""King's move."

A flat male voice sounded in the tea room.

Beside the lingering tea fragrance, Su Mo flipped through a book with one hand and casually placed the last piece with the other.

In front of him was a shogi board.

On the board, with the last move, the black chess pieces were like a dense net, completely killing the enemy's king and general, leaving no room for maneuver.

"How is it possible?!"

Opposite the man was a junior high school girl wearing a JC uniform, with silver-blue hair and a delicate and pretty face.

Sora Ginko, also known as Naniwa Shirayuki-hime, has always been hailed as the strongest female chess player in Japan in the past thousand years. At a young age, she has won the titles of"Queen" and"Female Throne", and her reputation in the field of Japanese shogi has risen rapidly.

And such a famous professional chess player actually lost to the man opposite in just two minutes.

"How could this happen?"

Kong Yinzi knelt weakly, with her hands on the ground, her two slender legs on both sides of her body, and her delicate body trembling slightly.

"I had clearly already 'handed off', and even the biggest 'ten pieces', and was also reading a book while playing chess, but I didn't even have the strength to fight back, and couldn't even last two minutes?!"

The young girl's tender face was full of shock, without any trace of her usual coldness and arrogance.

As a professional chess player, she was defeated so easily even though she was given ten chess pieces.

Even if her chess skills were not top-notch, even the strongest dragon kings of all generations could not suppress her so strongly under such circumstances.

Seeing the girl's worldview being shattered and hit into a trance, I'm afraid she couldn't react for a while no matter what was done to her. Faced with this familiar scene, both the owner of the villa, Su Mo, and the maid beside her were no longer surprised.

The maid with blonde twin ponytails beside her made the red tea she had just learned and served it to her. Su Mo nodded slightly, not caring about the frustrated girl in front of him, and continued to flip through the books with various mysterious symbols on his hands. It was not until a few minutes later that Kong Yinzi came back to her senses from the intense shock.

She bit her thin lips slightly, looked up at the man in front of her who was impeccable in both appearance and figure, and the shock in her pupils faintly turned into respect and admiration under the absolute strength suppression.

"You are worthy of being praised as the chess master who has never been before and will never be surpassed! Lord Su Mo, even if you look through the entire history of mankind, you are still the undisputed strongest!"

"A strong man like you must have gone through unimaginable trials to stand at the top!"

She has been arrogant since she was a child, but when facing the man in front of her, she does not show any arrogance.

Because the man sitting in front of her is a master of a series of fields such as Go, chess, international chess, and shogi. Even artificial intelligence is inferior to him. He is known as the strongest chess master in human history.

Facing such an existence, she can only admire him and cannot think of challenging him.

At this moment, her tone is also very serious.

In Kong Yinzi's view, only those with a heart as clear as a mirror can reach the level of chess master.

However, in the face of such flattery, Su Mo just shook his head calmly.



"Actually, I was just short of money at that time, so I went to get the bonus. Before that, I had basically never touched shogi, let alone practiced it."

"Ah ?"

Kong Yinzi was dumbfounded. This was different from what was hyped in the news!


"Someone who has never played shogi before, just because he wants the prize money, becomes a shogi master in a short time?"

Is it possible?

Seeing the stunned look on the face of the newly recruited maid, Su Mo explained casually:

"As a professional chess player, you should know that chess character has nothing to do with one's character, and has nothing to do with spiritual cultivation. The so-called chess skills are nothing more than a puzzle game that tests computing power."

Stripping away all the pretense, the man's words go straight to the essence.

"As a game that tests computing power, although Shogi has upgrade rules, its overall complexity is far less than that of Go. The upper limit of Go's complexity is only 3 to the power of 361."

"As long as the computing power is sufficient to cover Go, it would be easy to win in other chess fields."

Hearing Su Mo's words in the calmest tone, Kong Yinzi was stunned again.

"Without the help of fixed patterns, relying on pure computing power to cover all the changes in chess?"

