No one at the scene understood Su Mo's last words.

Even Erica and Toosaka Rin didn't understand the meaning of these two titles.

However, Su Mo didn't explain it.

He had said what he needed to say, and the rest was too much for them.



Su Mo casually thrust a few golden swords into Tony's chest and abdomen, sealing his power for the second time.

Then, he casually created a pair of blood-colored chains and bound his body tightly, silencing even his spell power.

Even the body of a God Slayer would be unable to break free in this situation.

Finally, he turned back to look at Erica.

"Send him to the underground prison"


After a pause, Erica nodded immediately.

Erica knew about Su Mo's plan, so she was not surprised. However, as the person being tied up, Sword King Tony was very confused.

He trembled a little when he sensed something bad, and then raised his head desperately.

"Hey , hey, hey! My dear friend, I just heard words like underground prison, are you kidding me?"

He stared at Su Mo's eyes in a panic, hoping that his fantasy could come true.


"The master certainly won't joke with you!"

Erica shook her head and kindly advised

"Don't worry, as a precious experimental subject, as long as you actively cooperate with Master Su Mo's experiment, Master Su Mo will not harm your life... probably."

Erica may have had good intentions, but when he heard this, Tony's face turned green in an instant.

"Experimental subjects?"

Even he knew that experimental subjects didn't seem to have any human rights.

Not to mention, Erica's uncertain tone was too scary.

What did you mean by probably? Could you be so careless about something involving life?

"It's just a challenge, is it necessary to be so cruel? And I haven't even started the fight yet! We are all fellow God Slayers, this is too much!"

Even Marquis Vauban and Master Luo Hao were not so cruel, at most they were beaten half to death.

Hearing Tony's accusation, Erica showed a fox-like smile on her face.

She pointed to the crack not far away from her, which ran through the earth and the ocean, and made up an excuse.

"How can I not punish him for coming to my lord's territory and causing such damage to my lord's base?"

This reason sounds very convincing at first glance.

People who take the initiative to provoke should not complain no matter what kind of counterattack they suffer.


"If I remember correctly, Italy is a territory under my command, right?"

Dong Ni said with a gloomy look.

The expression on his face translated as——"Do you really think I'm stupid?"

"Ah this!"

Erica then remembered that this guy was indeed the nominal leader of the Southern European Magic Society.

So from another perspective, this conflict was not the Sword King provoking the new king, but the new king seizing the Sword King's territory.

From this perspective, they seemed to be the one who was not right.

Seeing Erica's frustration, Su Mo on the side added leisurely:

"No matter what, the winner has the right to deal with his own spoils, right?"


As soon as these words came out, Tony was silent.

He agreed with the logic of the warrior more than the logic of the king, and Su Mo's words were irrefutable to him.

A few minutes later, the other members of the Red Copper Black Cross finally arrived and rushed to the battlefield.

Seeing their leader, the Sword King, who was tied up and had no power to resist, and the new king who was calmly watching the waves, all the magicians were stunned.

In such a short time, they didn't have time to evacuate the people, and the battle was over?

Moreover, the one who was defeated was the Sword King, who was a senior?

Looking at the traces on the battlefield, except for that sword mark, there was no sign of any conflict, and there was a high probability that there was no entanglement.

What's going on? Is the new king so powerful?

Even the Marquis of Vauban couldn't win such a quick victory against the Sword King!

In panic and shock, they hesitated for a few seconds, but still chose to obey Erica's instructions. Like dragging a pig to be slaughtered, they sent their former leader, the Sword King, to the underground prison that had been cleared before.

Anyway, the Sword King had never done anything for them before, so being replaced by the new king made no difference to them.

It was nothing more than switching to the new king's side.

With Erica as a bridge, they didn't have to worry too much.

To be on the safe side, Erica went with the car and escorted the Sword King, the No. 1 test subject, to the underground prison.

Su Mo did not leave with them.

According to the previous agreement, after solving this little trouble, he needed to go to the Type-Moon World.

【Toosaka Rin:"Master Su Mo, I'm ready!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Are you coming over now?"】

【Su Mo:"Okay"】

After a brief conversation, Toosaka Rin gritted her teeth and used up most of her accumulated points to invite Su Mo.

Soon, Su Mo responded to the invitation.

The group live broadcast screen also quickly switched to the Type-Moon world.

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