Compared to the stronger conceptual spiritual outfit, it is obvious that Kanae cares more about the breathing method mentioned by Su Mo. Kanae has tried magic before. After purchasing the product, she was able to successfully extract magic power, but the same skills could not be passed on.

Whether it was her sister Shinobu, Kanao, or other pillars, none of them could learn this power.

At that time, Toosaka Rin also helped to explore this point, and finally came to the conclusion that the physique of humans in each world is different.

But the breathing method is different. The skills improved on the basis of the original breathing of fire must be very suitable for the physique of humans in her world.

In other words, this power is very likely to be able to be passed on to others.

If you can't kill the Demon King Muzan with your own strength alone, then all the pillars work together and it is possible to create a miracle.

Su Mo can guess Kanae's thoughts with his eyes closed.

So, he didn't say anything nonsense and directly uploaded the skills he had comprehended.

【Su Mo:"All the skills I learned before are now available in the mall. Take a look for yourself!"

As soon as he said this, everyone opened the group mall interface.

Then, they saw four new products in one go.

【Kanae:"Water, fire, wind, thunder and earth, the Five Element Breathing Technique actually includes the final basic style, and even has the long-lost source of breathing techniques - the technique of Sun Breathing?】

【Kanae:"How is this possible! Didn't Lord Su Mo only buy the Breathing of Flame?"

After reading the product introduction, Kanae was stunned.

Compared with the existing schools, the legendary Breathing of the Sun is the power that can truly restrain ghosts.

It's a pity that the Breathing of the Sun has long been lost, and no one has been able to master this power.

I didn't expect it to reappear here at this moment.

Before Su Mo could say anything about Kanae's surprise, Erica shrugged.

【Erica:"It's just a matter of analogy. Is this surprising to Lord Su Mo?"

With just one magic spell, Su Mo has almost mastered the magic of the entire concept of the spiritual equipment system.

In front of this performance, it is just a matter of reversing the entire system through a breathing method. What is there to be surprised about?

The breathing method system is much simpler than the spiritual equipment system.

【Kanae:"That’s true."】

After taking a deep breath, Kanae calmed down.

To be disrespectful, even if he was a genius who could create the Sun Breathing, he would not be comparable to Lord Su Mo. It was normal for Su Mo to reverse the entire system.

At this time, Su Mo also gave a simple explanation.

【Su Mo:"I just reverse-engineered the Sun Breathing through the Flame Breathing, and then successfully deduced several other breathing methods."】

【Su Mo:"Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Earth - these five breathing methods are actually inferior techniques compared to the pure Sun Breathing. However, people with insufficient vitality are not suitable for traditional Sun Breathing. Forcibly using it will inevitably consume life."】

【Su Mo:"In order to lower the threshold, I designed the Five Spirits Breathing Method, which retains the lethality of the Sun Breathing while greatly weakening the disadvantage of vitality consumption."】

【Su Mo: Although the upper limit is not high, it should be enough as a combat type skill.

After listening to Su Mo's words, Toosaka Rin, who had also read the product description, tilted her head, and a big question mark appeared on her head.

【Toosaka Rin:"The upper limit is not high?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Master Su Mo, do you think that this kind of power that is sold for 10,000 points and can at least reach the second-level strength is called a low upper limit?"】

The second-level strength, whether in the world of God Slayer or in the Type-Moon world where she is, can be regarded as the peak of humanity.

Even the Grand Master of the Clock Tower may not have this level of combat power.

Why does Su Mo seem to be somewhat despised?

Hearing Toosaka Rin's words, Kanae, who was originally overjoyed, suddenly stiffened.

Wait, how much is the price?

On the other side, hearing Toosaka Rin's doubts, Su Mo shook his head and explained

【Su Mo:"I said the upper limit is not high because the entire system architecture of Sun Breathing has huge problems."】

【Su Mo:"It can only be used to consume vitality, but it cannot replenish vitality. There is a problem in the fundamental design. If it is based on the current structure, the upper limit of ordinary practitioners can be said to be fixed."】

Sun Breathing is a technique created by Yuichi Tsugumi, and its core is equivalent to helping a person with extraordinary vitality squander his excess vitality.

For people with abnormal physiques like Yuichi Tsugumi, Sun Breathing is naturally no problem.

But for other ordinary people, they simply cannot bear this kind of power and consumption, so naturally they can only create derivative schools that suit themselves.

However, no matter how it is derived and improved, it cannot change the fact that its consumption is greater than its supplement.

In the world of Demon Slayer, this breathing method may have positive significance, but for Su Mo, this is by no means a path to becoming stronger.

It can be used as a technique, but it cannot be practiced as a method.

【Su Mo:"So, I overturned the Sun Breathing and created a new method with health preservation as the core."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Are you referring to this Pure Yang Qi Training Method?"】

【Su Mo:"That’s right."】

【Su Mo:"I recommend using the Pure Yang Qi Training Method as the body and the Five Spirits Breathing Method as the function. This way you can increase your vitality and elevate your life level."】

The Pure Yang Qi Training Method is for health preservation, while the Five Spirits Breathing Method is for killing.

The improvement of vitality is of great help to strengthen one's physique and the total amount of magic power.

With Toosaka Rin's intelligence, she naturally understood the advantages of the Pure Yang Qi Training Method immediately.

Compared with skills that consume vitality and magic power, the method that can improve the upper limit of one's physical fitness is the real treasure! It is exactly the same as the method of cultivating immortals in the comics.

If it were placed somewhere else, it could be said to be a secret that is not to be passed on!

She was so excited that she immediately clicked on the product interface of [Pure Yang Qi Training Method].

However, the moment she saw the price, she froze on the spot.


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