"Sorry, sorry!"

After realizing what was happening, San Yue Qi immediately lowered his head in embarrassment and apologized to Su Mo.

It was obvious that someone helped him, but not only did he not thank them, he also secretly took a photo of the other person. This was so wrong!

"It's okay, it's better to say that there are also problems with my management of subordinates."

Su Mo shook his head and brought Jibril to March Seven.

"What do you want to say?"

The girlish Jibril lowered her wings, looking pitiful, like a kitten with its neck bitten.

""I'm sorry, I shouldn't have scared you on purpose, can you please forgive me?"

Jibril was unusually honest under Su Mo's command.

Seeing the little girl in front of him, even though he was dissatisfied with her behavior just now, Sanyueqi couldn't get angry for a while.

"It's too unfair to apologize like a child. Never mind. Just consider this as a beautiful girl's magnanimity and forgive you for now!"

Jibril immediately became happy after hearing this reply.

"Thank you, I will repay you later!"

"Just stop scaring me in the future!"

Sanyueqi pouted.

"Don't worry! We will be friends from now on! Group members don't lie to each other!"

Jibril patted her chest with a solemn oath.

"Moreover, what I said before was not all lies. At least, what is before your eyes is indeed a rare spectacle that can only be seen once in a hundred thousand years."

Hearing this, March Seven looked around the battlefield, his mouth twitching slightly."Eight""Eight Four Three""Four Three""

"If you are talking about a world-destroying war, this is indeed a rare spectacle that only happens once in a hundred thousand years. But why do you ask a small character like me to participate in such a scene? You don't want me to go to the battlefield, do you? This girl is afraid of big scenes."

At this point, she showed a vigilant look.

In the previous pioneering journeys of the Star Train, she was often fooled into a coolie, helping others solve problems all the way, and in the end she only got a thank you.

If it were something else, with her soft-hearted nature, she might not be able to refuse.

But the scale of the war in front of her was too huge, even comparable to a small-scale interstellar war.

She couldn't get involved in a battle of this level!

Seeing her cautious look, Su Mo shook his head before Jibril had time to speak.

"Of course I won't let you take action, but since it's a rare opportunity to come here, it would be a bit anticlimactic to just go back like this. How about you stay in a safe area and watch the battle?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, he made an invitation.

Based on his understanding of March Seven, the fourth-order strength should be just her most superficial strength.

Although March Seven herself doesn't know, considering the relationship between her and the Memory Star God Fu Li, the upper limit of her internal strength may even reach the level of a commander. A powerful commander often has the strength of the fifth or even sixth order.

Even Artosh may not be able to defeat a strong man of this level.

Moreover, with the characteristics of Artosh's soul, even if he is at a great disadvantage, he may not lose.

Of course, no matter how strong March Seven is, or whether she can exert her hidden strength, Su Mo has no intention of letting her play.

To deal with Artosh, he doesn't need the help of others.

The main reason why he wants to keep March Seven is because he is very interested in March Seven's power. Interesting.

In this regard, Jibril actually did a great job by seducing her.

Of course, with how gullible March Seven is, she can be easily seduced without doing this.

Unlike Artosh who uses his divine essence to communicate with imaginary energy, as a destiny walker, March Seven is a pure imaginary energy user.

From studying Artosh, at most, we can get the characteristics of imaginary energy, but from March Seven, we can analyze the power of destiny.

The upper limit of destiny is at least a star god that can cover the entire universe. The minimum strength of a star god is above the sixth galaxy level, and the highest can even reach the level of a single universe. The upper limit of the power of this system is higher than that of an ordinary mythological system.

At least, it is still like this for now.

Thinking of this, Su Mo continued to speak.

"If you want to take a few photos as a souvenir, although the current environment is not very good, there should be a satisfactory picture later."

After hearing Su Mo say this, San Yueqi breathed a sigh of relief, thought for two seconds, and felt that Su Mo was right.

Since he was here, how could he leave without taking a few more photos?

"Thank you very much, Lord Su Mo!"

"You're welcome."

Su Mo shook his head and looked towards the sky not far away.

There, a black dot gradually grew larger. It was the headquarters of the Flügel - Avant Heim.

Seeing that Su Mo seemed to be easy to talk to, Sanyueqi hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke.

"That... Lord Su Mo, may I ask why you want to start a war?"

Such a huge war will inevitably cause countless deaths.

As a pioneer with certain experience, March Seven is not a saint, and will not say naive words like whether everyone should reconcile.

In fact, during the journey, pioneers like them tend to remain neutral, and basically will not side with any party as long as it is not too excessive.

However, since she has seen it, her kind nature does not allow her to pretend that she saw nothing.

March Seven's inquiry also represents some members of the chat group.

Although the smarter ones have understood Su Mo's intentions, those who are not sensitive to war really don't understand why the fight broke out suddenly.

Faced with this question, Su Mo's eyes swept across the wild land and across the bloody sky.

"In the war that lasted for more than tens of thousands of years, this planet has reached its limit."

He said lightly.

