"Five more gods?"

In the underworld, Pandora was dumbfounded when she saw Su Mo coming back.

She had seen ruthless people, but she had never seen such a ruthless person.

Su Mo had been in this world for less than two days, but the number of gods he had killed was only one away from reaching double digits.

In terms of the number of gods killed, even if you look back through the entire history, he is one of the most killed, and this is just the result of just over one day.

If we compare the number of powers, there is no need to compare.

Marquis Woban had accumulated for hundreds of years, but he only had eight powers. Before Su Mo killed the five disobedient gods, the number of powers he had was more than ten.

If these five gods are counted, considering that he can fully obtain all the powers of the disobedient gods, the number of powers Su Mo will reach more than twenty.

For thousands of years, no one has been able to surpass him.


Su Mo nodded calmly.

"This amount should be enough for preliminary research. Let's begin the ceremony!"

"Research? Godhead again?"

Pandora was stunned for a moment, and handed the Divine Tool Usurping Ring to Su Mo.

If you want to seize the power of God, this divine tool with steel attribute is the biggest key.

Thinking of Su Mo's previous research method of stabbing her in the back, she couldn't help but worry.

"Will you hurt yourself again this time? Mom will be sad if she sees you!"

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

After receiving the divine tool, Su Mo shook his head and started the spell.

The divine tool of steel immediately showed a strong plundering attribute, completely absorbing the power of the gods, and then transferred all the godhood to Su Mo. The

[Olympus Crucible] of the God of Fire, the [Sword of Light] of the God of War, the [Steel Protection] of the Dragon Slayer, the [You Are the Dragon] of the Saint, the [Divine Derangement] of the God of Wine,】……

Powers that Dongni had seen or had not seen poured into Su Mo's body one after another.

Su Mo had anticipated the effects of these powers, so he was not in a hurry to feel them.

Compared with the power, he was more concerned about the rules of the godhead embedded in his own power, so he began to observe his own changes through the perspective of spiritual vision. As mentioned before, the human energy field can be divided into seven layers.

They are the etheric body, emotional body, mental body, astral body, etheric template body, celestial body, and causal body.

Among them, the first three layers are considered to be energy bodies associated with the physical body, that is, the material body, and the last three layers are the template bodies of the first three layers, which are sometimes considered to be souls.

The astral body in the middle, also known as the star body, is the bridge connecting energy and soul.

Together with the material body as the physical body, it is the complete structure of the entire human being.

The structure of the God of Disobedience is different from that of humans. As energy life forms, they do not have a material body.

What looks like a physical structure is actually an etheric body constructed by divine power.

If the divine power is an existence that can interfere with everything in the world and determine the direction of material movement, then the godhead is the template that determines the way the divine power works.

In other words, the structure of the godhead itself should be the etheric template body for humans.

This has long been verified.

Under Su Mo's gaze, as the ceremony progressed, the power of the godhead went back up from the etheric body and finally stopped on his own etheric template body.

Other existing godheads are also docked at this position, just like software downloaded on a mobile phone, for Su Mo to drive at will.

This is not unexpected by Su Mo.

When he was studying the Greater Holy Grail in the Type-Moon world, he had already determined that whether it was the godhead of a god or the spirit core of a servant, it itself belonged to a kind of etheric template body, regulating the flow of energy in a living body.

At the moment, the fluctuation of its own energy field stops at the etheric template body, which means that the internal structure of the godhead is not related to the most mysterious celestial body and causal body.

"In other words, if one wants to study the godhead, the focus is on the first four layers... No, it should be the fourth layer - the stellar body!"

The first three layers can be controlled or influenced by human behavior, but the astral body cannot. As a bridge between the body and the soul, it cannot be directly interfered with by humans.

Considering that interference is mutual.

If the etheric template body interferes with the etheric body with the help of the astral body, then through the astral body, it must also interfere with the etheric template body.

The key to the formation of the godhead may be here!

Su Mo had observed before that the core of the godhead has a mysterious material structure that can be used as a template for constructing the godhead.

The mysterious function of this structure happens to be the bridge between mythology and matter.

The two structures have such a strong similarity that Su Mo had to guess that this mysterious structure is related to the so-called astral body.

Perhaps there is some kind of elementary particle in the world - let's call it a stellar particle.

It is this particle that runs through mythology and godhead.

After confirming his own conjecture, Su Mo immediately started research after waiting for the power to be fully transferred.

If you want to study the godhead, the easiest way is to create a godhead from scratch.

"My dear child, what are you going to do?"

Seeing Su Mo take out the [Olympus Furnace], Pandora was a little confused.

"To create a divine weapon."

Su Mo said without hiding anything.

"Vulcan's power is enough to forge divine weapons. If I can fully master this technique, I will be able to master the forging of godhood, and may even reach the level of creating gods."It has always been the privilege of the head of the gods to deify ordinary lives as gods, which represents the ultimate mastery of the essence of gods.

Although the presence of divine weapons is not as good as that of gods themselves, it is enough to affect the distribution of powers among the gods and change the ruling structure of the gods. The ugly Vulcan relied on this technology to climb to the position of the twelve main gods.

