Unlike her relaxed attitude before, this time, Jibril's slender body trembled slightly.

Gathering such a huge amount of energy to the limit is something that requires all efforts even for the Flügel.

In return, the power obtained is also considerable enough.

Lancelot and Guinevere, who had originally underestimated the other party, now had a serious expression on their faces.

"It actually has this kind of energy, it's more than ten times!"

Lancelot felt an extremely dangerous aura on the tip of the spear of light.

She knew that Jibril had a lot of energy, but she didn't expect it to be so much.

Even with the protection of steel, it was impossible to save her life under this level of energy gap.

She had a hunch that if she faced this attack head-on, she would be completely shattered and evaporated by the spear of light in front of her, along with the ring mountain behind her and even the entire continent.

Such a big gap can no longer be saved by the advantage of authority.

The energy that can break the continent is far beyond the range of her spiritual capacity.

"Concentrating the magic power to this extent is already a skill that has reached the sanctuary, or even approaches the level of power!"

Guinevere's eyes were also flashing with intense shock.

Although the Flügel in front of her knew nothing about the use of magic power, in terms of the fine control of magic power, even ordinary Gods of Disobedience might not be able to be compared with her.

Extracting all the energy in your body and then bursting it out in one breath - this technique seems simple, but in fact it is almost impossible for anyone to do it.

Even the strongest God of Disobedience can hardly use up all the divine power in his body in one blow.

But the other party did it.

Not only can he project all his power, but he can even control it.

To put it bluntly, this kind of control is close to the category of authority.

The other party seemed to be born for the construction of this technique. After gathering all his power in this extreme way, Guinevere was extremely sure that the Flügel girl in front of her could really penetrate the continent with one blow.

And such a blow is definitely not an offensive that a normal God of Disobedience or a God Slayer can withstand.

Even Lancelot, who was blessed by the [Original Sword], could not do it.

"Su Mo... Master, Master!"

There was no time to hesitate. Although she was not convinced by the new master, at the critical moment, Guinevere still lowered her head and wanted to seek a solution from Su Mo.

""Uncle's power is not enough to deal with this attack. Please understand!"

She didn't want Lancelot to die in vain, so she gave a panicked warning.

Faced with this warning, Lancelot, who was always competitive, rarely refuted.

She didn't mind continuing to charge forward, but she couldn't let her master misjudge the battlefield situation because of her meaningless desire to win.

"I know."

Su Mo's answer made Guinevere feel a little relieved.

Since he knew, he should have a way to deal with the enemy in front of him, right?

She didn't realize that in the face of foreign enemies, she unconsciously regarded the new master as a support.

Not only her, but everyone in the chat group held their breath and stared at Su Mo intently.

If Su Mo lost to the Skywing in front of him, the pattern accumulated by the chat group so far might have to change.

Everyone in the group might be enveloped by Jibril's power.

Except for Jibril, no one wanted to see Su Mo lose.

Fortunately, Su Mo's expression was as calm as ever, which allowed them to maintain their confidence.

Under the eyes of everyone's expectation, Su Mo expressed his countermeasures with an extremely calm attitude.

"Saber, I leave it to you!"

"Yes! Master!"

Altria took a step forward with a determined look, her golden hair moving without wind.


Seeing this scene, Guinevere was stunned.

【Toosaka Rin:"?"】



"My Lord, you are……"

Lancelot couldn't understand it for a moment.

As the God of Disobedience, Artoria was stronger than her, but she should be only slightly stronger, right?

Asking Artoria to withstand the enemy's full strength, isn't this asking her to die?

Jibril obviously thought so too.

After maintaining the formed spear of light to the limit, she ignored Artoria and aimed the sky strike at Su Mo.

"I admit that you have the same nature as gods, so let me use this strongest sky strike to defeat you!"

Su Mo did not respond to this statement.

Instead, Altria continued to step forward.

"I use this body as a sword to serve my Master. You are not qualified to let the Master take action before you defeat me."


Hearing this line that was the same as Lancelot's, Jibril didn't even bother to respond and raised her arms high.

The spear of light that had gathered all the strength in her body shone with dazzling light, and the power that had been gathered to the extreme was directly radiated out.


A beam of light powerful enough to cut off the continent pierced through, and the massive attack swept in all the enemies in sight.

"You must survive! I am looking forward to seeing you~ Lord God Slayer!"

While using all her strength to launch a fatal attack, she sincerely hoped that the other party could survive. For Jibril, these were two non-contradictory emotions.

Although, she did not think that the other party could survive the power of the sky strike.

