When March Seven accepted Jibril's invitation, the group live broadcast was also started simultaneously.

So, everyone in the group also saw the situation that March Seven was in.

Under the bloody sky, the Ex-Machina army, like a torrent of steel, was arrayed in the front; the

Elf frigate on the left was flashing with the light of multiple spells; the Dwarf fleet on the right was covered with weapons, and the tops of the weapons were full of engraved spells, which looked simple and powerful; in the sky, the Dragon Elves, who were as big as a hill, raised their heads high, and the Fantasy Species of various shapes were restrained at the back.

There is no doubt that the lineup of this legion in front of them is powerful enough to destroy the world. Seeing the formation in front of them, even Madoka and Kanae, who were most unfamiliar with large-scale legion operations, caught the breath of the decisive battle at the first moment.

【Toosaka Rin:"Jibril, is this what you said before, a little trouble?"

The twin-tailed girl asked with a twitching mouth.

She knew Jibril was unreliable, but she didn't know she was so unreliable.

A war that could destroy the world is also considered a little trouble?

In response to this question, Jibril showed a sly smile.

【Jibril:"For Master Sumo, perhaps that is true!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"……"】

She couldn't refute it.

On the other side, looking at the terrifying scene in front of her and the conversation between the two people in the group, Sanyueqi quietly took a step back and felt her legs a little weak.

Before this, she was not without worrying about problems.

However, after knowing her strength, Rin's previous reaction was too exaggerated, which made her have the illusion that she might be very strong.

If she was also considered a strong person in the other world, then even if she went over to take pictures, there should be no danger. This is what Sanyueqi thought before.

However, after really coming to this world and really seeing the lineup in front of her, Miss Sanyueqi began to regret it.

She even began to doubt whether Tosaka Rin was a shill, whether she was deliberately dispelling her vigilance.

Otherwise, why was Rin so surprised when facing her, who was at the fourth level of strength?

Obviously, in front of her, the more than 10,000 Ex-Machinas almost had the same or even surpassed her strength. Her strength could not do anything in front of this entire legion.

Not to mention, the dozens of dragon spirits above her head exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura were definitely not the strength of ordinary elite monsters.

In addition, the two slightly weaker legions next to them also exuded a frightening aura.

Relying on her excellent intuitive judgment, Sanyueqi believed that there must be some trump card weapons hidden in these two legions that could easily kill her.

She was obviously not very weak, but each of these forces in front of her was enough to beat her.

After realizing this, Miss Sanyueqi, who inherited the pioneering spirit, tried her best to remain calm on the surface, but in fact, she was ready to run.

Aunt Jizi taught that it is not shameful to run if you can't win!

Sanyueqi's idea was very good, but unfortunately, before she took a step back, she was discovered by the Flügel girl in front of her.

""Hmm? Where are you going?"

Jibril teleported directly behind Sanyueqi, with a mischievous smile on her face, and pressed her shoulders.

Sanyueqi was frightened by the sudden touch on her back, and she waved her hands hurriedly.

""No, nothing, I don't want to go back!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she covered her mouth with a look of annoyance.

This broken mouth, isn't this a cover-up?

Seeing her such a simple and understandable reaction, Jibril blinked and smiled even more deeply.


If you want to go back, you can.

"Is this really possible?"

March Seven immediately raised his head, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Of course."

Jibril nodded and said with a sly smile.

"The prerequisite is that you have to become my... no, the master's toy!"

"Ah——! No, no! I, I, I don’t have any experience at all. Children are ignorant and not tasty at all. We can’t do that kind of thing!"

March Seven’s pretty face flushed instantly.

Although she has a simple personality, she is not a child who knows nothing. She knows what toys are in the eyes of adults.

For a mature lady, such things may not be as important as life, but for her who still has many girlish fantasies, she would rather die than agree to such conditions.

She is still waiting for her prince charming to appear and save her!

Facing March Seven’s excuse, Jibril found it very interesting. She touched her chin and said seriously:

"It doesn’t matter, my master likes children!"


March Seven was stunned.

Where did this pervert come from ?

【Toosaka Rin:"Huh?"】




The other people in the chat group were also dumbfounded.

Erica lowered her head and looked at her chest, which she had always been very satisfied with, with an expression that seemed to doubt her life. Could it be that the master had never been interested in her because her figure was too good?