In Europe, people often regard Vulcan as a god symbolizing power.

If Su Mo can master the method of forging godhood, then the conceptual spiritual equipment he has mastered before may be upgraded in all aspects and become divine weapons.

If the structure and laws of star particles can be understood from it, then Su Mo will be able to fully master the essence of godhood and may even be able to mass-produce gods.

"Oh, do you need mom's help?"

Pandora nodded, not quite understanding, and then asked

"Not for now, but... should you change your name?"

Su Mo shook his head and then reminded

""What's your name?"

Miss Pandora tilted her head, her eyes a little confused.

"If you don't like calling me that, then I'll change it to - dear, what do you think?"

Listening to the girl's deliberately ambiguous tone, Su Mo shook his head again.

"I was talking about your self-proclaimed name, which should be changed."

As he said this, seeing that the other party did not react, he reminded him.

"Vulcan in Roman mythology and Hephaestus in Greek mythology are the same deity, and in mythology, Hephaestus is the god who fabricated the witch Pandora."

"According to this relationship, with the godhood I now hold, you should call me father."

Su Mo said this, originally just to respond to Pandora's usual self-proclaimed name, without any extra meaning.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the goddess in front of him did not hesitate at all, and directly called out in a relatively childish voice


With a hint of evil smile on her lips, the twin-tailed goddess' eyes moved, without any embarrassment at all

"How is it? Does Xiao Su Mo like the name of mom?"

As expected of a witch in Greek mythology, she has no moral burden when she loses her moral integrity.


Sardinia Port.

After waiting for about two or three hours, Erica finally felt the familiar spatial fluctuations.

She immediately perked up and looked at Su Mo who had returned from the underworld.

"Erica, I have a task for you."

Su Mo said this as soon as he returned to the real world.

"What task?"

"Declare war on all God Slayers."

Su Mo's tone was extremely calm, but the words he said stunned everyone.

What did he say?

"The master wants to capture other godslayers and use them to summon the God of Disobedience?"

Recalling what happened before, Erica was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood Su Mo's idea.

Since the existing god summoning ritual requires a being with a karmic connection with the God of Disobedience as a catalyst, then the godslayer is undoubtedly the best ritual material.

Ordinary god tools can only summon two or three related gods at most, but each god killer is full of bad karma with the God of Disobedience.

Using them to summon the God of Disobedience is like fishing with the most delicious bait. You will definitely catch one every time you hook one.

"That's right"

"Uh, Master Su Mo, please allow me to advise you. I know you are very powerful, even if there are ten ordinary gods of disobedience, they may not be your opponent, but���Isn't it a bit too exaggerated to declare war on all the God Slayers?"

Erica chose her words carefully, her tone a little nervous

"According to the existing information, the total number of powers in the hands of other God Slayers even reaches more than 30. Compared with summoning more than 30 disobedient gods at once, isn't it safer to summon them one by one?"

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change. Five disobedient gods joining forces are enough to burn the continent to the ground. If more than 30 disobedient gods appear at the same time, the lineup will really be enough to destroy the world.

Even if you know that Su Mo can definitely solve it, this idea is too crazy. If you are not careful, the aftermath of the battle will be enough to destroy the country.

Hearing Erica's advice, Su Mo shook his head.

"You think too much. Not to mention that the current earth spirit veins cannot withstand the arrival of so many disobedient gods, even if they can, this situation is impossible."

Even the spirit veins of the Mediterranean and Sardinia can't withstand more than five gods. Even if other places are strong, they can't be much stronger.

"Forgive my stupidity, please enlighten me, sir."

Erica could understand the first sentence, but not the second one.

Why is it impossible?

"Have you ever seen a group of God Slayers?"

Su Mo immediately asked back.

"……I understand!"

Erica was worried and confused before, but when Su Mo said it, she immediately showed a look of enlightenment.

That's right!

Except for Lord Su Mo, the God Slayers are basically a group of idiots who do whatever they want. Even if they hear provocation, they will never rush forward in groups.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much.

Seeing that Erica was no longer worried, Su Mo added leisurely.

"Moreover, even if an extreme situation occurs, the arrival of dozens of disobedient gods will not be considered a big deal."

Even without the enlightenment he gained from forging the godhood, Su Mo is not afraid of the power of the gods at all.


"The power of the myth ritual will continue to increase with the power of the godhead. There are not many gods of disobedience who can withstand the sword of victory."

As mentioned before, the foundation of the construction of the myth ritual is the godhead.

The original version of the Sword of Victory ritual only included the two godheads of Veleslana and Mekal, so when facing Dionysus and Vulcan, they had a chance to escape the judgment.

But now, after the superposition of the godheads of seven gods of disobedience and reconstruction, the judgment conditions of the Sword of Victory ritual have become several times more stringent.

If the current ritual effect is used, none of the previous five gods of disobedience can escape.

This is a ritual with extremely high growth potential.


Erica was completely relieved.

Su Mo said there were not many, and that was true.

Even if more than 30 disobedient gods appeared at the same time, there would probably be no more than two who could withstand Su Mo's attack.: ꧁Huyễn♕Dạ꧂

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