As mentioned before, Sky Strike is a trump card for the Flügel.

Once released, the Flügel will regress to the juvenile stage, and even with the help of the treatment room, it will take several years to recover to normal.

And now, Jibril, who was defeated by the Holy Sword of the Stars, has regressed to the state of a young girl.

The miserable posture, the torn clothes, and the young body look like a crime scene.


Thanks to Altria's restraint, Jibril just shook her head and climbed up from the bottom of the pit.

After looking down at her small body, she looked up at Su Mo and his group around her.

"Did they...lose?"

That was a tone of confusion, a tone that was somewhat difficult to accept reality..

【Toosaka Rin:"That's right! You lost, and you lost miserably. You didn't even see Lord Su Mo make a move!" With such a good opportunity, Toosaka Rin naturally chose to kick someone when he was down.

You were so arrogant before, but now you hit a wall, right?

She originally thought that with Jibril's arrogant personality, she would never admit her defeat so easily.

Unexpectedly, after just two seconds of recalling, the young Jibril in front of her immediately nodded and admitted this.

"Yes, I did lose, I lost to this sword."

She cast a curious look at the Holy Sword of the Star in Altria's hand.

"Um... can you let me see it?"

She made a very familiar request.

Facing this enemy, Altria would naturally not agree.


If the Holy Sword of the Star is taken away, it will be dangerous.

"Eh... stingy."

Jibril muttered in dissatisfaction, and then spread her hands, facing Su Mo in front of her with a bad attitude.

"According to the previous agreement, it is yours now, you can use it however you want, and I won't have any complaints."

After saying this, she lifted up the torn hem of her skirt and bowed slightly to everyone.

"My name is Jibril, you can call me that."

Everyone was surprised to see that the crazy girl suddenly became so obedient.

【Toosaka Rin:"You're so well behaved all of a sudden, is there a trap?"】

【Kanae:"It's hard to imagine how arrogant she was when she challenged me before."】

【Erica:"What on earth are the Flügel doing? Their attitude changed so quickly that I couldn't react."】

Even Su Mo was a little surprised.

Looking at the petite girl in front of him, he said

"You're not going to default on your debt?"

As far as he knew, the Flügel weren't a race that had to be honest.

Although the Flügel rarely lied, it was only natural that they would be more flexible when it came to betting their lives.

Facing Su Mo's question, Jibril proudly puffed up her little chest.

"Of course I thought about shirking my responsibility! I was planning to run away just now!"

As an invited guest, she can interrupt the journey at any time and return to her own world.

If so, she doesn't have to worry about the constraints of defeat.

【Toosaka Rin:"It's obviously a very embarrassing thing, why does she say it so confidently?"

Toosaka Rin was shocked by Jibril's shamelessness.

Is this something she can say?

【Kanae:"Come to think of it, this is also a kind of honesty, right?"】

【Xiao Yuan:"So, why didn't you run away?"

Su Mo also asked this question.

Jibril's answer was——

"I thought about it briefly. If I run away like this, you will most likely block me, and I will never be able to go to other worlds again, nor will I be able to witness new powers again, right?"

"If that happens, I will just have to watch you guys chatting and traveling through the world... How can I stand this!"

The reason she gave was surprisingly realistic.

【Toosaka Rin:"To be honest,"】、

【Toosaka Rin:"If you really run away, we will definitely not want to contact you again. Not only that, we will also take the initiative to warn newcomers."】

After all, chat groups are places to make friends. Those who want to dominate everyone right from the start will be excluded by everyone.

"In other words, is this the result of weighing the pros and cons?"

Su Mo looked at Jibril.

He could roughly guess why she wanted to contact the power of the other world even if she became someone else's property.

"You can say that!"

Jibril nodded.

"Besides, if Master Artosh knew that I had failed to fulfill my obligations as a loser despite being defeated, he would expel me from the Flügel. In that case, I might as well abide by the agreement."

As she spoke, she glanced at Artoria, then at Su Mo.

"Besides, I also care about your views on power and the strong! If you can satisfy my small request, I am willing to obey your orders wholeheartedly! Whatever you want me to do, I will do it!"

When she said this, she raised her head deliberately, her big eyes flashing with anticipation, obviously asking for something.

Su Mo would naturally not fall for this simple routine.

"Although I don't know what your so-called request is, since you have chosen to fulfill the agreement and become my property, you should obey my orders. What is the temptation of the chips you give now?"

Faced with Su Mo's calm question, Jibril, who failed to act cute, did not give up.

"Even if I obey orders, there is a difference between active and passive, right? Aren't you worried that I will resist your orders in the future? It might turn out badly!"

She blinked, her eyes cunning.

"It doesn't matter."

Su Mo shook his head.


This time it's Jibril's turn.

"You can try to resist my orders, provided you can do it."

Su Mo added.

Seeing that Jibril was still a little confused, he spoke again.

"Jibril, sit down."

"Huh? Eh...ah!"

Jibril was slightly stunned. Before she could react, her body had already sat down on its own.

She was suddenly sitting on the ground with a confused look on her face, not knowing what had happened.

0 ···Request flowers0 ·····

"What's going on? My body is totally out of control?!"

After a moment of surprise, she immediately turned her eyes to Su Mo.

"what have you done?"

"I possess the divine nature associated with the contract."

Su Mo explained simply.

"The agreement you made with me is equivalent to signing a contract. Once the contract comes into effect, it cannot be violated."

The wild boar incarnation symbolizes the side of Veleslana that maintains the contract. Su Mo extracted this authority through mythological rituals and combined it with the command spell system.

Therefore, anyone who signs a contract with Su Mo, even if it is just a verbal agreement, will be bound by Mithra's divinity.

Now, even if Jibril only verbally confirms that she wants to become Su Mo's property, under the influence of the contract godhood, she has actually become Su Mo's subordinate and cannot refuse Su Mo's orders.

Of course, the constraints of the contract are not absolute. As long as you are willing to pay the price, you still have the possibility of breaking free.

However, for Jibril, who is still a young girl, this is something that is completely impossible.

...... 0

Now, she only has the power of a disobedient god.

"In other words, no matter whether they are willing to abide by the agreement or not, the ending is actually determined from the beginning?"

Jibril realized this.

"Well, you should be glad that you made the right choice and don't have to bear the punishment for breaking your promise."

Su Mo nodded.

The other party finally came to him, how could he let Jibril leave easily?


Realizing that she had no chance of resistance and no bargaining chips, Jibril immediately became dejected.

"Jibril-chan failed miserably."

This time it's over. Not only did she get herself into trouble, but she also became a prisoner.

With her previous arrogant attitude, the master in front of her probably wouldn't tell her what she wanted to know.

Just when she had completely given up on the negotiation, Su Mo suddenly asked

"What was the request you wanted to make just now?"

"I want you to show me what real power is... I am challenging you for this very reason. If you want to hear the specific reasons, I can tell you everything."

Jibril said with her wings drooping.

She originally wanted to explore Su Mo's power by observing him.

Who knew that she would lose before he even made a move? She could n't blame him for being too strong, she could only blame herself for being too weak.

"Is that all?"

After hearing Jibril's words, Su Mo asked back.

"It's just this... Hmm? Master Su Mo, what do you mean?!"

Jibril nodded casually, and realized something was wrong halfway through. She looked at Su Mo with wide eyes, and even the way she addressed him became more intimate.

"As my property, you have no right to negotiate with me."

Su Mo said

"However, I don't mind satisfying the wishes of my subordinates occasionally."

As he said this, he raised his hand slightly. A huge amount of mana flowed in Su Mo's hand, and finally formed a very familiar spear of light.


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