state of immortality!

"Not born or destroyed?"

Sharna was a little puzzled, and Ye Zhao also continued: "It is indeed immortal. You can understand that there is no concept of life and no concept of death. In this state, people can also break the constraints of the laws of the underworld and enter the underworld alive!

"Entering the underworld alive, is this still human?"

"No, it's still human! It's just that those who comprehend the eighth sense are the human beings who are closest to God! Moreover, since the eighth sense can break through the shackles of the laws of the underworld, then other laws can naturally break through. It's just that life and death are the most accessible laws for human beings. Therefore, human beings comprehend the eighth sense, and generally start from this aspect!

"Ye Zhao, shouldn't you want to..."

Sharna's voice trembled a little, but Ye Zhao nodded and said, "That's right, just like you think, I'm ready to die once!"

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