Along with the advance of the Flügel army.

The Greek God Realm, the Roman God Realm, the Nordic God Realm, the Biblical God Realm, the Celtic God Realm, the Phoenician God Realm, the Vodou God Realm, the Indian God Realm, the Egyptian God Realm, the Sumerian God Realm, the Fusang God Realm...many God Realms were ravaged by war one after another, leaving only the ruins of mythology.

Among them, some God Realms sensed the danger and wanted to unite against the enemy, but even if several God Realms joined forces, they could not resist the Sky Strike of the Flügel.

Some God Realms tried to replicate Zeus's actions, concentrating all power on one god, trying to suppress the enemy with absolute power.

However, in front of Jibril who mastered the [God Strike], such an upgraded god was no match at all, and was instantly destroyed like a dead tree and rotten wood.

Like the sharpest arrow, the Flügel completely followed the line that Su Mo had drawn before, advancing step by step, and the God Realms along the way had no second choice but to be destroyed.

The Mecha Legion preserved and recorded the ruins after the Flügel colony was opened up according to Su Mo's orders.

Thousands of gods fell, and the authority of these gods all flowed into Su Mo's body along with the protection of the sword.

In this case, the power and godhood that Su Mo received were too numerous to count.

In the end, in order to facilitate the induction and retrieval, even Su Mo had to reorganize the original godhood in a classified manner.

Fortunately, these divine domains themselves have clear boundaries, and they spontaneously formed different mythological territories.

"Greece, Celtic, Crusade, Buddhism... Only the last corner of the God's Domain has not been cleared."

Dozens of different golden books floated in front of Su Mo's eyes, each of which was a history of mythology, recording the deeds of a large number of gods, as well as mythological classics.

This is the core of the God's Domain shaped by the common myths of the myriad worlds, and it is also the myths worshipped by humans in the myriad worlds.

If small-scale groups such as Mithraism and Tantra are included, the books in front of Su Mo would be at least ten times more.

For the convenience of management, Su Mo unified them into similar large-scale myths.

With the help of the Mechas, he absorbed all the original godhood bit by bit, and then wove it into myths bit by bit, restoring its original form.

Now, not only has the power of the original myth ritual been qualitatively improved, but Su Mo's understanding of myths has also made a qualitative leap.

Although myths record the stories between gods, Things, but these stories are not unrelated. Different myths often have different tendencies and different understandings of the world.

This different understanding is also called-cosmology.

After carefully analyzing the gods' divinity and fixed mythological paradigms, we will inevitably come to a conclusion.

That is, the existence of the cosmology is not that the gods were created first and then the scraps obtained from the settings were added.

On the contrary, the cosmology is not only the real core of the mythology, but also a thinking paradigm that existed before the birth of the gods.

It can even be said that the essence of the birth of gods is to better present the concept of cosmology.

Just as the birth of the most evil evil god Angra Mainyu was just to balance the scales of the dualism of good and evil, the existence of the god Veleslana is to show the Zoroastrian truth that"good will defeat evil."

"So, I just need to get rid of you in the end, and I can master the final myth epic.——《"Avesta", complete the last Persian myth, perfect the [dualism of good and evil], and completely become the master of the divine realm."

Looking at the Avesta in front of him, which was still missing the last piece, Su Mo said to Veleslana in front of him

"I'm here for the appointment, so it shouldn't be too late, right?"

"……What do you think?"

Looking at the Flügel and Ex-Machina corps that were watching him closely, the young military god had cold sweat on his forehead and asked back speechlessly.

It's only been a few days!

Although there is no fixed time connection between the God's Realm and the real world, Su Mo arrived too quickly.

"Although I believe that you do have the ability to enter the God's Realm, your strength has evolved too much, hasn't it?"

Looking at the figure in front of him whose majesty is heavier than a mountain, Veleslana could hardly imagine that this was the godslayer who had usurped his authority a few days ago.

Although Su Mo had shown an overwhelming advantage over him in the previous battle in the lower realm, with his strength at that time, he might not be able to defeat the combined forces of the gods.

Although there was an appointment with the God's Realm, in Veleslana's heart, Su Mo would take at least a few years to enter the God's Realm, and finally he would have to go through some hardships before he could reach the level of his previous boast - to be able to defeat the gods alone.

He had imagined several ways to help or test this special human being, and he had also looked forward to taking victory back from Su Mo when they met again..

But he never thought that it would be like this when they met again.

Not to mention the hardships, Su Mo didn't even have to wait for a few years, and it took only a few days to reach the God's Domain.

And what's even more incredible is that as soon as he came in, he directly swept away all the gods.

Note that it's not a single group of gods, but all the gods in the God's Domain.

So much so that now, Veleslana, who got the news, was eager to challenge the group of gods who dared to invade the God's Domain.

But he was stunned to find that, except for the Persian God's Domain, all other God's Domains had fallen. In the huge God's Domain, there was only one group of gods

, the Zoroastrianism. And not long after, there was only one god left in the Zoroastrianism group.

That was himself

·········Request flowers···········

The army of the Flügel will destroy all good and evil.

·········Request flowers···········

In fact, if the Flügel girl had not heard his mumblings and deliberately let him go and handed him over to Su Mo to deal with personally, he would probably have died like Mithra under the power of [Divine Strike].

Facing Veleslana's sigh, Su Mo just raised his hand slightly.

"Is this your last words?"

"No, if I may, I do have one question to ask."

Veleslana shook his head immediately.

Having seen Jibril's power, he had completely given up the possibility of defeating Su Mo.

Even though he was the god of war in mythology, whose essence was victory, Su Mo was already far ahead of him in the field of victory.

Fighting meant death, and although he was not afraid of death, he still had some doubts and wanted to figure it out before.

"What's going on?"



Su Mo asked.

His relationship with Veleslana was limited to a stab at each other, and the other party was just a god of war, so he didn't think that the other party could ask any puzzles worth thinking about.

Unexpectedly, after getting permission, Veleslana put on an extremely serious expression.

"Master, I would like to ask, does your appearance foreshadow the coming of the Day of Judgment?"

"Sect Master?"

Su Mo was slightly stunned when he heard this title, and asked back

"Why do you call me that?"

Veleslana looked at him as if he had no need to ask.

"Who else but the leader of Zoroastrianism can master the dualism of good and evil and possess such unparalleled strength?"

Good will surely triumph over evil, and the reverse reasoning is that the winner must be good.

So now, even if Su Mo destroyed the entire God's Realm and annihilated all the Zoroastrian gods, in Veleslana's view, it is all part of"good will surely triumph over evil."

Just as Michael regarded Su Mo as the incarnation of the Lord, and therefore had no objection to all his actions.

Although Veleslana has not been killed and recreated by Su Mo, through the analysis of the Zoroastrian doctrine, he still regards Su Mo as a being like Ahura, the supreme good god who has not yet descended.

Since he is the master of the dualism of good and evil, he is naturally also the leader of the entire Zoroastrianism.

"Is this the reason?……"

Seeing Veleslana's serious and respectful eyes, Su Mo nodded and accepted this statement.

After all, he had seen a lot of such treatment along the way.

The gods took the idea of joining if they couldn't beat them to the extreme. Now he is the father of the Greek gods, the master of the Christian mythology, and it's okay for him to be the leader of the Zoroastrianism.

However, there is one thing he doesn't quite understand, that is——

"Judgment Day?"Door Door.

Transcript: Naruto789

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