The fight between Su Mo and the mythical wild boar lasted only a short moment.

Erica saw nothing clearly, only the dazzling lightning and fire.

After the lightning and fire disappeared, this mythical beast with unparalleled power disappeared completely for some unknown reason.


The blonde girl opened her mouth slightly, her eyes wide open, and she looked like a standard 0o0..

【Toosaka Rin:"What happened just now?"

Toosaka Rin, who was staring at the live broadcast screen the whole time, was also confused.

Who can tell her what happened?

【Kanae:"I don't know, I didn't see anything except the lightning."】

Seeing the completely confused speeches of the trio, Xiaoyuan thought about it and guessed

【Xiao Yuan:"Is there a possibility, I'm just guessing, is there a possibility... Brother Su Mo killed the beast in seconds?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I was going to say that, but if it was Master Su Mo, it wouldn't be surprising to see him do that. But, but……】

【Kanae:"From a rational point of view, I also think that Lord Su Mo can defeat the beast, but……"】

【Erica:"I understand what you mean."】

【Erica:"But—no one expected victory to come so quickly, and no one expected the gap to be so big."】

The possibility that Xiao Yuan had thought of was certainly not lost on the confused trio.

The beast that looked very irritable did not look like it would run away. It simply vanished into thin air. There was no other possibility except that Su Mo had successfully killed it.

They had no objection to the result that Su Mo had defeated the beast.

What they found difficult to understand was the way he won so quickly, as if he had cut melons and vegetables.

【Erica:"No matter what, it is still a divine beast, and judging from its posture, it is probably a higher-level divine beast."】

【Erica:"This level of existence should be considered outstanding even among the second-level ones. Although Lord Su Mo is strong, he is also at the second-level level."】

【Erica:"They are both level 2 vs level 2... why is the gap so big?"】

【Erica:"Even if the God of Disobedience takes action, it would be difficult for him to be faster than Lord Su Mo, right?"

In this kind of crushing battle, isn't it really a third-level vs. a second-level battle?

In response to this question, Su Mo said calmly.

"Although it is a mythical beast, it only possesses the most basic intelligence and is mostly driven by instinct."

"This kind of brainless target is the easiest type to deal with. You only need to increase the output slightly above the upper limit it can bear, and it will surely die."

Charging recklessly without knowing the details of the enemy is always the most reckless behavior.

At present, the conceptual spiritual equipment created by Su Mo cannot be compared with the original mythological version. It is generally only at the level of a paladin. Any one of them alone can only be on par with the divine beast at most. However

, under the guidance of the optimized skills, Su Mo combined the power of thunder and fire at the same time, and used the characteristics of these two elements to detonate the two powers at the same time.

The two most violent elements exploded at the same time, and their power directly jumped to the realm of the god of disobedience in a short period of time.

Even though the divine beast wild boar has a very tough physique, it does not have the immortality that can rival the dragon and snake after all, so it was successfully conquered on the spot.

For Su Mo, this is just a matter of filling up the damage in one breath, and there is nothing to say.

And for Erica, this understatement is too stimulating.

"Slightly increase the output to a level that even the beasts can't bear... Is this what a human would say?"

Why do you say it's so easy to do this?

Erica wanted to complain in her heart, but she had to admit

"Well, it may be very simple for Lord Su Mo."

You know, in this battle, she has not felt the divine power - that is, the fluctuation of the true ether that Su Mo had introduced.

In other words, even if he has achieved the achievement of killing the divine beast with one sword, Lord Su Mo is still far from showing his full strength.

From Su Mo's tone, it can be seen that he did not increase the instantaneous output to his maximum value, but increased it to a level slightly beyond the upper limit of the divine beast.

The meaning contained in this is more and more shocking.

Seeing Su Mo kill the divine beast casually, and his breath was calm, without any effort, she even doubted that as a second-level Su Mo, he was even capable of fighting the God of Disobedience.

Of course, this kind of thing is just a thought.

She doesn't want to encounter the God of Disobedience again under this situation. That is an existence that can destroy a country, and it is definitely not a crisis they can resist now.


With one sword, the mythical wild boar disappeared.

After the imminent crisis disappeared, recalling the power Su Mo had shown before, Kanae hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to speak.

【Kanae:"Master Su Mo, what power did you use when you defeated the beast just now?"

Although there was no sense of familiarity, Su Mo used a sword after all. Thinking that he had just bought the breathing method she was selling, Kanae wanted to know if Su Mo used the power of her world.

【Su Mo:"The Return to Life Technique is modified through the Concept Spirit Equipment Construction Technique, and the Five Spirits Breathing Technique is modified through the Flame Breathing Technique."】

Su Mo never thought of keeping this kind of news secret.

Hearing this, the two sellers he had patronized immediately became excited.

【Erica:"Conceptual spiritual equipment? Is this what Lord Su Mo realized through his previous magic?"】

【Erica:"Sure enough, dimension jumps and the like are not your limits at all!"】

【Erica:"No wonder you can use the Soul Returning Technique so easily, which most monks can't use."】

Just by listening to the name, we can tell that Su Mo's understanding this time is more about breadth than specialization.

Just by analyzing one spell, he seems to have mastered the entire system of constructing the concept of spiritual equipment and deduced many magics. The twelve-day guardian spell should be one of the results of the construction of the concept of spiritual equipment.

Thinking of this, Erica was suddenly stunned and realized that something was wrong.


"If Lord Su Mo's comprehension is so strong, he can learn all the similar techniques by analogy through one technique."

"Then won't my other similar skills be unsellable?!"

She suddenly felt that it was not all good for the boss to be too quick in understanding.

It was easy to suck up to him, but it was hard to get the wool from him.

However, compared to the grace of saving his life, these were all trivial matters.

On the other hand, after hearing Su Mo's introduction, Kanae was completely excited, several times more excited than Erica!

【Kanae:"Five Spirit Breathing Technique?!"】

【Kanae:"Sir Su Mo, can you explain it in detail? Please!"

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