Even the most advanced supercomputers today can't do this level of calculation, right?

Most people outside believe that the chess master defeated his opponent by defeating the weaknesses of artificial intelligence, but after hearing what Su Mo said, could it be that he didn't have any layout at the time, but just used pure computing power to crush artificial intelligence?

Is this really something that humans can do?

"If this is all simple, what else in the world can be called difficult?"

Kong Yinzi complained speechlessly.

She originally wanted to sigh, but she didn't expect that Su Mo would give an immediate answer.

"Of course!"


"For example...surpassing humans!"

This is a slightly complicated tone.


Hearing this completely unexpected answer, Kong Yinzi looked up at the chess master in front of him and found that Su Mo's attention was already focused on the book.

Unlike his careless expression when facing the chessboard, Su Mo's expression was obviously much more serious when facing the book in his hand.

Looking at the various books scattered around his seat and the mysterious symbols on the cover, Kong Yinzi showed a puzzled expression.

《Hermeticism: The Society of Psychological Alchemy》、《Jade Record》、《Book of the Dead》……Why is Lord Su Mo so interested in mythology and religion?���Interested?

She opened her mouth, and then remembered the maid rules she had just memorized. She did not ask any more questions, but fulfilled her maid duties. After heating up the tea that Senior Eriri had brewed, she packed up the chessboard, and left with Senior Eriri, leaving the master with a quiet environment.

A few minutes after Kong Yinzi left, Su Mo turned to the last page of the book in his hand, shook his head, and put it aside.

"There is no problem with the theoretical framework, but the actual operation still has no effect... Even Hermeticism, which has been degraded as the evil of evil and the heresy of heresy, has no reaction. Could it be that this world really has no possibility of any extraordinary things?"

Obviously, Su Mo is a time traveler.

After traveling to this everyday world, he did not gain any extraordinary golden fingers except that his brain became more useful and his comprehension improved.

In modern society, relying solely on his super high comprehension is enough to make him thrive.

In fact, the title of chess saint that Kong Yinzi is eyeing is just one of Su Mo's least noteworthy achievements.

With his strong comprehension, he has achieved achievements in the economy, politics, culture, and technology that are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and has gained enough power to influence the world, even to the extent that even the chaebol of the Shinomiya family dreams of giving his daughter to him as a maid.

After reaching the pinnacle of power in the secular society, Su Mo's eyes began to turn to Towards the extraordinary.

Since he can travel through time, it proves that there must be some kind of mysterious power.

Unfortunately, no matter how he studies the religions and history of this world, or how he comes into contact with the knowledge of those secret sects, he cannot find any trace of the extraordinary.

So far, he has gone through all the existing mysterious information in this world, and has mastered many mystical theoretical systems. It can be said that he has become a master-level figure who knows the most about mysterious knowledge in the world.

However, he still has not found any hope of transcendence.

This world seems to be an ordinary world without magic.

No matter how amazing his understanding is, it is impossible for him to achieve transcendence in a world where the rules do not allow the extraordinary to appear.

"Could it be that even if I travel through time, I can only grow old, get sick and die like ordinary people, and become a pile of yellow earth after a hundred years?"

After sighing in his heart, Su Mo did not give up.

If he wanted to pursue the extraordinary, how could he give up so early?

Even if he couldn't find the way forward, he would carve out a way for himself!

With his own understanding, even if he went against the will of heaven, he might not have no chance.

Just when Su Mo was about to reorganize the information, a mechanical sound suddenly rang in his mind.

"Dear group members, welcome to join the Dimension Chat Group"

【Madoka:"Welcome newcomer!"】

【Kanae:"Welcome newcomer!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Welcome newcomer!"】

【Erica:"Welcome newcomers!"

Looking at the translucent screen that suddenly lit up in front of him, and the repeaters on the screen, Su Mo's breathing stagnated slightly, and he clenched his palms tightly.

The extraordinary opportunity that he had been dreaming of for so long actually came so suddenly?!

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