Su Mo, who was familiar with online novels in his previous life, was no stranger to the dimensional chat group.

A chat group that could connect the heavens and the worlds was exactly the opportunity he had dreamed of.

Even though the so-called chat group was not like other golden fingers that could directly provide the opportunity to become stronger with one click like a nanny, for Su Mo, as long as he could get in touch with extraordinary power, it was enough.

"No matter what kind of power it is, as long as it can be touched, it can be interfered with, and as long as it can be interfered with, it can be controlled."

Su Mo's expression was calm.

With his understanding, if the rules of the world did not really allow the extraordinary to appear, he would have already opened up his own path.

As long as there is an opportunity to become stronger, without the help of anyone else, he has enough confidence to reach the peak, or even surpass the peak!

Now, this opportunity has come!

Under his gaze, the messages in the chat group flashed one by one.

【Xiao Yuan:"Su Mo? Judging from the name, he should be the elder brother, why isn't he talking?"】

【Kanae:"Is it because it's my first time to come into contact with this kind of thing? I was also scared at the time, and I thought I was hit by some kind of blood demon magic!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I thought it was some kind of special magic at first, luckily I wasn't scared at first."】

【Xiaoyuan:"Eh? No?"】

【Erica:"Yeah, isn’t it?"】

【Erica:"The fox laughs.JPG"】

【Erica:"Mom and Dad, save me… Which lady said this at that time?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Shut up, you talkative vixen! Stop talking!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Flip the table.JPG!"】


【Erica:"I'll give you one more chance to rephrase your words. What did you call me?"】

"Damn it, this guy bullied me again!"

In the Type-Moon World, Fuyuki City, the Tosaka Residence.

A black-haired girl with twin ponytails, who looked no more than six or seven years old, clenched her fists angrily, wanting to punch Erica in the face for always teasing her.

"I called you a fox! What's wrong? Come and bite me!"

After waving her fist angrily, she said——

【Toosaka Rin:"I just called you Sister Erica! Kind and beautiful Sister Erica, what happened just now?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Acting cute.JPG"】

There was no way out. The situation was stronger than the person.

Not to mention that she still needed Erica's help. No matter how upset she felt, she had to swallow her anger.

【Erica:"Well, that’s pretty good!"】

【Erica:"I like the way you try to be tough but have to give in."】

Erica was naturally satisfied, but Toosaka Rin was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"This damned female vixen has such a bad personality!"

After growling in dissatisfaction, Toosaka Rin suddenly remembered the newcomer.

"Wait, if the newcomer is also a big shot, then there is no need to ask Erica for help, and the newcomer can also ask for help?"

Thinking of this, she was shocked and immediately checked the group member information of the newcomer. The public information of chat group members is generally very little. In addition to the name, the first thing you see is their world level.

Click in to see the corresponding strength level of the group members.

Other than this information,

Toosaka Rin, who was holding on to hope, quickly read the information, and then shook her head regretfully.

【Toosaka Rin:"Is he just an ordinary person in the ordinary world? What a pity!"

It seems that there is no way to escape Erica's clutches for the time being.

Thinking of this, Toosaka Rin, who had just joined the group not long ago, realized that she had accidentally said what was in her heart. Although this sentence is true, it is too rude to say it to a stranger.

So she hurriedly began to explain

【Toosaka Rin:"Sorry! I don't mean to look down on ordinary people, I just feel a little regretful that I can't hug your thighs."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Actually, according to the rules of the group, except for Erica, we are the same as ordinary people and we are not"】

【Toosaka Rin:"So, please don't mind my words."】

Ordinary magicians may be prejudiced against ordinary people, but Rin Tohsaka does not have this bad habit.

Fortunately, she is actually quite popular. When she made a slip of the tongue, others helped to explain.

【Xiaoyuan:"Well, Sister Lin has no bad intentions, and I am also an ordinary person. I hope that big brother doesn't mind."】

【Erica:"Indeed, according to the group level classification, even on my side, most of the people are ordinary people who are not in the rank, so there is no need to mind."】

Seeing everyone's speech, Su Mo's expression remained calm.

With his mentality, he naturally wouldn't care about this tone problem. Compared with this, he cared more about another point.

【Su Mo:"It's okay, just telling the truth, I don't mind"】

【Su Mo:"Compared to this, what does entering the rank mean?"

Is it a division of strength?

Su Mo, who was thinking this way, soon got the answer from the enthusiastic members.

Rank refers to the rules for dividing strength within the dimensional chat group.

