"The Lord of the Sky controls the sky, storms, and thunder; the Raging Sea controls the ocean and voyages; the Cycle of Life and Death controls harvest and waste; the Hades Legion controls the underworld.】"

"Wow, four powers in one go! This is something other kids wouldn't even dare to think about, you've made a killing, little Su Mo!"

In the underworld, the girl with long purple ponytails raised her hands high, cheering to express her joy, looking happier than Su Mo himself.

If she hadn't been stopped a few times, with her personality, she might have sneaked up and brought him up.

Faced with this kind of information that he knew firsthand, it was hard for Su Mo to feel excited.

"Mekal's godhood is quite complex. If he descended under the name of Baal, he would probably have more powers."

Just like the relationship between servants and heroes, after a god descends to the mortal world as a disobedient god, he will be matched with different godhoods due to different opportunities, which is reflected in the difference in the name of the god.

Under this mechanism, even if it is the same god, if he descends to the mortal world twice, he will show different postures.

Mekal is the main god worshipped by the Semitic people. As a typical sky god, he has a tendency to transition to the only god like Odin and Zeus in the later period. At the same time, he is also the prototype of St. George, with many aliases such as Beelzebub and Baal.

The four powers at the moment are by no means his limit.

"That being said, it would be much more difficult to deal with, right?"

Pandora suddenly patted her head.

"Oh! I almost forgot that ordinary disobedient gods are not a problem for you."

When other godslayers hunt gods, Pandora still has to worry about safety issues, but Su Mo doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Or rather, it is the disobedient gods who need to be worried about.

When the power deprivation ceremony was carried out before, Pandora tried to talk to the God King Mekal, but she didn't expect that this arrogant God King was completely silent, as if he was hit by Su Mo. Judging from his appearance, he probably won't come to the world again in the future.

I hope it doesn't leave him with a psychological shadow.

"These four powers are quite rich in effect, but I think the divine weapons are more important than the powers."

After finding out the range of the power, Su Mo turned his attention to the two sticks in front of him.

The Chaser (Yagrush) and the Exile (Aymur).

Su Mo just raised his hand slightly, and the two divine weapons obediently went around behind him.

After obtaining Mekal's divinity, these two divine weapons naturally became Su Mo's possession.

Unlike the golden sword, a power-type weapon that is powered by the owner himself, this kind of divine weapon does not require Su Mo to provide divine power. They can accumulate power by themselves, and Su Mo only needs to manipulate them.

"Eh? Why do you say that?"

Pandora tilted her head, a little confused.

"Although the power is good, there is generally no difference between divine weapons and authority, right?"

Both are based on divine power, but one is controlled by oneself, and the other is placed on the divine weapon. There is no obvious difference between the superior and the inferior.

"This is usually the case, but this weapon is different."

Su Mo shook his head and looked at the Exile.

"Mekal once used this weapon to beat Veleslana into ten incarnations, which means that this divine weapon has the power to harmlessly dismantle the divine nature!"

"So what?"

Pandora still didn't quite understand.

This ability is rare, but it's not very useful, right?

"Therefore, it is very suitable for research."

As a weapon, the characteristics of the Exile are obviously somewhat useless.

It can obviously shatter Veleslana's godhood, but it cannot kill him, giving him the opportunity to reorganize the godhood, which can be said to be a waste of effort.

However, if it is not regarded as a weapon, but as an experimental equipment like a scalpel, the nature of this weapon is very useful.

Disassembling the godhood without causing any damage is simply a scalpel with built-in safety guarantee.

"Research... Little Su Mo, you really like to explore this knowledge. The gods of wisdom I know are not as curious as you."

After several contacts and peeping, Pandora also had a general understanding of Su Mo's style of doing things.

After hearing this, she was not too surprised, but just sighed slightly.

"Knowledge is the ladder of human progress."

Su Mo replied calmly.

"Of course, the same is true for gods."

"If you had spent all these years studying the structure of gods and myths instead of wasting your time on peeping, you might not need a godslayer and you could have exacted revenge on the God of Steel yourself."

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was like a bowl of poisonous chicken soup

"Stop talking, stop talking! Forgive me! I really can't do this kind of thing!"

Hearing this, Pandora immediately hugged her head and shook her head violently, as if she was under a spell.

As a member of the former Earth Mother Goddess, Pandora is definitely not bad in mythological rituals, otherwise she wouldn't be able to perform the Pandora Dark Festival.

But compared with Su Mo, she is far behind.

Pandora still can't understand how Su Mo, who had just obtained the power, managed to perform an operation that Veleslana himself couldn't do. Relying purely on a newly acquired power, he instantly killed a disobedient god at the level of a god king. This operation can be considered extremely explosive in any era.

Therefore, she didn't intend to listen to Su Mo's preaching, and immediately changed the subject.

"By the way, do you know what the"true power" that Veleslana mentioned before is?"


Su Mo nodded gently.

Although this battle was a one-sided instant kill, he still got the information he wanted.

""Tell me about it! You should be able to tell me, right?"

Pandora immediately showed a curious look.

She was also very curious about what gift Veleslana could leave for Su Mo.

"What he said was not so much about power as it was about the correct way to use it, or in other words, the essence of the God of War."

Su Mo had no intention of hiding this information.

Because it would be meaningless if others knew it.

"The essence of the God of War's godhood?

Pandora really didn't understand.

"Which of the ten incarnations do you think is the core of this power?"

Su Mo did not answer her question, but asked another question.


Pandora suddenly fell into deep thought.

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