At the gate of the ruins of an unknown elementary school in Tokyo.

With Lu Ling's choice, he returned to that night, the night when he fought with Rika!


At this time, in the center of the playground, the"Curse Queen" was on full alert.

The moment she saw Lu Ling, she immediately let out a sharp roar!

The surging deep pink curse power accompanied by the sound waves shattered all the glass on the surrounding buildings!!

Glowing"rain" immediately fell from the sky."


"What a warm greeting."

Lu Ling looked at the roaring Rika with a calm expression.

At the same time, he also activated the spell power enhancement, and bounced off the"rain" that was about to fall on him, that is, the broken glass.

The confrontation between the two officially began!!

The system simulated Rika in a completely free state.

She was violent and unrestrained.......

That is to say, Lu Ling and Rika must fight until one of them is eliminated.

It won't be like last time when Yuta Otsutsuki came to the rescue!


Li Xiang dragged her huge body to Lu Ling's front. At that time, she was nearly 10 meters tall.

When she rushed towards Lu Ling, Lu Ling thought it was a small hill!


With the advantage of her huge size, Li Xiang did not hesitate to swing her claws at Lu Ling!

With a loud noise, the whole elementary school began to shake.

Smoke and dust immediately rose up around her.

"Although this is the second time I've seen it, this power is still shocking."

"But it's meaningless if you can't hit it."

Lu Ling said this while standing on the shoulder of the huge curse spirit.

Just before being hit, he activated the curse power to strengthen and jumped high, completely avoiding the damage!


A blue light bloomed on Lu Ling's knife, and then condensed into a weapon with crystals on the surface!

This was the result of Lu Ling compressing the curse power, and only in this way could he hurt Rika's body.

""Swish! Swish!"

Along with the sound of the knife tip cutting through the air, two huge wounds appeared on Rika's body, and purple-black blood flowed out.

Seeing that the attack was successful, Lu Ling's face was not very good.

It seemed that the two cuts did not have the effect he expected.

It was too shallow.

Lu Ling thought so in his heart.

Last time, when he cut Rika, Rika's blood splattered!!

But this time it just flowed out.

But this is normal. The last time he was able to cause such serious damage to Rika was entirely because of the help of the jade dog.

Now without the jade dog's restraint, Rika began to condense her magic power for defense the moment she was cut by him, resulting in him being unable to cause effective damage at all!!


Li Xiang commented on Lu Ling's two slashes just now.

The cursed spirit body was already extremely powerful, and she used her cursed power to defend herself.

Lu Ling only felt that Li Xiang's defense had increased by several levels!

"Gulu! Gulu!"

The deep pink magic power surged on the two wounds that Lu Ling had just cut.

In just a blink of an eye, her wounds healed.

"As expected, there is no effect."

Lu Ling said this when he saw Rika who had fully recovered.

After the last battle, he realized one thing, and now he is even more certain!

That is, conventional methods cannot kill Rika!

For Lu Ling, the most terrifying thing about Rika is her vitality!!

Unlike sorcerers, the structure of cursed spirits is completely different from that of humans. As strong as Gojo Satoru, as long as his abdomen that condenses the cursed power or his brain that is used for thinking is injured!

Then he can only be helpless even if he has great abilities!

But cursed spirits don't have to consider this at all, as long as they have enough cursed power, they can regenerate continuously!

The head and abdomen are not their weaknesses at all!

"So, if you want to eliminate Rika"

"Only positive energy can completely destroy her body made up of negative energy in an instant!"

"No matter what other methods are used, they are unlikely to work on her!"

"The infinite mana will immediately restore her to her full state!!"

Lu Ling made a strategy in his mind.

He already had a way to kill Rika!

"Generally speaking, the generation of positive energy requires a reversal of the ritual."

"However, I haven’t mastered this technique yet!"

"And even if I master it, I can't generate so much to eliminate Rika"

"So, there is only one thing left to do!"


Lu Ling formed a hand shadow with his hands.

An owl wearing a mask appeared. It was the shikigami Nue.

Because Lu Ling had adjusted the shikigami through binding, he sacrificed its power in exchange for a faster speed!

As a result, Nue can only carry one person at most in the future, but it is now as fast as lightning!


Before Rika could react, Lu Ling hugged Nue's back and left Rika's shoulders and came to the rooftop of a teaching building.

He was going to prepare a ceremony.

A ceremony to summon the strongest shikigami!


Li Xiang saw Lu Ling on the rooftop and screamed and flew towards him.

The angry curse spirit would not let the prey leave its side!

This is why Lu Ling went to the rooftop to perform the ceremony.

Because the ceremony is not completed immediately, it requires Lu Ling's palm print and prayer!

If it is performed next to Li Xiang, the ceremony is likely to be interrupted!

Lu Ling clenched his fists and raised them to his chest one after another. Then he began to recite:

""Furube Yura Yura!!"

The palm seal was formed, the prayer was chanted, and the ceremony was completed.

The sky slowly turned into a pure black. Although Lu Ling and Rika were originally at night.

But at this moment, the surroundings seemed to be trapped in shadows, without a trace of light!



Along with the cries of the jade dog and the toad, a huge white cocoon-like object appeared in the space.

The object slowly grew larger and began to gradually reveal its true appearance. It was human-shaped, huge, with no eyes on its head but four side pieces instead. Its muscles were bulging and its skin was pale.

But the most eye-catching thing was that there was a floating Dharma wheel on its head!

It was really the secret treasure of the Zen Temple family, the strongest Shikigami in the world of spells - Eight-grip Sword. Alien Sword. Moxu Luo!!

The last time Lu Ling dealt with Noose, he planned to summon it.

But Noose, who had a thousand years of experience, saw the clues and interrupted the ceremony.

But now, Lu Ling still released it!!


Li Xiang arrived just as Lu Ling successfully summoned Moxu Luo.

Because it was a creature summoned by Lu Ling, she subconsciously regarded Moxu Luo as an enemy and attacked it immediately!

Moxu Luo, who had just been summoned and had not yet recovered, was instantly knocked down by Li Xiang.


A violent shock wave came out.

Under Rika's full-strength attack, the teaching building where Lu Ling and the others were located collapsed instantly! Rika, Moxu Luo and Lu Ling were all buried by the rubble!

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