Watching Veleslana disappear as a point of light, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Veleslana was just a little bit away from breaking his twentieth layer of defense, and touching the last twenty layers of defensive counterattack spells, and the last ten layers of life-saving spells.

It was really dangerous!

In fact, Veleslana was not a weak opponent.

Just as the protagonist of the original novel relied on his power to kill people in the world of God Slayer, Veleslana not only possessed the golden sword, one of the strongest special attacks against gods, but also had outrageous powers in other incarnations.

Whether it was the bull incarnation representing great power or the phoenix incarnation symbolizing speed, their characteristics were quite tricky. If it was just pure great power or great speed, it would actually be easy for Su Mo to deal with it.

As long as he could detect the fixed output limit, he would have a way to deal with it.

Whether it was strengthening himself or weakening the enemy, or predicting and dodging in advance, there was room for manipulation.

But Veleslana's two incarnations did not have any fixed values, and they were at a level where they would be stronger when facing a strong opponent and weaker when facing a weak opponent.

The real effect of these two incarnations is - stronger power than the enemy, stronger speed than the enemy.

In other words, no matter how strong Su Mo's physique is, no matter how he strengthens himself, Veleslana can be strengthened to a degree that is slightly stronger and faster than him.

Most of the techniques cannot eliminate this level of concept.

When facing the weak, these two incarnations are not very useful, but when facing the strong, they can force a 50-50 split, providing a kind of dog-skin plaster effect.

The protagonist in the original book, relying on this characteristic, fought against powerful enemies many times and successfully escaped from danger many times.

Not to mention other incarnations, whether it is the firepower of the white horse, the melee physical skills of the camel, or the explosion of the wild boar, the thunder of the goat, they are not easy to deal with.

Veleslana's single incarnation is often as powerful as the complete power of many other disobedient gods.

In addition to his martial arts as a military god, he also uses authority as if he were his arm.

Su Mo suspected that if he had shown this enthusiasm earlier, it would be impossible for him to lose both to the God King Mekal, and it is very likely that he would directly kill the opponent.

As a god of war who had challenged the gods alone and never lost, he had a huge advantage over the gods.

Fortunately, Su Mo was well prepared, and the information about Veleslana's incarnation was completely transparent to him.

Under the complete targeting, the Golden Sword could not cope with such a complicated spell from the mythological source, and other incarnations also had corresponding attribute restraint methods.

In the end, after evaluating the opponent's fighting style, he directly used a defensive counterattack tactical style to successfully kill the god of war in front of him with a large number of spells.

""I won so quickly?!"

On the other side, Erica couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Veleslana's complete mistress.

As far as she knew, even for an old-fashioned God Slayer, it would usually take at least a week to successfully hunt a god.

At the moment, Su Mo had clearly not become a God Slayer yet, and was still just a human being.

But he actually accomplished the feat of killing the God of Disobedience head-on within a minute?

Even the most recognized God Slayers, Marquis Woban and Master Luo Hao, were unlikely to achieve this, right?


It should be said that it was absolutely impossible to achieve this!

If she heard correctly just now, Veleslana was still regretting that he could not force Su Mo to use his full strength before he disappeared.

In other words, even killing the God of Disobedience within a minute was a result achieved with some reservations?

【Toosaka Rin:"Guuu! Is this a battle between strong men?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"It's a mythical scene. If Lord Su Mo hadn't restrained himself, I'm afraid the whole island would have sunk into the Mediterranean!"】

【Kanae:"I suddenly thought of something"】

【Toosaka Rin:"What's the matter?"】

【Kanae:"We are individuals who can easily kill gods and accomplish many miracles that even disobedient gods cannot do. For us, what is the difference between us and gods?"

Kanae asked in a trance. She was not flattering, but explaining her feelings.

If she had not joined the chat group and witnessed Su Mo's extremely terrifying growth rate, in her eyes, Su Mo was really no different from God.

Seeing Kanae say this, Toosaka Rin thought for a few seconds and shook her head.

