"Will the spiritual veins here be unable to support the disobedient gods of this scale?"

Looking at the five disobedient gods appearing in front of him, Su Mo pondered slightly.

The spiritual veins include earth veins and water veins, which can be regarded as the blood vessels of the planet, that is, the so-called great source of magic.

The advent of gods is to gather the great source of magic and condense it into divine power.

When the disobedient god returns to the myth, his divine power will dissipate in the world, which is equivalent to feeding back.

So on the whole, if entropy increase is not considered, the advent of the disobedient god does not consume extra energy in reality, and will not bring additional changes to the world.

However, even if it is not considered to consume energy in a macro sense, in the microscopic process, the carrying capacity of the earth's spiritual veins must also be considered.

At present, the carrying capacity of the earth's spiritual veins has obviously reached its limit, so that it cannot support the appearance of the god of wine, forcing Him to descend from a distance and come back.

"The awakening of the Last King will also cause natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, and over time it may even lead to the end of the world. It seems that these phenomena are the result of over-exploitation of the���"It is caused by the essence."

Although the existence of the god level usually only has the performance of destroying a country.

But that is basically the result of being restricted by the scale of energy.

Although the divine power can be almost endlessly extracted from the spiritual veins of the planet, its refining speed is limited, so the power is also limited.

If this restriction can be removed, as long as the energy supply is sufficient, the god of the country-destroying level can easily advance to the fourth level of land sinking, and may even be directly promoted to the fifth level of star explosion.

Great power can make miracles happen. If you just want to improve your strength, you only need to increase your magic power limit.

For the godslayer, this is extremely difficult to do. No matter how much you practice, the total amount of mana in the godkiller's body is difficult to increase significantly.

For Su Mo, this is not the case.

Not only because his training speed is much stronger than that of the godslayer, but also because he has mastered a lot of information in advance.

In this world, there is some equipment that can quickly strengthen the gods or godslayers.

"Guinevere's Magic Holy Grail might be worth studying some time."

Su Mo thought so in his heart.

Just as the Holy Grail of the Type Moon World is enough to increase the servants to the level of gods, the Magic Holy Grail of the God Slayer World contains at least dozens of times the total amount of cursed power of ordinary godslayers. Even the most ordinary godslayer can obtain enough power to destroy the world if he possesses this divine tool.

Although Su Mo does not have an urgent need to improve his strength now, this key divine tool is still worth studying.

In addition to the vast amount of cursed power, its use of showing false gods is also very helpful to Su Mo's research.

When Guinevere was thinking about the new king, Su Mo also thought about Guinevere.

Although both sides have no good intentions, it must be said that this is also a two-way rush in a sense.

"Humph! You dare to be so disrespectful in front of us gods, the son of a fool really deserves to die!"

Seeing Su Mo completely ignoring him, Vulcan, the god of fire and forging, was furious.

Since he became the twelve main gods of Rome, no one dared to underestimate him like this!

The magma under his feet gushed out, causing the earth to shake. A huge hammer emerged from the magma flame, and the rising heat distorted the air.

At the same time, the chariot of the sun god, the shield of Jupiter, and a series of artifacts forged by Vulcan himself also appeared.

Although he did not have much authority, the effect of the artifacts he forged was no less than that of authority.

"You have used the name of my old enemy to deceive me. I will settle this sin here.々ˇ !"

Silver Arm God King Nuada raised his hand slightly, and turned the wind at his fingertips into an extremely sharp storm sword, with the tip of the sword pointing at Su Mo.

Unlike Tony's use, the source of the power of [Torn Silver Hand] is actually one of the four secret treasures in Celtic mythology.

——The sword of victory, ClaiomhSolais.

The original meaning of ClaiomhSolais is sword, and the original meaning of Solais is light.

Therefore, the essence of this authority is to be able to transform all things in the world into magic swords, changing various postures until it leads to the sword of light that wins.

Compared to the sharp blade that Tony often uses to cut off everything, the power in front of him is the true posture of the magic sword.

At the same time, dark clouds and thunder gathered above the head of the God King Nuadha, which was the manifestation of the authority of the sky.

The name Nuadha itself also means cloud maker. Before losing his arm, he was a god who could manipulate celestial phenomena.

At this moment, he mobilized two powers at the same time, and his sharp eyes were fixed on Su Mo in front of him.

"Breath of the Dragon, knight, your opponent seems to be me."

Unlike the other two gods, Siegfried chose Altria as his opponent.

As a dragon-slaying hero, he keenly judged that the other party had a strong dragon attribute.

"Wait a minute, I can't let anyone else slay the dragon!"

Before Altria responded, St. George stepped forward and stared at King Saber.

Facing the conflict, Siegfried was slightly silent, but he did not mean to give in.

Like hunters staring at the same prey, the atmosphere between the two became slightly tense.

"Hahahaha! What a pleasant banquet! Would you like to have a drink of good wine?"

Seeing the gods on the verge of a fight, Dionysus, the god of wine, seemed to be completely neutral and took out the precious divine wine.

