An unknown elementary school in Tokyo, the system is simulating.

At this moment, the elementary school simulated by the system has been completely changed.

The teaching building where Lu Ling was originally in the Summoning Demon Void Luo has become a ruin under the attack of Li Xiang.

All three of them were buried in the rubble!


The scene fell into silence.

Until one moment


The deep pink cursed energy exploded, further destroying the teaching building that had just become a ruin.

The huge energy rushed up into the sky, like a beam of light, covering the entire school!

It was obviously the same trick. But when used by Rika, both the destructive power and scale far exceeded the special cursed spirits that Lu Ling had encountered before!

If this was not a world simulated by the system.

It is estimated that everyone in Tokyo can see this scene!

There were seven to eight-story teaching buildings, and not even a dregs was left under Rika's cursed energy explosion.

The entire school was razed to the ground, and no other buildings could be seen.

Without the worry of"involving Otsutsuki", Rika can now be angry The power was released.

The rubble turned into dust, and the three buried beings"reappeared in the light of day".

Lu Ling's whole body was glowing blue. He had just used his cursed power to strengthen himself and was not injured by Rika's cursed power explosion with his extremely strong physical ability. But it also consumed a lot of cursed power!

Rika did not change at all, and it was impossible to see that she had consumed any power. The cursed power that had just been used up had also been restored.

Moxu Luo was the most embarrassed. There were still scratches on its body from Rika's previous attack. It was caught off guard and took a burst of cursed power from Rika. It was the one that suffered the most impact among the three!

However, it was only a minor injury to Moxu Luo.

"Gurgle! Gurgle!"

Along with the sound of muscles twisting, the tall white shikigami also recovered as before.


Lu Ling felt a chill all over his body. Although Moxu Luo did not have an organ similar to"eyes", at this moment, he still felt that this invincible shikigami was staring at him!!

"Want to deal with me first?"

The taming ritual is originally a duel between the summoner and the summoned creature.

In the absence of"external forces" interference, Moxu Luo's first target is naturally Lu Ling himself!

""Tap! Tap!"

The tall pale shikigami walked towards Lu Ling step by step, completely ignoring Rika's existence. The [Sword of Exorcism] on his arm revealed a cold light!

Lu Ling's summoning this time seemed to have failed.

The summoned shikigami not only did not fight with Rika, but wanted to kill him first!!

The curse queen and the strongest shikigami.

In the current world of curses, no one except Gojo Satoru can deal with both of them at the same time!

Lu Ling can't do it now.

If he is allowed to fight these two at once, he will definitely die!

Facing this desperate situation, Lu Ling's expression did not change at all. It was as if he had expected this to happen.

"It's the self-destruct button. It hurts itself before it hurts the enemy."

"If I don't know how to do this, it might be really dangerous."

"I'll go first."

After Lu Ling said this, he jumped back.

With the twist of the air, his figure completely disappeared.

Only Mo Xuluo was left standing there in a daze.

This was his signature move, the Advanced Invisibility Technique, a god-level skill that could hide both his figure and his aura!


Lu Ling took advantage of the moment when Mo Xu Luo was distracted and immediately began to retreat to a safe location.

Just when he thought everything was safe,


Like the sound of a clock ticking, the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned a circle.

In its eyes, the originally completely transparent air seemed to be slightly distorted.

So Moxu Luo swung his hand towards that position.


Seeing Moxu Luo swinging his sword precisely towards him,

Lu Ling was horrified and felt his whole body go cold. The strong sword energy cut a small wound on his face!

Just now, Moxu Luo's sword was only two meters away from him.

If he had taken a few steps less, he might have been cut off on the spot!!

"Is it starting to adapt now?!"

Lu Ling thought to himself. Moxu Luo was using his abilities much faster than he had imagined.

The magic circle above his head symbolized complete circulation and harmony.

It corresponded to Moxu Luo's ability to adapt to everything!!

As the magic circle rotated, all abilities would gradually become ineffective in front of Moxu Luo.

"Is it just one turn of the Falun that has such an effect? "

Lu Ling estimated that his advanced invisibility technique would be completely ineffective after three turns!

However, he did not look too panicked.

Indeed, if Lu Ling was alone, he would be in a desperate situation. But there is still one person on the field!

"You have the ability to find me, but she can't!"

"The violent nature of the cursed spirit will attack all beings around it!!"

"The invisible me and the visible you"

""Who will Rika attack first?"

Lu Ling's voice was like a ghost wandering in the air.

Along with his words,

Rika saw that there was only Moxu Luo in the whole open space. She attacked it immediately!

Everything was as Lu Ling expected.

Before Moxu Luo found herself, it must first decide the outcome with Rika!


The strongest shikigami, who was concentrating on finding Lu Ling's trace, was caught off guard and was approached by the cursed queen.

3 meters versus 10 meters, this huge gap made Moxu Luo's tall body look smaller.

Rika raised her giant claws and slapped Moxu Luo's chest.

The attack that could once cause an earthquake hit it hard.


Although Moxu Luo reacted quickly and crossed his arms in front of his chest for defense, he was still hit hard by a huge force and flew into the air.

"What an exaggerated power"

"If I get hit head-on, I'm afraid I'll be seriously injured if not dead!"

Thanks to Rika, Lu Ling has found a safe place.

At this moment, he is hiding on a tall building, admiring the battle of the century that is about to take place!

By the way, Lu Ling has now lifted the advanced invisibility technique and used absolute to hide his breath.

He wants to use absolute to recover the magic power he consumed before.

It would be best if Rika and Moxu Luo could die together.

But if one of them survives, Lu Ling must use his most perfect state to deal with the winner.

For the final victory, he must prepare in advance!


Moxu Luo kept spinning in the air, and then heavily embedded into another building.

Rika's move knocked it far away, and the arm used for defense was completely broken!

The battlefield between them has expanded to the area outside the elementary school!

Moxu Luo let out a violent roar!!

It no longer cares about Lu Ling, who has completely concealed his breath at this time. Its priority now is to completely exorcise this cursed spirit that disturbed it!

At the same time, Rika, who knocked it away, also chased here.

The ferocity of the cursed spirit makes it never let go once it bites its prey, until it dies!

The strongest shikigami and the strongest cursed spirit, their battle is about to break out!!

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