Entering the rank, that is, just entering the first rank, is at least the strength of a one-man enemy; the second rank is breaking the city; the third rank is destroying the country; the fourth rank is sinking the land; the fifth rank is exploding the star; the sixth rank is the galaxy; the seventh rank is a single unit...

For the current group members, this is too rough a division.

Because, except for Erica, everyone else is not qualified to enter the chat group evaluation, and they are all the inferior zero rank.

Erica, who has a first-rank evaluation, is the strongest and naturally has the highest status in the group.

In fact, she has a good relationship with Rin Toosaka, but because they like to tease each other, the two of them are a bit like happy enemies.

After introducing the division of strength levels, the gentle Kanae continued to introduce the other two most important functions of the chat group.

One is the group sign-in, and the other is the group mall.

And these two functions both involve an important factor-group points

【Kanae:"In addition to the initial points that everyone can get based on their ability, a small amount of points can also be earned by signing in daily, and the points earned can be used to purchase goods."】

【Kanae:"The group mall is full of products that are put up for sale by group members, and you can also earn corresponding points by selling products."】

【Kanae:"Unfortunately, the price of the product is automatically determined by the chat group, otherwise I would provide the breathing method to everyone at a low price."】

【Kanae:"However, the products in the group are not expensive. Even ordinary people can afford them sooner or later by signing in.""】

【Kanae:"Come on, I believe that sooner or later you will be able to get rid of your ordinary identity and become a powerful person!"

She is gentle and is encouraging Su Mo as well as others.

Except for Xiaoyuan, they all have crises that they must improve their strength to deal with.

【Su Mo:"Thank you!"

After listening to the introduction, Su Mo immediately found the group mall according to Chanae's instructions.

In the mall list, the extraordinary opportunity he was looking for was lying there quietly.

Thunder Breathing, Water Breathing, Flame Breathing, Flower Breathing...

Butterfly Chanae seemed to have brought all the breathing methods she knew in her own world.

As non-entry-level products, the price of these products is not high. The price of a single breathing method is only one hundred points.

"The breathing method is based on the body and has a limited upper limit, although it is still worth a try for me now. However, what I need most now is a technique that can truly contain transcendent power, rather than just a technique that can enhance strength.……"

As an ordinary person, what he needed most now was a seed that would lead him to transcendence.

So, he quickly looked past those fancy magic skills and looked at the most fundamental skill.

【[Magic Refining·Basic Edition], 100 points.

As a basic skill from the world of God Slayer, the price of this product is not expensive.

But for Su Mo in the ordinary world, this is an opportunity worth giving up everything.

After taking a look at his initial points balance, which was exactly 100 points, Su Mo chose to buy the product without hesitation.

The next second, all kinds of methods about meditation and magic refining all flooded into his mind, and drove his body to start working unconsciously.

At this time, Su Mo bit his tongue tightly, and his mind was extremely clear to observe the feelings and changes of his body from the perspective of an observer.

Soon, he was surprised to find that the theory of this magic extraction technique was completely consistent with the mysterious knowledge of a certain Cross Secret Society that he had carefully studied over the years!

"It is not pure monism, but knowledge that implies duality. This must be a meditation method based on neo-Kabbalism. It is very similar to some records in the Rose Cross Magic Society. This should be the practice method of the Knights Templar!"

"By the way, the Copper Black Cross where Erica is is exactly the descendant of the Knights Templar!"

"In other words, although I can't really extract magic power in this world, there is nothing wrong with the knowledge of the mysterious side. Are those theories true?!"

After discovering this fact with shock, Su Mo quickly analyzed the principles of [Magic Power Extraction Basic Edition] through the theories he had studied for many years.

At the same time, his accumulated rich knowledge and superb comprehension played a role together.

"As far as I know, due to historical issues, when the Knights Templar were accused of heresy by Philip IV, they deliberately abandoned the knowledge from Judaism in order to purify themselves, so the theory is missing... If this part is supplemented, can this magic power extraction method be optimized?"

Thinking of this, Su Mo closed his eyes and started to try without hesitation.

As he tried, the slow flow of magic power in Su Mo's body suddenly became much smoother.

"It actually works! However, the loss of vitality converted into magic power is still not small. If we follow the method of the Golden Dawn and adjust the details in combination with astrology……"

After tasting the sweetness, Su Mo couldn't stop, and immediately continued to test, adjust and iterate according to the theories he had accumulated, optimizing this extremely basic magic refining technique again and again.

As time went by, his aura became more and more mysterious and more peaceful.

Even if Erica herself appeared here, she probably wouldn't be able to tell that Su Mo was practicing the magic refining method she provided.

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