In front of the port of Sardinia, Gawain looked at the two King Arthurs standing on his left and right. He didn't know which one to believe.

"You say you are King Arthur?".

"Are you the King Arthur of this world?"

The two King Arthurs looked at each other from a distance, both with a curious look on their faces.

At first, the disobedient Arthur thought someone was impersonating him, but after getting closer, he found out that he was wrong.

With his spiritual sense, he could sense that the other party's red dragon blood, elf protection, and the sword of sworn victory seemed to be genuine.

Even he himself could not sense the problem of the other party's spiritual core fluctuation, let alone others.

Gawain, who was standing next to him, was keenly aware of the problem with Altria's statement.

"King, you just said, this world?"

"That's right."

Artoria nodded, and now she had the opportunity to introduce herself.

"Although I am King Arthur, I am not the King Arthur of this world."

"Parallel worlds? I see."

Arthur the Disobedient and Gawain nodded, revealing an expression of as expected.

The God Slayer world also has a large number of parallel worlds. The realm of God is located outside the world. For the gods, the parallel world is not a secret.

After resolving the misunderstanding, Gawain suddenly looked at Arthur the Disobedient.

"Wang! Although it seems unlikely, I still want to ask you, are you also a woman dressed as a man?"

"Of course not!"

Arthur replied in silence.

"What a pity."

Gao Wen shook his head.


A big question mark appeared on Arthur's head.

"Sorry, King of another world, the God in front of me is my master.

After confirming the identities of both parties, Gawain made his choice without hesitation.

"It doesn't matter, each of us serves his own master!"

Altria shook her head and looked at Su Mo.

She had never intended to recruit Gawain from another world as a subordinate. To her, the Knights of the Round Table had been completely destroyed with the disintegration of Britain.

After hearing her words, Arthur the Disobedient finally turned his eyes to Su Mo.

After Gawain's brief explanation, he realized that the godslayer in front of him was the lord he was serving in another world.

So, Arthur the Disobedient raised his sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Su Mo, and smiled sharply.

"To be recognized by King Arthur of another world and become the master of the Knight King, he must be a brave man who will not shy away from a fight. 」?"

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere changed from reminiscing about the past to a tense situation.

"Is the Lord so eager to fight? But I don't want to attack the king, even if it's a king from another world."

Gawain sighed, but still followed Arthur and drew the holy sword from his waist.

"What a foolish thing to say!"

Faced with his subordinate's pedantic ideas, Arthur reprimanded him on the spot.

"If a god encounters a godslayer, can he still hope to escape unscathed?"

"Besides, I may not be the one who really wants to fight... Lord Rakshasa, am I right?"

When he said the last sentence, he stared at Su Mo.

For some reason, he felt a little uneasy when he saw the other party's calmness.

Su Mo nodded immediately to Arthur's question.

"Although your appearance was unexpected, I do not intend to let you go."

The reason why he stayed in the Type-Moon World and wanted to obtain the Heroic Spirit Summoning Technology there and then upgrade it to Divine Spirit Summoning Technology was to obtain enough Godhead to support his own analysis and research.

At the moment, because of Altria, two wild Disobedient Gods appeared directly, and it would be a waste if not to pick up this opportunity.

In addition to the research value, as a homologous individual, the Godhead of Disobedient Arthur may not be unable to be placed on Saber.

"Hahaha! You are indeed the master I recognize from another world, so straightforward!"

Arthur the Disobedient was very satisfied with Su Mo's attitude.

The relationship between the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience should have been like that of old enemies.


"Come and fight! Show me your strength as a warrior! Show me if you are qualified to be King Arthur's lord!"

With a shout full of fighting spirit, Arthur the Disobedient and Gawain the Disobedient took an offensive stance.


Looking at the two god-level enemies in front of her, Altria immediately stood in front of Su Mo, tightly grasped the hilt of the Sword of Promise of Victory, and her whole body tensed up.

"Gao Wenqing's combat power will be tripled under the sun. His Rotating Victory Sword has the same power as the Oath of Victory Sword under the sun."

"As for my power, besides the Sword of Promised Victory, the blood of the Red Dragon, and the protection of the elves, I also need to be careful of the Sword of the King's Choice that I have lost, and the Scabbard of Avalon."

"Although it is unknown how much stronger they will become as gods, if the myths are the same, the nature of their powers should not be any different!"

Facing the god versions of herself and Gawain, Artoria did not dare to be careless.

She directly reported all of her and Gawain's combat characteristics and power characteristics.

"If you want to defeat Gao Wenqing, you can't rush it. You just need to prolong the battle until night. He will be easier to deal with after losing his boost. You can leave this task to me."

"If I want to defeat myself in another world, I need to find a way to destroy the characteristics of the scabbard. If the Master has skills related to slaying dragons, he should be able to cause considerable damage to Him!"

"Besides, the battle with me cannot be dragged on until night. Although I don’t have this power now, I was blessed by the night when I was born."

After talking about the characteristics, she also talked about the method to deal with"herself" and the Knights of the Round Table.

"If that's not enough, consider letting go of the God Slayer temporarily!"

In the end, she even included Tony in the equation.

Compared to the internal conflicts among the God Slayers, the conflicts between the God Slayers and the God of Disobedience are much more acute.

Even if it is to protect his own life, the Sword King should still deal with the God of Disobedience after he escapes.

It has to be said that Altria's fighting talent is still very strong.

Although she is usually dull, when she really fights, her grasp of the timing of the battle and the use of resources are all first-class.

In her opinion, if she fights according to this strategy, even if her own strength is slightly weaker than that of the opponent, the chance of winning is very high.

Thinking so, she obviously didn't notice one thing.

That is, behind her, facing the attack of the two Gods of Disobedience, facing this offensive that can easily sink Sardinia into the Mediterranean, Erica held Sakura's hand but did not waver at all, but seemed calm and composed.

Therefore, she obviously misjudged a key fact.

"¨々 Don't bother, just step back first."

After listening to Altria's strategy, Su Mo reached out and pressed her shoulders, letting her come behind him.

At the same time, an orange-red long sword appeared beside him, floating in the air.

"Master, be careful!"

Looking at the two holy swords running at maximum power at the same time in the distance, Artoria suddenly became a little anxious.

The power of the artifact version of the Sword of Promised Victory and the Sword of Rotating Victory was beyond even her imagination.

It was noon again, and even gods would not be able to survive if they were hit head-on by these two holy swords.

Artoria thought that her reminder would alert Su Mo, but she didn't expect that the master in front of her not only did not pay attention to the opponent's attack, but turned around and looked at her without any sense of danger.

At this moment, the orange-red lightsaber flashed and then disappeared.

The next second


There was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground in the distance. It was the two disobedient gods.

Without using any trump cards in time, the two disobedient gods completely lost their fighting power.

Even the half-charged holy sword fell to the ground.

The battle that should have been a mythical level was completely over in less than a second.

At this time, Su Mo's question came belatedly.

"What should I be careful about?"


Altria was completely silent.

Looking at the two completely exhausted disobedient gods in front of her, she finally realized what she had misjudged. It turned out that even when facing two disobedient gods, her side still had an absolute advantage!

Who exactly is her master?.

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