"Master, are all the godslayers in this world as powerful as you?"

After being shocked, the hair on Altria's head was slightly bent, and she looked at Su Mo with doubtful eyes.

When she was in the Type-Moon world, she knew that Su Mo had the strength of a god, but in the eyes of ordinary people, no matter how powerful a god is, he should be cautious when fighting two alone, right?

However, the reality happening before her directly broke this common sense.

She didn't see anything clearly, and the two disobedient gods were completely defeated.

The gap between her own master and the gods seemed to be greater than the gap between the gods and the servants.

Therefore, Altria began to doubt whether the"killing" of the godslayer was wrong, and whether it actually meant killing randomly?

As a result, she looked at Tony, who was tied up, with a strange look in her eyes.

Could it be that this guy is not just a simple fool, but a very powerful person?

Facing Altria's question, Erica gave an explanation without Su Mo's answer.

"Of course not! There are two kinds of godslayers in this world, one is Lord Su Mo, and the other is someone other than Lord Su Mo."

"When you have been together for a long time, you will understand that Lord Su Mo’s power has nothing to do with being a God Slayer or anything like that. It’s purely because Lord Su Mo himself is very powerful!"

""I see."

Artoria accepted Erica's explanation very quickly.

It seemed more reasonable that there was only one bug like Su Mo than the whole world was full of bugs like Su Mo.

Seeing that she was no longer confused, Su Mo gave the order:

"Saber, use your sword to kill King Arthur the Disobedient!"

Under Su Mo's control, of the two disobedient gods, only Gawain the Disobedient was killed and sent back to the myth, while Arthur the Disobedient remained in the world.

If he wanted to send him back to the myth, he needed to make a final move.


Altria had never had any doubts about Su Mo's orders and would execute them directly.

But this time, she did hesitate.

It was not because she didn't want to attack herself in this world, but because——

"If that were the case, wouldn't the Master be unable to obtain power?"

She had heard Erica explain how the God Slayer was born. If she killed the disobedient God herself, she would most likely become a God Slayer.

But wouldn't that be stealing the Master's spoils?

""Well, dear friends, if you don't want it, you can give it to me. I don't mind!"

Hearing the two people pushing each other for the opportunity to obtain power, Tony's eyes almost popped out.

You know, he was just robbing the prey of Marquis Vauban once, and he was almost electrocuted to death.

Such a good thing, you don't want it, but I do!

I don't mind having one more power!

"Don't worry, just follow the order."

Su Mo shook his head and completely ignored the Sword King.

"As a being of the same origin, King Arthur's divinity will have a greater bonus on you... Moreover, with the mechanism of the Ring of Usurpation, the final power may not be given to you, so give it a try first!"

Seeing Su Mo's insistence, although she didn't know why he said that, Altria still raised the holy sword and executed Su Mo's order.


A golden torrent of light surged past, and under Tony's grief-stricken gaze, Arthur's body completely turned into a light spot and disappeared, returning to the myth.

Soon, a familiar space passage appeared in front of Su Mo.

Erica, who knew Su Mo's plan, immediately stepped forward and asked Sakura to follow Su Mo.

Then, Su Mo took Altria and Sakura and stepped into the netherworld together.


"My dear child, I didn't expect you to listen to your mother so much. You know I'm bored and come to see me three times a day. Come, let your mother give you a hug of love!"

The first step in entering the underworld is to let Altria step forward to block Pandora who pounced on her.

"Master? Who is this?"

After successfully preventing this suspicious girl from approaching the Master, Altria was confused by Pandora's address.

No matter how she looked at it, this girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old, didn't look like the Master's mother. Apart from other things, her hair color, appearance and personality were not similar at all.

However, no one could be sure about the affairs of gods, and the other party was indeed not hostile, which made her a little confused.

"Pandora, the former Earth Mother Goddess.

Su Mo briefly introduced

"She is the creator of the God Slayer and the mother of the God Slayer in this world, so she is indeed related to me in terms of spirituality, but there is no need to worry too much about it."This is why he has never corrected Pandora's name.

Since the other party did not use the wrong name, there is no reason to change it.

"That's too much! What do you mean don't worry too much? If you bully my mother like this, I'll cry for you to see!"

The goddess with twin ponytails looked like she was about to cry, as if she was hurt by Su Mo's words.

Su Mo didn't care about the goddess's fake crying, and seeing that Altria still looked like she didn't understand, he further explained.

"Spiritual kinship is actually very common. For example, you, who have the blood of a red dragon, can be called the daughter of a British red dragon to some extent."

"I understand!"

Altria suddenly realized.

So, she is not a proper mother.

"Although it is true, it is not so low!"

Pandora puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction. Although she wanted to refute, she could not find any arguments.

For other God Slayers, Pandora at least saved their lives by pulling them back from the state of near death, but Su Mo was different from others. He was always in full condition and did not experience near-death reincarnation, so it was difficult to get closer to him.

"Pandora, has the ritual of the usurpation ring been activated?"

After explaining clearly, Su Mo directly changed the topic and asked about the business.

"Even if I ask you to call me mom, I feel like you won't listen. I really can't do anything with you...Yes, it's already activated. All the powers of the two gods of disobedience will be directly transferred to you!"

Pandora sighed and still cooperated with Su Mo's inquiry.

"Two disobedient gods?"

Hearing this, Su Mo paused slightly and glanced at Altria.

"As expected, the God of Disobedience slain by Saber was also judged as my achievement?"


Pandora nodded.

"After all, this child is your servant. She is similar to a subordinate god or a mythical beast in terms of judgment. She is your appendage. No matter how she kills the disobedient god, it will be considered that you did it yourself."


Su Mo shook his head.

He knew this rule, but Altria was not a traditional spirit servant. She was summoned with her own body. He thought it would be a special case, but she was still classified as a subsidiary. But it didn't matter. Even if this method didn't work, he had other ways to achieve his goal.

"It seems that for the time being, we can only use the protection of the young incarnation as a substitute."

Before the research on the godhood is broken through, this method will be a little less effective.

However, for Altria, who has now reached her full strength, it is still enough to make her strength go further and reach a point where she can completely compete with ordinary disobedient gods.

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