Just as Su Mo was thinking about how to transfer the power of Arthur the Disobedient to Altria to the maximum extent,

Pandora suddenly came over, poked his arm, and said with a smile:

"Let me guess, what is troubling my most adorable child right now?"

"Do you want your little knight to directly obtain King Arthur's complete godhood?"

It is not difficult to guess Su Mo's thoughts, because Su Mo has never concealed his purpose.

But he took the initiative to mention this at this time, and he was so proud of it.——

"Do you have a solution?"

Su Mo asked with a little surprise.

"Of course! Who do you think I am?"

Pandora immediately raised her head and chest, looking proud.

"I am the Earth Mother Goddess who existed in the ancient times. I have the wisdom of a top Earth Mother Goddess. Although this matter is not easy, it cannot defeat the wisdom I have accumulated for thousands of years!"

After boasting about herself, she looked up at Su Mo and said in a different tone.

"If one of my disobedient children is willing to call me mom and act like a spoiled child to me, I don't mind telling him all this knowledge!"

The purple-haired goddess with twin ponytails blinked, her eyes full of suggestion.

"The Wisdom of the Supreme Mother Goddess……"

Hearing this, Su Mo was slightly enlightened.

In the world of God Slayer, the Earth Mother Goddess, as the most primitive god born in the matriarchal clan period, has top-notch control over the earth and magic. In this regard, most of the Steel Hero Gods are not their opponents. The

Earth Mother Goddesses who have survived from the mythological era to the present basically have their own background.

For example, Athena in the original work has hidden the Black Blade spell - this spell is also called the"Sword of Beginning and End.""、"Although it is not a power, it has a power that is stronger than power, and can even rival the white star of the Last King that can kill the God Killer in an instant.

Circe in the original work also has the power of [Secret Record of Dawn] that can bypass Pandora's Dark Festival.

Based on this, Pandora, who is also an ancient earth mother goddess, should also have the same degree of wisdom.

Whether it is inferred from common sense or from Pandora's unconcealed emotional fluctuations, Su Mo can be sure that Pandora is not lying, and she really has a way to solve the problem.

However, he did not listen to Pandora's advice, but asked calmly:

"How can you prove that you didn't lie?"

Faced with Su Mo's questioning, Pandora was not only not unhappy, but even brightened up.

She had originally just asked for a high price, leaving enough room for Su Mo to bargain, but she didn't expect Su Mo to not say anything and directly asked the most crucial point.

Doesn't this mean that this child is really likely to agree to her request?

"This is easy to prove! In fact, the principle is not complicated. Do you remember that the husband and wife gods in mythology share authority?"

Seeing that Su Mo was about to take the bait, in order to make him trust her, Pandora immediately explained with a smile on her face.

"Remember... So that's it, I understand."

Su Mo pondered for two seconds, and then showed a look of sudden realization.

"In the process of replacing the Earth Mother God, the Steel Hero God not only directly seizes her power, but also transforms her into his wife, daughter or subordinate, in order to continue to obtain the authority of the Earth Mother God."

"This mythological paradigm, when the struggle is fierce, is usually manifested as the steel hero god defeating monsters, marrying the princess, and becoming king. Taking Perseus and Zeus as examples, the hero god obtained the authority and power originally from the goddess."

"When the struggle eases, it is usually manifested as a famous goddess marrying a male god, and then the originally active goddess gradually retreats, and is replaced by the active male god. Hades is this type."

"Hestia, Artemis, and Athena, the three virgin goddesses in Greek mythology, swore to remain chaste. In addition to their duty to protect virgins, it was probably also to avoid the erosion of their own divine duties."

"Therefore, if you want to transfer your authority to your servant, you only need to apply this principle in reverse and share the authority with the other party through a contract similar to that of a husband and wife god."

"To do this, you only need to slightly adjust the spell of the Usurping Ring!"

With Su Mo's comprehension, most of the time, he only needs an inspiration.

As long as he can understand the principle, weaving the spell is a piece of cake.


Miss Pandora was completely stunned.

When she heard Su Mo's first words, she had no sense of crisis at all, and her heart was full of pride.

As expected of her favorite child, she was smart.

When she heard the second sentence, she was a little surprised, thinking that she must not continue to reveal information before the other party called her mother.