【Toosaka Rin:"No, of course there is a difference"】

【Kanae:"What’s the difference?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"The power of God has its limits, but the speed at which Su Mo-sama becomes stronger has no limit."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Comparing Lord Su Mo to a god may be an insult."】

In the past, they would never have thought that the word"god" would be considered a derogatory term.

But now, after hearing Toosaka Rin's description, no one expressed any objection.

【Madoka:"Rin-sister is right!"】

【Madoka:"After watching the big brother's battle scene, I suddenly felt that magical girls were a bit too weak."】

【Toosaka Rin:"To be honest,"】

【Toosaka Rin:"After all, it's for kids!"

Toosaka Rin, who didn't know that magical girls were real, casually agreed with Madoka's opinion.

Seeing this, Su Mo raised his eyebrows with a strange look.

Magical girls are weak?

No, no, no, other magical girls don't know, but Madoka's are definitely not weak.

Not to mention the gods, even if all the people in the world of God Slayers are added together, they are not enough for Madoka to hit with one finger.

There are not many multiverse-level existences, even in the entire outside world of the heavens.

【Su Mo:"Don't worry, power is not the core of a magical girl, and the power of a magical girl may not be inferior to that of a god."】

【Xiao Yuan:"Yes!"】

【Xiaoyuan:"Thank you for the reminder, brother Su Mo! Compared to power, hope and love are the real reasons why I like magical girls."】

As if enlightened, Xiao Yuan was determined to do it after Su Mo reminded her.

At this time, Erica suddenly thought of something and immediately asked

"By the way, since Lord Su Mo has successfully killed the gods, do you feel like sleeping?"


Su Mo shook his head, the altar was extremely clear.

"Well, according to previous intelligence, the first time a God Slayer kills a God, he is often in a coma near death. After waking up again, he will be reborn as a God Slayer and gradually gain power... Lord Su Mo is the first person to complete the feat of killing a God without any damage. How can you become a God Slayer if you continue like this?"

Erica was a little confused.

Facing Su Mo's unprecedented special case, past experience seemed to be completely inapplicable.

Hearing this, Su Mo finally knew what Erica was thinking, and he immediately shook his head.

"Don't worry, the God Slayer's reincarnation ceremony hasn't started yet. Someone will definitely come to summon me later. Just wait a little while."

"Is that so?"

After hearing Su Mo's words, Erica felt relieved.

As long as it didn't affect Master Su Mo's becoming a God Slayer, it would be fine... But why was Master Su Mo so familiar with the process of becoming a God Slayer?

Before she could ask in detail, Su Mo suddenly stood up.

"The ceremony has begun. I will go over there for a while."

As he said that, a space crack appeared in front of him. Su Mo stepped into it and his figure disappeared immediately.

"Is this aura a spatial passage to the netherworld?"

With Su Mo's instructions, Erica was not anxious, but was a little surprised at Su Mo's destination.

Could it be that the reincarnation ceremony of the God Slayer was actually carried out in the netherworld?

In the chat group, after hearing the conversation between the two, the others remembered that in the world of the God Slayer, killing gods has a special meaning.

【Toosaka Rin:"Come to think of it, Master Su Mo should become a godslayer soon, right?"】


【Erica:"Although what Lord Su Mo did was hunting, not killing."】

One word difference, but the meaning is completely different

【Toosaka Rin:"I remember you said, Erica, that the God Slayer is a country-destroying existence."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Does that mean Master Su Mo is about to become a third-level expert?"】

【Erica:"Yes! In terms of actual combat power, Lord Su Mo is actually at the third level now, right?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Of course I know that!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"What I want to say is that today is only the first day that Master Su Mo has been exposed to magic!"

With a long sigh, the young Rin sighed. As soon as this was said, the entire chat group fell silent.

Yes, it was only the first day of exposure to magic, and Su Mo had already transformed from a rank zero ordinary person to a rank three strong man.

���Comparing the time they had joined the group, everyone's expressions suddenly became complicated.

Comparing yourself to others is really frustrating!

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