At this time, Mekal had played all his cards.

The last two divine weapons that exploded were the first to approach Su Mo. In the blink of an eye, they could hit the arrogant God Killer head-on.

Just as Mekal was showing a pleased expression, as if he could see the arrogant God Killer being completely blown to pieces.

The expression on Su Mo's face was finally no longer as calm as water.

However, it was not replaced by fear, but a slight realization as if he had finally found an answer.

Mekal, who noticed this, suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

But he couldn't understand the source of this uneasiness. It

's already the moment of deciding the outcome. Even if he figured it out, what would it matter? With so little time, he didn't even have enough time to arrange the spell. Would he still have a chance to counterattack?

Even if Veleslana stood here in person, there would be no room for escape under this attack that locked all the space in all directions, right?

In this state of doubt, Mekal suddenly felt a dazzling light, which was the light of the sun.

White horse incarnation?

Ha! So what if it was!

Just an incarnation, can it beat four of his powers?

Mekal, who had once dealt with this power, subconsciously showed a contemptuous expression, but at this moment, something he had never thought of happened.

The blazing sun above his head suddenly exploded.

The golden sword blade merged with the sunlight of the blazing sun to form a platinum-colored sword blade.

A large number of platinum long swords fell at a divine speed like meteors.

The strongest god-killing weapon, the golden sword, was superimposed with the speed of light of the white horse at this moment. The fast lightsaber was launched first and pierced the entire battlefield almost instantly.

The locusts and Hades warriors containing Mekal's divine power were melted instantly like snow under the rain of lightsabers.

Any power containing divine power had no room for resistance under the golden sword of the god of war.

The two high-speed bursting divine weapons were also nailed to the ground by the fast platinum sword rain, and even the divine nature was sealed.

This was what Erica saw when she arrived.

Whether it was the massive locust plague or the warriors of Hades, whether it was the roaring thunder or the sea sweeping across the sky, including the two terrifying divine weapons, all the elements that constituted a fatal desperate situation were torn apart by the golden sword rain at the same time.

Just like a sharp knife cutting the world into two pieces, under the lightsaber, all beings are equal.

Even Mekal himself could not avoid the sword rain in this super-speed domain, and was pierced through the chest by dozens of lightsabers on the spot.

After everything was settled, he heard the belated chanting of Su Mo's words.

"A thousand lights, a thousand swords!"

"How is it possible?!"

Mekar's godhead was pierced, his godly power gradually dissipated, and even his body gradually turned into light particles. Before he died, he still had a look of shock and trance.

He spent several hours to set up these killing moves, but Su Mo took less than a second to completely destroy them.

"How could there be such a huge gap?!"

He could accept defeat, but it was hard for him to accept this inexplicable defeat.

Two divine weapons, the explosion of four powers, why could they be defeated by just one power?

"Maybe it's because your understanding of power is too superficial!"

Su Mo answered casually.


Mekal didn't reply and disappeared on the spot.

I don't know if he was angry to death.

Erica was not surprised by this result.

"You are worthy of being my Lord! Ordinary disobedient gods are completely helpless in your hands."

"It's just because Veleslana's power is more convenient."

Su Mo shook his head and didn't think it was a big deal.

Using the white horse incarnation and the warrior incarnation together is a combination that has already appeared in the original work and can be called an official plug-in. The

God-killing Golden Sword is already powerful and can be said to be a special attack weapon against God. The biggest shortcoming of this incarnation is that it must hit the enemy to seal the opponent's divinity.

After combining with the white horse incarnation, the golden sword will gain a sub-light speed and will burst out thousands of sword blades in the form of sword rain.

Just like Mekar's defeat, people without super-speed type authority cannot escape this sub-light speed. Sword rain at the speed of light.

With Su Mo's comprehension, he had mastered this combination of gameplay when he first got the power.

After a little optimization, it became the technique he just used.

That's why he didn't take Mekal's trap seriously. In front of the ultimate move at the speed level, all arrangements were in vain.

Compared to this battle that had no suspense from the very beginning, Su Mo cared more about what he had just realized.

At the moment when Mekal broke out the last trump card, Su Mo keenly realized what the truth of the"real power" that Veleslana had mentioned was.

【Toosaka Rin:"Master Su Mo is so modest!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Didn't these two disobedient gods fight once before? If this god of war was really that powerful, he would have killed the other in an instant just like Lord Su Mo did. How could they both suffer losses?"】

【Madoka:"That makes sense!"】

【Xiaoyuan:"As expected, the big brother is more powerful!"

They don't know what the official plug-in is, and they don't think that the result of the battle just now is a problem of power.

Otherwise, why can't Veleslana do this?

In fact, Su Mo also has the same question about this.

For some reason, in the world of godslayers, those who like to use power to play tricks are generally godslayers.

The gods of disobedience seem to be more conservative in the use of authority. Veleslana, the god of war, really doesn't know the technique of incarnation stacking.

【Kanae:"I always feel complicated when I see the scene where the god is killed instantly."】

【Xiao Yuan:"What's wrong?"】

【Kanae:"Does anyone remember that Lord Su Mo was also a newly promoted third-level"】

Kanae in the Taisho era, although not a Shinto believer, was naturally reverent.

But now, after seeing how Su Mo could kill a god more easily than a chicken, she suddenly found it difficult to awe the gods.

It turns out that the gods also have their limits!

【Toosaka Rin:"I understand how you feel. However, when Master Su Mo was at the second level, he was able to kill a third level god. It's not surprising that he can kill the Lord God in seconds after being promoted to the third level, right?"】

【Kanae:"It's not strange... Rather, no matter what Lord Su Mo does, it's hard for me to find it strange now."】

【Toosaka Rin:"I second the motion."】

【Xiao Yuan:"Second"】

Erica nodded in agreement as she watched the worldview of the group members being transformed into Su Mo's shape bit by bit.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a strange spatial fluctuation.

Erica immediately became alert.

The next second, a familiar spatial passage opened up in front of Su Mo, which was the road to the underworld.

"Erica, I'm going to the Netherworld, it may take some time, you go back first."

After giving a casual order, Su Mo stepped directly in.

Generally speaking, except for the first time killing a god, killing a god does not require going to the Netherworld, and power can be obtained directly.

However, Su Mo happens to be in an unusual situation.

In order to remove the restriction that he can only obtain one authority by killing a god once and seize all the godhood of the God of Disobedience, he still needs to do it himself.

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