Just as she was looking at the battlefield in front of her with expectation, thinking that the sky strike could destroy these miscellaneous soldiers in front of her.

A stern voice appeared together with a golden torrent of light.

"This is salvation���War of the Worlds!"

"This is a battle for survival!"

"This is a battle to protect human rights"

"This is the war against evil!"


At first, the golden torrent of light was very weak, and under the impact of the sky strike, it was like a candle that could go out at any time.

But with each sound, the golden torrent of light burst out with more than several times the power, causing the weak candlelight to gradually expand.

By the eighth sound, the golden torrent of light was able to hold its own against the sky strike.

By the ninth sound, the golden torrent of light was able to fight back.

Finally, Altria waved the Sword of Promised Victory in her hand, or should we call it the Holy Sword of the Star?

"This is a battle of honor!"

"In the name of the Holy Sword Master of the Star, I will release ten of the thirteen restraints. For my Lord Sumo, I will defeat the great enemy of the star in front of me!"After defining Jibril as an enemy outside the star, with the help of the energy supply of the Magic Holy Grail, Altria burst out all her current strength in one breath


The collision of the torrent of light and the torrent of light directly made the entire moon shine like the rising sun.

People in the area where the earth was at night soon discovered that the moon above their heads suddenly emitted a light comparable to that of the sun, almost illuminating the entire night sky.

Finally, the golden light suddenly surged, covering people so that they could hardly open their eyes.

After a full few seconds, this astronomical phenomenon finally disappeared.

Some curious people wanted to take out an astronomical telescope to observe what was happening.

A closer look revealed that there was no need for an astronomical telescope at all. People who were familiar with the patterns on the surface of the moon could see the irregular cracks that suddenly appeared on the surface of the moon with their naked eyes.

Noticing this, people were immediately shocked.

What happened on the moon to cause such a big change on the surface of this satellite?

Even the apocalyptic meteorite that destroyed the dinosaur era could not cause this level of damage, right?


And on the moon

"Master! Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

After completing the task of protecting the Master, Altria came to report with a meticulous attitude.

Although you can't tell anything from her expression, you can tell from her constantly spinning hair that she is actually very excited and wants to be praised.

Su Mo never hesitates to praise his subordinates.

"Well done, Saber!"

Upon hearing this, Altria's hair stood up, her holy blue eyes were filled with joy, but her words were still very humble.

"Without the support of the Master's Holy Grail magic, I cannot unleash the full power of the Holy Sword of the Stars."

""It's obviously my Holy Grail... No, I mean, mine is the master's!"

Guinevere muttered, and when she realized that she had said it out loud, she immediately looked at Su Mo in panic and explained anxiously.

Looking at Guinevere who had obviously become much more docile, Lancelot shook his head and did not help.

"I didn't expect you to have such power, Altria. You are worthy of being the knight of King Arthur!

�� She was shocked by the power Altria showed.

According to Altria's words, this Holy Sword of the Stars has thirteen seals, and only ten of them were unlocked before.

If more than half of the power is so strong, if all the seals are unlocked, wouldn't it be able to directly destroy the entire moon?

From this point of view, the so-called Holy Sword of the Stars is not inferior to the Savior Sword in terms of power, and even more powerful.

【Toosaka Rin:"Meow meow meow? I won already?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Master Su Mo hasn't made a move yet!"】

【Erica:"That's right! I thought the Lord would do it himself, but I didn't expect that Senior Altria could do it alone?"】

【Xiaoyuan:"I never expected this result."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Indeed, I was actually worried about whether Master Su Mo could win. Now it seems that I was too naive."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Although I am not qualified to say this, but for Master Su Mo, the fourth level seems to be a bit too low."】

【Kanae:"It is obvious that ordinary strength level is no longer enough to evaluate Master Su Mo."】

【Kanae:"But I'm the only one curious, how is the newcomer Miss Jibril doing?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I'm curious too, didn't you say you were sure to win?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"@Jibril"】

【Erica:"You are so scary, Rin, but I like you!"】

【Erica:"You dared to offend Lord Su Mo, you deserve it!"

With a common hatred for the enemy, Erica directed the live broadcast to the battlefield. After the smoke and dust cleared, everyone soon saw a huge gully on the ground, a scar that could be observed on a planetary scale.

In the deepest part of the gully, a figure who looked very similar to Jibril, but obviously much younger, was lying on the ground in a mess.

Seeing this Flügel who was only about six or seven years old, everyone was stunned.

【Erica:"Little girl?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Why did you shrink after being beaten?"】.

I love you: I love you Được

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