Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu College, playground


After a long time, Yujitsuki was still lying on the ground in a daze.

Lu Ling did not hold back when he attacked.

He used the throwing technique with the intention of defeating Yujitsuki.

"Wow! This looks painful."

Panda covered his head, imagining what would happen if he was thrown by Lu Ling like this.

"So, shall we pause?"

"Although Yuta was not seriously injured, he will not be able to participate in the next match for a while, right?"

Seeing that Ottokotsu is in poor condition,

Panda suggested so.

After all, Ottokotsu does not look like he can fight anymore.

"It's okay. Although it looks serious"

"But Yuta, he actually didn't get hurt badly."

Lu Ling told the first-year students not to worry.

As the"perpetrator", the moment he grabbed Otsutsuki,

Lu Ling clearly felt that Otsutsuki's powerful curse had wrapped him tightly, and the damage to Otsutsuki in this state would be greatly reduced.

Moreover, this duel was just a competition, and no matter how serious Lu Ling was, he couldn't use enough force to seriously injure his classmates!

So the shot just now only looked bluffing.

But Otsutsuki wasn't in any serious trouble, he just needed to rest for a while

"I see."

Hearing Lu Ling's words, the first-year students finally calmed down.

When they saw Yujitsuki being thrown to the ground by Lu Ling, they were all ready to carry him to Glass.

It just so happened that everyone was in the technical high school, which was extremely convenient.

However, although Lu Ling said this, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, although he had the power of spells, Yujitsuki himself was just a high school student who lacked training. He couldn't be compared with Lu Ling, Maki, Gojuan, and Panda.

Although he was not injured, it was inevitable that he would feel uncomfortable for a while. Lu Ling felt a little guilty for using such a heavy hand on his classmate.

"By the way, Lu Ling, you have really become very strong."

""You can defeat a special-grade one, so your current strength is comparable to that of a special-grade sorcerer, right?"

Panda said jokingly to Lu Ling while taking care of the fallen Otsutsuki.

After all, no matter what, Otsutsuki is indeed a special-grade sorcerer.

And judging from the total amount of curse power and the sense of oppression he just released, the first-year students all believed that the rating given to him by the technical college was genuine.

"No, Otsutsuki's strength has not yet been fully exerted."

"I didn't really beat him."

Lu Ling responded.

At this time, Otsutsuki had neither used any spells nor released any Rika.

Not to mention his experience as a sorcerer, even the common sense was just taught to him by Lu Ling.

What kind of skill is it to beat Otsutsuki like this?

Would someone claim to be the best in the world just because his running performance is better than that of Bolt when he was a child?


After about 10 minutes, Otsutsuki slowly regained consciousness.

He quickly got up and touched the wooden sword at his waist.


Doubts immediately came over Otsutsuki.

He looked around and found that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes.

""Where is Lu Ling? Weren't we still fighting just now?"

Yuji said.

After hearing what he said, everyone immediately knew what was going on.

During the previous battle, because Lu Ling's movements were too fast,

Yuji thought he was still in a fighting state before he lost consciousness!

"You've already lost."

"In the second match, Lu Ling caught you and knocked you unconscious."

The first-year students comforted Otsutsuki who didn't know what was going on and told him what had just happened.

As they told him, Otsutsuki recalled the previous scenes.

Then he sat on the ground in frustration.

After all, he had just tried his best, but was still easily defeated by Lu Ling.

The sense of disappointment caused by this gap made him feel depressed.

Seeing Otsutsuki like this, Lu Ling stepped forward to comfort him.

"Don't feel disappointed. After all, we have been sorcerers for a while. And you have just become a sorcerer."

"If we lose, it will be a low probability event."

The panda beside him heard what Lu Ling said, and a strange feeling came over him.

Isn't this what I said to Lu Ling at the beginning?

"By the way, there is one last show coming"

"Do you want to continue?"

Maki asked Otsutsuki, who had fully recovered.



After a moment's silence, Otsutsuki answered firmly!

He could be depressed and lost.

But Otsutsuki knew in his heart that he couldn't go on like this!

The purpose of his becoming stronger was not for himself, but for Rika!

"Wow, he is really different now.

Maki looked at Otsutsuki with admiration.

In just one day, Otsutsuki proved himself to Maki in both strength and mentality.

Lu Ling was also very satisfied with Otsutsuki who had regained his spirits.

With this mentality, Otsutsuki will definitely grow quickly.

"Well, let's prepare for the final match."

Lu Ling said to him with a smile.......

The two of them took a break and stood on the playground again.

The third duel began.

Unlike the previous fierce showdown, this time Otsutsuki was much more restrained.

He did not squeeze out the cursed power explosively like before, but calmly began to refine it bit by bit, just like Lu Ling.

Is he learning from me?

Otsutsuki's performance surprised Lu Ling.

Now he looks very much like his previous self.

""Student Lu Ling, I'm ready."

Otsutsuki said to Lu Ling, but he did not make any other moves while holding Rika's cursed power. He just observed Lu Ling's every move.

It seems that after experiencing two more failures, Otsutsuki's tactics have become much more cautious.

"Yuta, your curse power is much stronger than mine"

"But they didn't use them well."

Lu Ling said so, and calmly raised the magic power to wrap himself.

It happened that Yujitsu was concentrating on observing him now, which was a perfect opportunity to teach him!

After all, the purpose of sparring is always only one, that is to make Yujitsu stronger!

If he really wanted to beat Yujitsu,

Lu Ling had several ways to win!

""Okay, just observe my magic power carefully."

As Lu Ling spoke, Otsukoshi's mind became more focused.

He clearly saw that the blue magic power on Lu Ling's body suddenly dimmed a little.


The next moment, Lu Ling disappeared from his sight.

"Where did it go?" Okkotsu exclaimed


Suddenly he felt a chill on his neck, as if something was holding it.

It was Lu Ling's hand.

"This way, it's three wins."

The calm voice sounded in Otsutsuki's ears, making him shudder.

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