The Day of Judgment is generally considered to be a Christian concept. It is said that on the day of judgment, angels will blow trumpets, and all souls will be reweighed, with the good going to heaven and the wicked going to hell.

But in fact, Zoroastrianism also had this concept, and it even predated Christianity.

The Christian mythology has incorporated or borrowed from Zoroastrian mythology, Plato's theory, and the Pythagorean school to such an extent that no specific explanation is needed. However, mythology is originally part of the great cultural integration, and plagiarism is the norm. There are indeed many myths with similar concepts to the Day of Judgment.

"Why did you suddenly bring this up?"

Su Mo asked curiously

"You mean it hasn't arrived yet?"

Seeing Su Mo's reaction, Veleslana showed a disappointed expression.

"What a pity! It seems that the decisive battle has not yet arrived.……"

Then, under Su Mo's urging gaze, he began to explain:

"Has the Sect Master ever paid attention to the specific situation in the Divine Realm?"


"Did you find any problems?"

"Two six, two six, three, three."There are many problems. Which one do you mean?"

After hearing this answer, Veleslana was stunned for a moment before continuing.

"……Do you find any problem with the behavior of the gods?"

"You mean the re-enactment of the myth? This is indeed very strange."

Su Mo immediately understood what the other party wanted to say.

"As the divine realm where the gods live, myths have not been further developed here, but continue to perform the content that has already been performed in myths."

"The Greek God Realm was in the early stages of the Trojan Horse War, the Nordic God Realm was preparing for the Twilight of the Gods, the angels and demons in the Bible Realm were still fighting each other, and Indra in the Indian God Realm was still being beaten... The future was clearly determined, but the gods were still in mythological history."

Moving forward along a fixed future is really puzzling.

Hearing Su Mo say this, Veleslana blinked, smiled slightly, and kept it a secret.

"Do you know why the God's Domain is like this? Why is it that even though the gods know the outcome, every God's Domain is repeating the scenes in the myths?"

Hearing this, Su Mo's heart moved.

From the situation of Zeus or Athena, we can know that although the God's Domain is performing repeated dramas every day, the gods themselves are not affected by it.

They know very well what myths are like, and they all have their own ideas. Ambitious gods have thought about transcending the existing myths and becoming stronger.

In this case, why do they have to repeat the myths?

""Besides greed, fear is what drives life."

Su Mo said.

As the representative of greed, Zeus obviously wanted to further develop the myth and enter the realm of the only god.

In this case, the choice of conservatively repeating the myth can only be another reason.

"You mean, the gods are afraid of something, so they keep repeating the myths?"

Su Mo immediately made a judgment.

"According to what you said before, the gods are afraid of the Day of Judgment? No, not all myths have this concept, but almost all gods have related concepts.……"

"You mean, the reason why the gods repeat the myth is to resist the doomsday theory?"

After hearing this series of analysis, Veleslana, who wanted to keep it a secret, was stunned.

You've already said it, what else can I say?

He never thought that Su Mo could directly determine the direction of the entire God's Domain with this little clue.

And he was right.

""Master, are you sure you are not here for the Last Judgment?"

He confirmed again.

"Of course not."

Su Mo shook his head.

Doomsday theory is a paradigm shared by many myths. The core is generally that the end of the world has arrived and a savior will come to save the world.

This concept is used the most and is the most well-known, of course, in Christianity.

However, other sects are not lacking in similar myths. The Last Judgment of Zoroastrianism is not to mention the Abrahamic religions. The Ragnarok of the Gods in Norse mythology is obviously also a kind of doomsday theory. In addition, there is the advent of Maitreya in Buddhism, the Ziwei Saint in Taoism... basically all famous myths have elements of doomsday theory.

Su Mo had some doubts before, but now it seems that the existence of the God's Domain may indeed have its special role.

Seeing that he denied it again, Veleslana stopped asking.

"Rather than being afraid, it is better to say that many people are actually looking forward to it, such as me, or the guardian gods of other divine realms."

Hearing this, Su Mo immediately thought of Michael.

The archangel seemed to be extremely excited about his existence.

"According to the doctrine, we are in the good camp and will win. There is no need to worry too much."

"Of course, without Lord Ahura, many people have no confidence."

"Therefore, most gods are not ready to deal with the end of the world. The gods practice day after day to wait for the day when the end comes. Under the leadership of the master, they will completely defeat all evil and darkness and gain the final peace."

Velslana's patient explanation allowed Su Mo to quickly verify his guess.

The repetition of the myths of the divine realm is not endless. They are all waiting for a certain end that is destined to come.

As most doomsday theories say, the day of the end will be a huge war. Only the victor will be allowed to gain peace and happiness. The universe will embark on a new path on the day of the end.

"From this perspective, the birth of the God's Domain is not accidental... The purpose of the existence of the God's Domain is to deal with the crisis of doomsday theory and complete destruction."

Thinking of this, Su Mo looked around and was slightly stunned.

It seemed that his arrival did bring destruction.

At least, this was the case for the God's Domain.

No wonder Veleslana always suspected that he came for the final judgment..........

On the other hand, Zeus's desire to become the only god was indeed motivated by his ambition for power, but it was also partly to accumulate strength to resist the end of the world..........

"Do you have any clues about the time of the doomsday judgment?"

After understanding this situation, Su Mo immediately asked.

As the Lord of Mythology, although the doomsday theory does not affect him for the time being, it is also a topic worth focusing on.

No matter what level of world, death is an eternal topic.


Veleslana answered decisively.

"The only thing that is certain is that the Last Judgment is definitely not a destruction that comes suddenly without any signs, but the end of all the worlds. It is an ending that is destined to come, and it cannot be violated or stopped. As long as you uphold the good path and have a good nature, you will surely be able to overcome this disaster and reach the heaven of supreme goodness!"

As a Zoroastrian god, he naturally agrees with his own worldview.

However, Su Mo remains skeptical about this statement.

The condition for Zoroastrianism to survive the end of the world is to uphold pure goodness, the condition for Christianity to survive the end of the world is to believe in God, and Norse mythology does not give humans any room for choice at all, and is destined to usher in destruction. The standards of other pantheons are even more different.

If the end of the world really comes one day, these methods will most likely be of no use at all.

"I understand."

Nodding slightly, Su Mo kept this in mind.

Then, he raised the Savior Sword

"See you then."

"Goodbye, Master."

Veleslana closed his eyes without any resistance.

The long sword pierced his chest, killing the last remaining god in the God's Domain.

With the help of the Ex-Machina, Veleslana's original godhood was quickly analyzed and floated into the hands of 5.6 Su Mo.

The Zoroastrian 5.6 Mythology Collection"Avesta" in front of Su Mo suddenly radiated bright light and was completely completed.

So far, Su Mo has finally completed the achievement of sweeping across the God's Domain and has become the true master of the God's Domain.

After re-integrating all the myths, Su Mo opened his eyes and looked at the ruins in front of him.

He said:"There must be gods."

So, when Veleslana opened his eyes again, the entire God's Domain had completely returned to its previous appearance.

The gods returned to their positions, the God's Domain became prosperous, and even the residents of the Age of Gods returned to their original positions.

Mithra, the sun god who had been pierced by Jibril's divine strike with his own eyes, also reappeared on the earth at this moment

"Even gods can be resurrected, you are worthy of being the master!"

Veleslana sighed, and after looking at the golden sword in his hand, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

"If I had known earlier , I would have applied to challenge the Lord. I'm afraid the Lord is stronger now than before, right?"

I don't know how strong he can be..

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