On the battlefield filled with blood and fire, the king, wearing a blood-stained blue cloak and bright silver armor, held his sword and silently looked at the remains of the battlefield.

The king looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, with a petite figure and a golden hair on her head, but the expression on her face was too sad for a girl of this age.

The country to which she dedicated her life did not escape the fate after all.

The once extremely powerful country fell apart in this civil strife, the soldiers were killed and wounded, and the people could not escape the slaughter. It is foreseeable that this country will inevitably be invaded by foreign enemies and completely destroyed. Did

I do something wrong? Is there any other way to save it?

When the girl was questioning herself in her heart, a great will came and told her that as long as she signed a contract, she would be given a chance to save it.

Almost two thousand years from now, a Holy Grail War will be held, and the winner will have the opportunity to make a wish.

"Can you grant the winner one wish?……"

The girl who was later known as King Arthur, finally lit up her holy blue eyes after hearing these words.

She did have a wish that she wanted to realize.

If someone else had pulled out the sword of the king, Britain might not have to suffer this much?

After making up her mind, the girl heard the chanting of a young man.

So, she responded to the call.

"Servant Saber, I have obeyed the summons and come here. Let me ask you, are you my Master?"

The stern tone, the correct attitude, the petite body, and the blue cape that looks a bit like a quilt

"Altria Pendragon?"

To the girl's surprise, the Master in front of her recognized her name at a glance, and was not even surprised at all that she was a woman.

"Yes, Master knows me?"

Aho-maru shuddered, and Altria asked in confusion


Su Mo nodded.

"I have an impression of the famous King Arthur."

However, even he was a little surprised. He did not expect that the person he successfully summoned was actually the Quilt King, who was known as the ancestor Saber.

Nowadays, even online novels do not write about these old characters.

However, why can he summon her without using the holy relics?

In terms of compatibility, Su Mo felt that he and Artoria were not that compatible.

After thinking for a while, he thought of something and immediately asked Artoria

"Can I see your sword?"

"If it is the Master's request, then yes."

Although she was a little confused, facing the Master who was about to fight side by side, Altria did not refuse. The invisible knight's greatsword appeared in her hand. Altria removed the wind king barrier used to conceal the sword, turned the sword, and handed the hilt to the Master in front of her.

"Is this the Sword of Promised Victory? How gorgeous!"

Lin exclaimed at the sight of this gorgeous sword.

Although she was also surprised that King Arthur was actually a woman, since Su Mo said so, it couldn't be wrong.

And if the other party was King Arthur, then her weapon, apart from the broken King's Choice Sword Caliburn, would naturally only have the legendary Broken Steel Holy Sword - Excalibur, the Sword of Promised Victory.

"No, it's more than just the Sword of Promised Victory."

After hearing Lin's words, Su Mo shook his head after a detailed investigation.

"It is also the Holy Sword of the Stars that can save the planet."

He probably guessed why Saber was summoned.

Ordinary servants are useless to him. The Noble Phantasms he is proud of are at most at the level of conceptual spirit equipment. A few strong people only have divine weapons. For him who has mastered the skills of summoning heroic spirits, they are not particularly precious.

But the Holy Sword of the Stars in front of him is different. It is a holy sword made to achieve the goal of destroying the enemy of the planet.

It is not man-made, not God-made, but made by the stars.

If it can be fully unleashed, this sword may even reach the level of exploding a star.

"Master, you actually know about the Holy Sword?"

Hearing Su Mo reveal the biggest secret of the Holy Sword of Stars, Artoria couldn't help but be shocked.

Isn't this a secret that only the lake elves know?

If it weren't for urging her to return the Holy Sword in time, the lake elves probably wouldn't even tell her.

"I just happened to know."

Su Mo waved his hand and returned the Sword of Promised Victory.

The holy sword that can explode stars is naturally worth studying, but now is not the time to study it.

At this time, they were standing at the entrance of the empty cave under the cave.

After successfully summoning Artoria, Su Mo stepped into the Holy Grail and asked the puzzled Artoria casually:

"Come to think of it, you chose to respond to the call because of the wish you placed on the Holy Grail, right?"


When she mentioned her wish, Altria's expression immediately became serious.

In order to fulfill her wish, she had to win the Holy Grail War. The Master in front of them was so mysterious and powerful, and they had a great chance of winning.

·· ·Request flowers···· ·····

Just when she was feeling happy and thought that this time she might have succeeded, the Master in front of her said :

"Then you may be disappointed, the current Holy Grail cannot satisfy your wish"


Altria was stunned.


She agreed to sign the contract to become a heroic spirit and come to this era to fight just for the chance to fulfill her wish.

If the Holy Grail cannot fulfill the wish, then isn't Alaya a fraud?

"Master, why do you say that?"

Altria's expression became a little anxious.

Before the game even started, she was told that she was being tricked. How could she play this game?

... 0

Rin also showed a puzzled expression. Although she knew that the opportunity to make a wish was a bait, this bait should not be fake!

"You will know this if you look ahead."

Su Mo did not give any extra explanations, but just asked them to look forward.

At this time, they had already gone deep into the interior of the Holy Grail. It was pitch black inside, and they could only see the flickering light of the magic circle.

But as Su Mo spoke, a ray of red flame burned in the air, illuminating everything around.

After seeing the surrounding scene clearly, they finally understood why Su Mo said that.

Black mud, countless black mud accumulated in the center of the Holy Grail, twisting like a living thing.

At the moment the flames ignited, the black mud seemed to be burned and immediately retreated into the shadows dozens of meters away.

"Are these... curses?"

Altria instinctively realized the malice contained in the black mud, but looking around, she shuddered.

"What a huge curse! The so-called Holy Grail... is this actually the thing?"

"To be precise, it is all the evil in this world."

"If you make a wish to such a Holy Grail, all your wishes will be twisted and finally come true in the way you least want."

Su Mo corrected, and then cast his eyes into the depths of the Holy Grail.

"Still not willing to come out? The head of the evil god - Angra Mainyu, or his substitute?"

Su Mo's other purpose in coming to the Holy Grail is to eliminate the evil in this world.

This existence, which is completely different from a curse in the eyes of others, is a key link in completing the Zoroastrian mythology ritual system for Su


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