After listening to Su Mo's explanation, some people not only roughly understood the principle, but also vaguely guessed Su Mo's future plans.

However, some people were still stunned.

For those who had no basic knowledge, this explanation was no different from listening to a book from heaven.

""My dear friend! I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I didn't understand a word you said."

Tony raised his hand politely.

In fact, he didn't need to speak. You could tell from his blank expression that there was no need to ask him what he didn't understand. He didn't understand anything.

"What principles, what myths, I don't quite understand!"

After expressing his thoughts in an extremely frank tone, Tony stared at Su Mo and asked the question he was most concerned about.

"I just want to know where that sword came from and why I lost before I even made a move."

After hearing this question, the members in the chat group also became curious.

【Toosaka Rin:"Oh, that's right! I know the myth technique is very powerful, but what kind of technique is it that has such a terrifying effect?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Lord Su Mo didn't even put in any effort, but the other party fell down."】

The God Slayer is also a being that can use the Godhead. Although his way of using it is incomparable to the Godhead's spells, they are both based on the power of the Godhead. There shouldn't be such a big difference, right?

"You mean this?"

Hearing Tony's question, Su Mo raised his hand slightly, and an orange-red lightsaber immediately appeared in his hand.

"This is a self-disciplined driving technique that I built with victory as its essence, reconstructing the power of Veleslana, and then building it with its godhood as its core."

"Naturally, as a sword of victory, its effect is to bring defeat to the enemy.

Victory and defeat are two sides of the same coin.

Of course, the teachings of Zoroastrianism emphasize binary opposition rather than unity.

"……Can you understand more?"

Dong Ni, who didn't understand, touched his head awkwardly.

"To put it more simply, this technique can directly detect the target's strength and evaluate it."

"When the target meets certain conditions and is bound to lose in the subsequent battle, it will directly ignore the process and give the enemy a defeat in advance."

Su Mo's explanation was still very patient.

In general, this spell is more suitable for bullying, and can help Su Mo quickly clear those weak wild monsters.

For example, a small number of God Slayers or Disobedient Gods.

If it is used against a strong person, or an enemy that does not meet the judgment, this spell will not be very effective.


This time, Tony understood.

But he was not convinced.

"You mean, according to the judgment of this sword, I will definitely lose the battle with you? There is not even a 1% chance of winning?"

This is too crazy!

Even Marquis Woban or Luo Hao, the leader, dare not say that they have a 100% advantage over me.

Although I don't know what the mythical spell is, the sword in front of me is at most a mere power. How can it judge in advance that I will lose?

"This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Although he couldn't move at all and was almost at the mercy of others, he still refused to accept it. He hadn't even used his trump card power successfully!

No matter what kind of difficult authority Su Mo possessed, as long as the authority of the god of wine [Divine Chaos] was activated, he would definitely be able to pull the situation back to his advantage.

Faced with this kind of unwillingness, Su Mo did not let him go and then crush him again with authority to prove his interest, nor did he intend to make this prisoner convinced or anything.


A mere loser is worthy of it?

"You can think whatever you want. I am just introducing this technique. I am not interested in gaining the trust of anyone."

After speaking in a fairly calm tone, Su Mo shook his head.

"However, someone like you who can't even handle the speed of a wide area is doomed to fail in the first round."There is nothing in the martial arts world that is invincible except speed, and this also applies to the God Slayer.

In front of Su Mo, those who can't handle the speed are not even qualified to step into the battlefield.

Although Tony has a martial arts mind and can barely handle ordinary speed attacks.

But under the wide-area attack of"Thousand Lights, Thousand Swords", there is no way to survive.

In addition, the [Steel Protection] that Tony relies on the most by the sun attribute authority has a special attack. Even if he doesn't use the sword of victory, he will be killed on the spot, and there is no chance of survival.


Dong Ni opened his mouth to refute.

But looking at his current powerless state, he closed his mouth in dismay.

No matter what, it was a fact that he was killed instantly.

Putting aside the fact that he was killed instantly, he was still very interested in the judgment mentioned in Su Mo's words.

So, after a few seconds of silence, he couldn't help but speak.

"You just mentioned the first level. Could it be that this so-called sword of victory has other judgment criteria?"

"Of course there is."

Su Mo nodded as a matter of course

"Depending on the difference in other powers linked, the judgment conditions will also change, but the general principle remains the same. Those who cannot win will be deprived of the qualification to fight."

"At present, the name of this spell is still the Sword of Victory (Vareghna). I wonder if it will have a chance to be upgraded to the Aura (khavarenah) after connecting more powers."As we all know, the seventh incarnation of Veleslana, the Phoenix, is named Vareghna. In the Zoroastrian mythology book"Avesta", this name represents the incarnation of the aura.

It gives heroes and emperors the"King's Aura", giving them the power to defeat all darkness and evil.

The source of all this aura is Ahura, the supreme god of good.

It is He who has determined the fate that good will triumph over evil.

As for this aura, it is called khavarenah in the Avesta language.

If it is obtained by a hero or emperor, it is called the"King's Aura"; but once it is taken away by evil gods and demons, it will become another name - the Aura of the Overlord, or the Wheel of the Overlord.

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