"Let's drink together! First celebrate the end of the blasphemer, and then fight for the glory of the winner!"

He seemed to be extremely unrestrained, but with just one sentence, the two dragon-slaying heroes who were showing signs of conflict put aside their thoughts of fighting.

Rather than fighting internally, the priority should be to kill the troublemaker.

"That makes sense!"

Saint George thought for two seconds, took a step back, and took the wine from the god of wine.

For him, a Christian, this wine is equivalent to the blood of the Son of God. After drinking it, he will be blessed by God. After drinking it, he took out a scarlet spear and pointed the tip of the spear at Su Mo's shadow.

"Lord! Protect me! Jesus Christ protect me! My great enemy is right in front of me!"

After shouting in a pious tone, he activated his own authority.

"Heretic who does not believe in God, the devil who ravages the world!"

"You are the dragon!"

Su Mo's previous provocation was very effective, even too effective.

Not only did it make the five disobedient gods descend at the same time, it even made the pagan gods who were likely to fight each other put aside their prejudices and unite.

Under the guidance of Dionysus, the god of wine, the five disobedient gods seemed to be competing, and they did not hesitate to exert their full strength on the godslayer in front of them.

For them, the insults Su Mo had previously could only be washed away with Su Mo's corpse.

So, without waiting for Su Mo's answer, the five disobedient gods immediately launched the strongest offensive.

"Five to two, the advantage is mine!"

Dionysus confidently assisted from behind, sending blessings to several disobedient gods, and at the same time brewing the final trump card, determined to kill the son of fool in front of him.

The heaven and earth shook, the sea surged, and the magma went up against the trend...

It was like a scene of the destruction of the world, and it appeared in front of Erica.

Then - the five disobedient gods died.

In less than a minute, the disobedient gods who seemed to be able to overturn the heaven and earth and destroy the world before, completely returned to mythology.

Seeing the bodies of the gods dissipate into light points, Erica and Altria were still stunned and hadn't come back to their senses.

"I haven't even had time to start……"

As a servant, Altria muttered with a dazed look in her eyes.

Facing a lineup of five gods, she thought that she could share the Master's worries with her increased strength, at least help hold back one or two disobedient gods.

But she didn't expect that there was no room for her to intervene in the battle in front of her.

The orange-red lightsaber flashed slightly, and almost at the first moment, the three most aggressive disobedient gods - Nuada, Siegfried, and St. George - fell on the spot and declared defeat.

No matter how strong they are, no matter how powerful they are, as long as they fail to pass the first level of judgment - unable to deal with the golden sword of the godly speed level, they are not qualified to step onto the battlefield.

In terms of direct combat power, these three warriors are the most powerful steel hero gods, but in the face of mechanical killing, their bravery is meaningless.

Seeing that his side lost three gods in an instant, the god of wine Dionysus immediately turned into the thunder of the father god Zeus and released the trump card [Divine Chaos] prepared in advance.

In the form of letting all the cursed power run wild, the judgment of the victory sword style was suspended.

On the other side, the God of Forging Vulcan, after using the Shield of Aquis to avoid the first round of judgment, chose to join forces with the God of Wine from the bottom of his heart, trying to fight Su Mo with the power of the artifact.

When both sides are unable to use power and spell power, even if the artifact cannot use divine power, it can still play an advantage in its basic nature.

If there is a war god who is good at hand-to-hand combat between the two, this strategy may allow them to survive a few more seconds. Unfortunately, all the war gods were defeated in the first round and there was no possibility of fighting. More importantly, Su Mo did not lose his authority because of this.

"¨~ Nice trick, but unfortunately it didn't work."

Su Mo, who had used the golden (Deno's) sword to create a barrier in advance, was not affected by the authority of the god of wine at all.

As long as it was a power related to the gods, the golden sword could restrain it.

If you don't know who the god is who is going to descend, it is understandable to be tricked. When you already know the gods related to Tony, how could Su Mo be tricked?

So, like a hot knife cutting butter, the golden sword cut off the authority and spell power of the god of wine and the god of fire.

At this time, he did not ignore the myth of the god of wine's rebirth and immortality. He successfully squatted at his resurrection point and then killed him completely.

The total duration of this battle was nearly one minute, and in fact, thirty seconds was spent squatting for the god of wine to resurrect.

Without leaving any trouble, the five gods who disobeyed were all killed here.

After the battle, Tony, who had been watching the whole process, was completely stunned.

The effect of watching the battlefield from the sidelines seemed to be not much different from the effect of playing on the battlefield himself.

He didn't see anything clearly, but only felt the overwhelming power of Su Mo.

Is this really a human?

In the face of everyone's shock, Su Mo shook his head without feeling and explained with a sentence of Gan

"If the power of these five gods of disobedience were concentrated on the same person, there might be some trouble. If they were dispersed, they would still be too weak."


Dong Ni didn't want to talk.

This was the first person who thought the God of Disobedience was too weak.

He suddenly felt that losing to such an opponent was not so unacceptable.

On the contrary, it would be strange if he won.

: ꧁Huyễn♕Dạ꧂

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