Hearing this, March Seven carefully observed the surroundings and found that it was indeed the case.

If the blood-stained sky and the desolate land were not enough to prove that this planet was on the verge of doomsday.

The huge abyss that spanned the entire continent was like a huge scar on the planet, indicating that this world was crumbling.

If you look down from space, it would not be surprising if this planet broke at any time.

At this time, March Seven did not know that this huge scar was caused by Jibril.

Therefore, in her opinion, if this planet was left alone, it would be a matter of time before it entered doomsday.

"But if we start a war now, won't it accelerate the destruction of the world?"

Sanyueqi asked in confusion.


Su Mo shook his head.

"This time, it's the war to end all wars"


Although he didn’t quite understand, Sanyueqi guessed that Su Mo’s goal was to save the world, so he didn’t say anything else.

At this time, Avant Heim had arrived at the preset location and stopped.

The one thousand Flügel that were under Su Mo’s command before have now returned to the God of War camp.

Under the leadership of Azriel, the Flügel faced the united army in front of them with the eyes of facing a great enemy and a slightly complicated attitude. The battle was about to break out, and Su Mo glanced at Jibril.

The Flügel girl immediately understood what he meant and reached out to pull Sanyueqi.

"The battle is about to begin! Go to the audience first, that guy is the only safe one here!"


San Yueqi naturally did not refuse.

After nodding, she hesitated for a moment and waved to Su Mo.

"Come on, Master Su Mo!"

The next moment, she was taken away by Jibril's Sky Move and appeared on the battleship in the center of the combined fleet.

On the battleship deck, a knight girl with golden hair was looking at the enemy in the sky. When she saw someone appear beside her, she immediately looked over with vigilance.


After recognizing the Flügel girl, Artoria relaxed and looked at March Seven beside her.

"Who is this?"

"Master's friend, Lord Su Mo asked her to stay in the audience, senior, please remember to protect her later!"

Jibril still respected Altria, who had defeated him..........

At least it's much better than the attitude towards Azriel..........

Hearing Jibril's words, Artoria's expression immediately became serious.

"Understood, I will do my best to complete the master's order!"

After saying that, feeling the tremendous pressure coming from the Flügel base camp, the dumb-haired girl hesitated for a moment, but still asked

"Jibril, the master really doesn't need me to join the battle?"

Even the Dwarves, Elves, and Dragons have joined the battle. Artoria feels that she should not be left behind.

After all, the power of the Holy Sword of the Stars can help the master more, right?

Facing this question, Jibril shook her head.

"Of course not!"

Seeing that Altria still looked puzzled, she patiently asked

"Senior, do you know why these legions appear here to participate in the decisive battle?"

"……Strength in numbers?"

After a moment's hesitation, Artoria guessed.

The overall strength of these joint armies is actually very strong, and it is indeed a force that can destroy the world.

Since it can be used, there is no reason not to use it.

Her guess is extremely pertinent.

However, after hearing this, Jibril just shook her head.

"No, you guessed wrong, Senior."

She looked at the Knight King in front of her and replied

"Their biggest use this time is the atmosphere group."


Altria found it hard to understand for a moment.

Suddenly, an immense divine power radiated from the highest throne in the Flügel base camp to the entire world.

The sky shook, and the earth rocked.

In the midst of this sudden change in the world, the God of War Artosh laughed heartily and happily.

""Hahahaha! A strong man from another world! Is the decisive battle I've been waiting for finally here?"

Behind the heroic laughter was a boiling desire to fight.

After ten thousand years, the God of War finally found an opponent who could make his blood boil.

Facing this divine power that was above all the gods, Su Mo just answered the other party's questions calmly, as if the breeze was blowing on his face.

""Now! I don't want to wait too long, and neither do you."

Although his voice was not loud, his words were heard more clearly than Artosh's.

Someone was challenging the God of War Artosh?

Those civilizations that were not well-informed only knew about this at this time. Most people thought that this battle was a foregone conclusion, and only a few people prayed for the end of the nightmare.

Among the thousands of prayers, the God of War overwhelmed everything with his unparalleled courage.

"That's right! Waiting too long will cool the boiling blood. Now is the best time for a decisive battle!"

As he said this, he looked around at the United Army in front of him, his golden pupils slightly confused.

"Su Mo, you won't... place your hopes on these toys, will you?"

After Su Mo's transformation, the strength of the Ex-Machina army in front of him has increased several times, and all of them combined are even enough to easily kill the upper-level Gods.

In the original work, the God of War was the essence deprived by the Ex-Machina, and the number of people was not as large as it is now.

But at this moment, facing the enhanced version of the Ex-Machina army, Artosh still put on an attitude of ignoring, as if he didn't think these existences could cause him any trouble.

And Su Mo didn't deny his attitude.

"I'm just doing an experiment. Do you want to cooperate?"

""Try it!"

Artosh raised his right hand and smiled fiercely.

The next moment, a pillar of divine light that could penetrate the planet appeared in the hand of the God of War.

"All Flügel are ready, and we will entrust the Sky Strike to Artosh-sama!".

Added by: Naruto789

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