"Although Otsutsuki has just become a sorcerer"

"But the special grade is indeed the special grade."

Looking at the curse power that kept erupting in front of him, Lu Ling sighed.

Rika's curse power and Otsutsuki's curse power attacked him together.

Lu Ling couldn't help but get goose bumps on his body.

In terms of the total amount of curse spirits, the opponent had far more than Lu Ling!!

"However, these are still within the scope of handling."

Faced with such a terrifying storm of magical power, Lu Ling did not feel fear in his heart.

Instead, he began to calmly analyze the current situation.

"Will Otsutsuki be in charge of defense and Rika be in charge of offense?"

"This is not good. This combination is perfect."

Lu Ling smiled bitterly when he looked at Yujitsu and the knife in his hand. The cursed power contained in them was unusual!

Generally speaking, when a sorcerer fights, the cursed power is constantly flowing.

When attacking, the cursed power will flow to the weapon or fist.

When defending, the cursed power will be concentrated on the part to be defended.

The part where the cursed power is concentrated becomes stronger, and the cursed power in other places will naturally become weaker.

The more first-class sorcerers are, the better they can judge the direction of the opponent's cursed power flow.

Thus avoiding the enemy's strong points and hitting his weaknesses!

Lu Ling is a master in this area.

With a level 20 flow, he has a much faster cursed power flow speed than sorcerers of the same level.

This means that before Lu Ling really makes a move, no one can predict his purpose!

But Yujitsu Yuta is different......

Possessing a vast amount of magical power, he didn't need to let his magical power flow at all, because the magical power he possessed was enough to make him powerful in all aspects!


Otsutsuki took a deep breath.

His ever-increasing magical power slowly calmed down and reached a relatively stable state.

"Then, classmate Lu Ling"

"Be careful"


In just a moment!

The violent cursed blade attacked Lu Ling.

This time, Lu Ling did not choose to fight against Otsutsuki, but dodged his attack with a light dodge.

At this time, Lu Ling had already taken back all the cursed power attached to the weapon and put all his energy into strengthening his body!

The wooden sword in his hand has completely become a decoration.

However, it doesn't matter.

Compared with weapons, the strengthened body of Tianyu Curse is Lu Ling's greatest weapon!!

It is also what Lu Ling has and Otsutsuki does not have, the key to victory!

""So fast."

Seeing Lu Ling easily dodge his attack, Otsutsuki couldn't help but exclaim.

He had clearly used his spell power to the limit.

But he still couldn't match Lu Ling's speed?

As if he didn't believe it, Otsutsuki continued to attack Lu Ling.

" brush - brush——"

The wooden sword, strengthened by Rika's cursed power, drew a deep pink trail in the air.

The first-year students were all surprised to see this phenomenon.

They could clearly feel how terrifying the power of Otsutsuki's weapon was!!

"How about calling them off?"

Panda said so.

After all, the essence of sparring is to learn from each other, and learning from each other will not cause serious injuries!

Looking at the wooden sword in Otsutsuki's hand that was filled with Rika's curse, they had no doubt that if they were hit by this sword,

Lu Ling might report to Glass.

"Need not"

"With just these few moves, Lu Ling can handle it completely."

Maki's face was very calm.

She knew Lu Ling's strength very well and had great confidence in Lu Ling.

It was absolutely impossible for Ottokotsu to beat Lu Ling now!

"Brush - Brush——"

The beating continues......

With the power of the curse, Otsutsuki's speed was really fast.

But he couldn't touch Lu Ling at all.

Every time when the sword was about to touch Lu Ling, he was dodged, which made Otsutsuki very depressed.

"It seems that lack of practical experience is still very fatal."

""Otsutsuki, your attacks are too predictable."

Lu Ling said to Otsutsuki who was attacking him randomly.


The first-year students who were watching the game nearby also heard what Lu Ling said and were all shocked.

However, Maki nodded as if she had expected it.

It seemed that she had also seen something.

"Yuta's cursed energy is so much that it can cover his entire body."

"Trying to predict his attack with the power of magic, this is impossible!!"

The panda yelled at the side, it couldn't understand how Lu Ling could predict Otsukoshi's actions.


Inujuki also agreed.

Otsutsuki's strengthening method basically eliminated the method of the sorcerer to use the magic power to find flaws!

Maki helplessly adjusted her glasses and explained to the others

"Lu Ling didn't use cursed energy to predict Otsutsuki's actions."


Panda and Gojuan both looked puzzled.

Seeing their confused looks, Maki continued to ask

"So, you guys are too dependent on the power of perception."

"Think about how ordinary people fight."

"Eyes, movements, breathing......"

"In addition to the power of the spell, there are as many factors as you want that can predict actions......."

Maki has gained a very strong physical fitness because of the Heaven and Curse Binding!

But in contrast, she has almost no curse power!

Without the assistance of the glasses-type curse tool, Maki can't even see the curse spirits, let alone the skill of using curse power to perceive.

But even so, Maki has defeated many curse masters and curse spirits!

What is she relying on?

It is her super senses!

It is precisely because of this that she is not worried that Lu Ling will lose to Otsutsuki.

Undoubtedly, Otsutsuki has become very powerful with the blessing of the enhanced curse power.

But in Maki's eyes, he still saw a lot of flaws!!

And Lu Ling, he has an equally strong sense���

Now, how could Otsutsuki, who had never experienced any hardships, be able to defeat him ?


"Next, you have to be careful."

Lu Ling reminded him, and he was going to attack.

Otsukoshi, who was already annoyed because his attacks failed to hit, immediately started to panic after hearing what Lu Ling said, and his breathing slowed down.


After dodging Otsukoshi's attack again, Lu Ling seized the opportunity when he was preparing for the next attack.

The curse power in his body suddenly burst out and instantly moved in front of him.


Lu Ling's action was so sudden that Yugu was stunned for a moment without any reaction.

The next moment, he felt something grabbing him, and his vision began to spin.


A violent impact came, and Yujitsuki was thrown to the ground by Lu Ling!

Although he used the power of the spell to strengthen his body, he still couldn't completely defend against this move.

Nausea, dizziness and other uncomfortable feelings followed one after another.

In an instant, Yujitsuki lost his ability to fight.

"That's the second win......."

Lu Ling said this as she looked at Otsutsuki who had fainted on the playground.

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