【Toosaka Rin:"What an exaggerated number of protections! I suddenly understand why the price of the Concept Spirit Equipment Construction Guide is 990,000!"

In the chat group, looking at Su Mo who was covered by 15 sanctuary-level magics, Toosaka Rin finally understood the value of Su Mo's products.

It was a power that could cross the barriers of power scale and fight against enemies of higher levels.

In the world of the God Slayer, Veleslana also subconsciously began to think about countermeasures.

"The power of the White Horse will be partially offset by the Sun Sky.……"

The God of War's instinct told him that if he didn't go all out, he would most likely lose this time.

Even if he came to the lower world in search of defeat, he didn't want to lose too shamefully.

"Fortunately, his magic power has reached its limit. It is not so easy to maintain the consumption of fifteen holy-level magics!"

With the eyes of the God of Disobedience, Veleslana thought that Su Mo had reached his limit.

If it is the current level of power, it will be a bit tricky for him, but it is not impossible to challenge.

Even if Su Mo can still construct other spells, the magic power in his body will not allow it.

When he was thinking this


Invisible waves spread throughout the port, and golden light particles appeared from all directions and continued to gather into Su Mo's body.

It was the same power as when the divine beast wild boar collapsed, which was the spiritual energy from the earth veins, nature, and even the planet.

"True ether!"

With the gods comparing it, Erica quickly guessed the nature of this power.

It was the power that Su Mo had derived from the magic power refining method at the beginning, and this was the first time he used it.

For Veleslana, this power had a more familiar name:

"Divine power! Has he really mastered this power completely?"

When Veleslana was listening, he heard Su Mo say that he could also master divine power, but he didn't expect that his mastery of divine power could actually reach the level that could rival the God of Disobedience.

Before he could be surprised, Su Mo, whose magic power and spell power had been greatly improved under the blessing of the True Aether, began to chant.

"Burn the world, Branch of Destruction!"

A flaming sword of destruction appeared in the air. It was the sword of the Norse mythology that could destroy the world tree - Levadin.

"I swear by the meteor that I will pierce my enemies!"

The curved golden spear was constructed with the True Aether as the base. It was Odin's spear - Gungnir.

As a conceptual spiritual equipment of the sanctuary level, these two weapons naturally could not have the power of the original artifact level, and they did not even have the power of the original.

However, even if they were just imitations, they were by no means an existence that could be completely ignored.

What was even more terrifying was that such a conceptual spiritual equipment was only the beginning.

""The sky is covered with seven circles!""Sun, turn into armor!""Lord! Protect me! Jesus Christ, protect me! Anyone who hurts me will be punished sevenfold!""How dare you, a pagan demon, usurp the throne?!""Mithra, the god of light, please give me the power to defeat Diver!"……

Watching Su Mo non-stop, putting one BUFF after another on himself or the enemy.

Not to mention the group members, even Veleslana at the scene was completely stunned.

At the beginning, Veleslana was still calculating and analyzing the power used by Su Mo.

For him who had the weapon against gods, the golden sword, the mythological spells used by Su Mo were not difficult to deal with. As long as he could see its origin and separate the targeted words, he could easily seal it.

However, as Su Mo used more and more spells and the scope involved became more and more obscure, even Veleslana could not keep up with his speed.

In the end, he gave up thinking directly.

From Norse mythology to Greek mythology, from Persian mythology to Egyptian mythology, from Inca mythology to Aztec mythology.

The spells used by Su Mo spanned Europe, Asia, Africa, and even South America.

Whether it was the degree of mystery or the number, it was no longer a scope that could be solved by the golden sword alone.

Not to mention, in addition to attack and defense spells, Su Mo also set up a lot of anti-injury spells and trap spells. If you want to use offensive power and pure violence to crush the opponent, you will fall into the opponent's trap.

These spells are not arranged in a disorderly manner, but are linked together.

After realizing this, Veleslana was completely numb.

Is this guy in front of him really a human?

In just a few minutes, it felt like a year for him.


Finally, under his summons, the last incarnation, a white horse, came from the sky, crashed into his body, and merged with Veleslana.

Since then, the ten incarnations have been completed, and Veleslana has returned to his prime.

Hearing the movement here, Su Mo, who was still arranging the spell, glanced at him, and after two seconds of silence, he spoke

"It's almost done, how about we start the battle now?"

Hearing his unsatisfied tone and seeing the nearly one hundred magic spells flashing on his body, Veleslana's eyes twitched.

"You mean, you can still prepare?"

"Of course."

Su Mo nodded as a matter of course

"However, I have left enough redundant space. It would be a waste of time to continue preparing. This is enough for now."It was the first time for Su Mo to fight against a god, and he was fighting a powerful god of war like Veleslana. Naturally, he would not take risks. It was normal to make more preparations.


Veleslana was speechless.

It was not that he did not notice Su Mo's subtext - this level is enough to deal with you now, but he was shocked by Su Mo's degree of perversion.

This world is not short of lunatics who can kill gods.

But throughout the ages, which godslayer can fight gods head-on in human form?

Even if you look through all history, the human beings in front of you are undoubtedly the biggest monsters.

As a military god, especially a military god who pursues defeat, facing this kind of monster, he is not only shocked, but more excited.

In any case, this is also an opponent worth challenging.

——Note that here, he has already regarded himself as a lower-level being who needs to challenge Su Mo.

However, before he tightly grasped the hilt of the golden sword and swung the knife at the monster in front of him, he still had a few words to say.

"Being able to perform so many spells at the same time is your advantage, and I have no objection to this."

Looking at the familiar halos around Su Mo, Veleslana tried hard to suppress the twitching corners of his mouth and spoke in a complicated tone.

"It's just that you can borrow the power of other gods to deal with me, but why do you have to borrow the power of Lord Ahura and Lord Mithra? You even tried to borrow my power in person... Isn't this a bit too bad taste?"

Veleslana is a warrior who protects light and is a subordinate of the god of light Mithra, while Ahura is the supreme god of Zoroastrianism.

Su Mo did this, which was equivalent to borrowing the power of Veleslana's boss and the chairman to deal with him, and even tried to borrow Veleslana's own power.

Does this want him to fight himself?

If Su Mo didn't master many spells and had to do it, it would be fine.

But with his reserve of spells, this is clearly intentional!

"I just wanted to test whether the gods could refuse magic rituals involving themselves, and it seems that they can."

Su Mo spread his hands and gave this explanation.

"Do you think you have a sure win?"

Veleslana sneered.

"Isn't it?"

Su Mo looked at him calmly.

"Humph! Naive! No one knows the outcome of a war until the last moment! Let me, the God of War, teach you a lesson!"

Looking at Su Mo, who was wrapped in nearly a hundred Taoist spells, the Zoroastrian God of War rushed forward with a golden sword in hand.

Seeing the awe-inspiring momentum of the God of Disobedience, Erica and others couldn't help but feel nervous.

Could it be that the other party also has some unknown cards?

Under the extremely tense gaze of everyone.

Veleslana A went up, Veleslana went all out, and Veleslana played GG.

One minute later

"Gu! I lost again?……"

On the port that had been completely reduced to ruins, Veleslana, who was killed again after his resurrection mechanism was activated, spoke the words of defeat and disappeared as a point of light.

"I really can't accept this, I can't even force you to use your full strength!"

Veleslana, the god of disobedience, was formally conquered.

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