Then, her expression changed from nervous to panic in less than a second.

Finally, after hearing Su Mo directly find the correct answer, she was completely dumbfounded.

No, just with this one sentence, how did Su Mo deduce to this point?

It's not that she didn't know that Su Mo's understanding was terrifying, so she didn't say much before, it was just a simple hint.

Who would have thought that with just this one hint, Su Mo directly figured out the top-level framework of the principle of the technique within a few seconds?

That was the wisdom accumulated by the Mother Earth for thousands of years, and Su Mo figured it out in just a few seconds?

Seeing that Su Mo had directly abandoned her and was going to try to rewrite the technique of the Ring of Usurpation, Pandora suddenly became anxious.

She grabbed Su Mo's arm and said with tears in her eyes

"No, no! This is totally different from what we agreed on. You agreed to call me mom and act like a spoiled child to me?"

Faced with the goddess's wishful thinking, Su Mo asked calmly:

"Did I agree to your request?"


"Are you transmitting the wisdom of Mother Earth directly to me?"


"So what else do you have to say?"


Pandora was stunned for a moment, feeling a little confused.

"No! If that's the case, then I've worked in vain."

"It's not completely in vain. Your words did give me some inspiration. I can thank you for that, but I won't trade with you."

Su Mo is not the type to turn his back on people.

It's just that——

"This is not the kind of thanks I want!"

·· ···Request flowers····· ········

Pandora fell to her knees with a plop, looking extremely depressed.

"I just want to be with my child, why do you treat me like this!"

Seeing her pitiful look, Su Mo leaned over and patted the goddess on the head.


"What's wrong? Has little Su Mo changed his mind and is ready to give his mother a comforting hug?"

Pandora immediately raised her head with an expectant look.

"No, I mean, you're blocking my way."

Su Mo shook his head.

After seeing Pandora's abandoned puppy eyes, he shook his head in silence.

"If you really want to pass on the wisdom of the Earth Mother to me, I am not unwilling to accept it."


Hearing this, Pandora showed an extremely surprised look.

"Of course, although I can rewrite the spell myself, it will waste more than ten minutes. With your knowledge, it will be faster."

Su Mo gave his reasons and added:

"However, your previous conditions are not negotiable."


"No problem!"

Pandora immediately climbed up excitedly.

At this moment, the positions of both parties were completely reversed.

Before, Pandora used the wisdom of the Earth Mother Goddess as an excuse to ask Su Mo to satisfy her idea of sticking with her.

But now, she took the initiative to pass on the wisdom of the Earth Mother Goddess to Su Mo, without any additional conditions.

The reason for this change of position, in addition to Su Mo's own understanding of the basic principles and his ability to deduce the corresponding techniques, there is another important factor.

That is——

""Guhehe~ My dear child! Do you know what is the only way to successfully and effectively transfer knowledge to the God Slayer with his resistance to cursed power?"

The purple-haired goddess with twin ponytails tapped her lips, her tone becoming a little coquettish.

She suddenly remembered that even if she didn't put forward any conditions, she seemed to have a chance to get close to this child reasonably.

"Of course I know."

Su Mo nodded calmly.

"Apart from the power, ordinary spells cannot break through the magic resistance of the God Slayer's body, and my magic resistance is even higher than that of ordinary God Slayers."

"If the magic of imparting knowledge wants to work on me, it can only be done from the inside, and the most convenient way is oral mucosal contact or intercourse."

Hearing this, Sakura's cheeks got a little hot.

Is this something a child can listen to?

Altria's cheeks were also a little hot, but she suppressed it very well.���

It was not difficult for her to understand the knowledge points Su Mo raised. Is n't this just replenishing magic?

""You don't have to go to this extent. I'm your mother, you can't be disrespectful to her!"

Pandora wanted to tease Su Mo, but after hearing Su Mo's fierce answer, she felt a little embarrassed.

However, in her eyes, Su Mo was the type who was too self-righteous and unkind, so it was not surprising that he would say such a thing.


"Come, good boy, let mom teach you about girls!" With a confident smile, the goddess tried to tiptoe, then climbed Su Mo's shoulders, and directly pressed on him in a rather unfamiliar posture.

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