In that case, Lily's childlike figure would be more in line with the master's interests?

Kanae also lowered her head and looked at herself. Her figure was even better than Erica's.

After sighing with a slight disappointment, she turned her gaze to her two younger sisters who were practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard.

"Shinobu and Kanao, do they still have a chance?"

Looking at their slender curves, she couldn't help but think so.

Madoka's face flushed instantly. After all, she and Rin Tousaka seemed to be the youngest in the group. As for Rin, she did show a surprised expression at the first moment.

But soon, she reacted.

【Toosaka Rin:"���You made it up, didn't you? Aren't you afraid that Lord Su Mo will come after you?"】No matter how you look at it, Jibril's words are not reliable. How could a strong man like Lord Su Mo have such an interest?

【Jibril:"Of course it's true. I would never deliberately slander the master. According to my 72-hour observation of the master, the master is indeed more patient with young children!"

The Flügel girl held her head high and replied confidently.

After grasping this preference, she often appeared in the guise of a young girl to win the favor of her master.

Hearing this, everyone in the group was slightly stunned and soon realized that Jibril had misunderstood.

【Erica:"It’s normal to be more patient with cubs than adults who have lost their possibilities!"】

【Kanae:"Yes, Lord Su Mo has a side, because he is very gentle! Miss Jibril, please don't misunderstand!"

Toosaka Rin discovered the blind spot and complained directly

·········Request flowers············

【Toosaka Rin:"It's normal for Lord Su Mo to be gentle, but your abnormal behavior is obviously abnormal. He has been following Lord Su Mo for 72 hours without stopping, and he hasn't punished you yet. Lord Su Mo has a really good temper."】

·········Request flowers············

If the millions of gods in the God Slayer World heard what Toosaka Rin said, they would be furious.

You call this overlord who slaughtered the entire God Realm a good-tempered person?

Are you blind?

Unfortunately, they can't hear this. Even if they can hear it, they have already been recruited by Su Mo.

Everyone present has a deep filter for Su Mo.

【Jibril:"Needless to say, the master's heart and tolerance are naturally the best in the world!"

Seeing them talking so lively, Sanyueqi carefully interrupted

【March 7:"Well, you guys chat first, I'm going back first!"

Unfortunately, before she could find the return function, Jibril stopped her.

"No, you can't leave!"


The pink-haired girl tried to struggle.

"Give up, it's useless!"

Jibril said with a wicked smile.......................................

"Since you have chosen to come to my world, you must fulfill my three wishes before you can go back. Elbow, come with me to be the master's toy!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the group couldn't stand it anymore.

Even if the other person is a little stupid, you can't lie to her like this!

【Toosaka Rin:"Don't add your personal desires into this!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"@三月七, let me teach you a trick. Just call Su Mo-sama by her name, and someone will teach her a lesson!"】


Seeing Toosaka Rin's suggestion, Sanyueqi was slightly stunned.

Isn't this Lord Su Mo the master of this strange girl in front of her?

If she asks him for help, wouldn't she have to face two people at the same time? Isn't this really like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?

After hesitating for a second, she suddenly realized that no matter if the other party is one person or two people, she is still an opponent. At this time, it is better to try her best.

So, she closed her eyes and called out this name.

"Help me, Master Su Mo!"

At this point, Jibril also said the key line

"Hehehe, no one comes to save you even if you scream your throat out——Ah! Lord Su Mo, it hurts, it hurts!"

The Flügel girl covered her head with tears in her eyes and regressed to the state of a little girl.

Behind her, a man with black hair and black eyes grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and appeared in front of San Yue Qi.

""Sorry, Jibril has a strange personality, don't pay attention to her, are you okay?"

Looking at the pink-haired girl in front of him, Su Mo asked with a little concern.

After asking, he didn't get an answer.

He looked at Sanyueqi in front of him in confusion and found that the girl was staring at him blankly, then she touched the camera on her chest involuntarily, pointed it at Su Mo's face, and"clicked".

Just when everyone was confused about her operation.

The pink-haired girl hugged the camera in her hand and sighed in a slightly trance.

"So handsome!"



【Toosaka Rin:"……"】

【Small circle:"……"】

Everyone was speechless.

Although what he said was true, at this time, your first reaction was actually this?

It really is a well-deserved girlish mentality. Yiyi.

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