First, she was attacked when she was summoned, and Moxu Luo took a full-strength claw attack and a burst of cursed power from Rika.

Then she was knocked hundreds of meters away, interrupting her duel with the summoner!

Now this cursed spirit is here and is going to attack me?!

After being provoked again and again, Moxu Luo's patience has reached its limit.


It roared angrily.

Mokhuluo was going to destroy this abominable guy in front of him!

As long as this cursed spirit was there, he could not end the taming ceremony!

The pale shikigami raised the sword of exorcism in his hand. He rushed forward facing the cursed queen!!

Rika did not care about Mokhuluo's charge.

She gathered the deep pink curse power to defend against this attack.

Like all characters with high defense and high regeneration, Rika had no habit of dodging. After all, the enemy's attack was not a threat at all.

As long as she concentrated her curse power, the opponent's attack could only tickle her.

Even if it really hurt herself, what would it matter? With unlimited curse power, she could instantly heal all wounds!

So she didn't take Mokhuluo's attack seriously at all!

But this time, Rika made a mistake!

A big mistake that cost her life!


There was no sound of a sharp weapon cutting flesh, and no blood flowed out.

Moxu Luo's demon-repelling blade just pierced through Rika's cursed spirit body without any surprise.


A sharp pain came from the depths of her soul, making her scream.

Rika lost all her composure.

She fell to the ground and twitched continuously, her huge body tumbling and crushing all the surrounding buildings!

But even this could not relieve the pain in her body at all!!

Standing on the high-rise building, Lu Ling watched this scene with fear.

Using the power of the spell to strengthen his eyes, he could clearly see that the place where Rika was chopped by Moxu Luo was constantly disintegrating, and cracks started from the wound and spread to her whole body! The originally powerful body seemed to have turned into a porcelain doll in front of Moxu Luo's sword of exorcism!

"Is this the sword that repels demons?"

"No wonder Moxu Luo is the nemesis of all cursed spirits."

Lu Ling sighed.

As the old saying goes: Restraint is greater than heaven, special attack is greater than gods.

Although cursed spirits composed of negative energy have the ability to use cursed power to continuously regenerate, they also have their own weaknesses.

That is the positive energy that is completely opposite to the energy that constitutes their bodies!!

Once their cursed spirit bodies encounter this energy, they will be annihilated instantly like snow encountering fire!!

Rika is still churning, and her proud defense is completely useless in front of Moxu Luo's sword of exorcism!

The body that originally regenerated quickly also became extremely slow under the influence of positive energy.


The pale shikigami succeeded in his attack, but did not stop there.

He roared and rushed forward. He raised the sword of exorcism in his hand and prepared to finish off Rika who was struggling in pain on the ground. Moxu Luo intended to end the battle in one go!!

"It seems that the winner has been decided between them."

"Movie, let's get ready"

"There was no moment of mourning for Rika, and the next challenge was......"

Lu Ling looked at Moxu Luo, who was already sure of victory, and used the secret of ten shadow spells.

He summoned the shikigami, Shadow, which was a fusion of 10 shikigami.

He had to act before Moxu Luo and kill Rika!

Because strictly speaking, it did not belong to Lu Ling. On the contrary, Moxu Luo was more like Lu Ling's enemy!!

Lu Ling was worried that if it killed Rika, the system would judge it as a challenge failure!


Moxu Luo, who was about to finish off Rika, suddenly raised his head. He stared at the tall building where Lu Ling was!

The movement of using Hun was quite loud, and Lu Ling had completely exposed his position!

A strange smile appeared on the face of the pale shikigami.

That was the expression of a hunter seeing his prey.

From the beginning to the end, its first target was Lu Ling, who had summoned it!


Just as it was stunned, Moxu Luo lost the best opportunity to finish off Rika.

It sounded like something cracking.

Rika's huge cursed spirit body turned into pieces and flew all over the sky.

A smaller Rika suddenly rushed out and attacked Moxu Luo!

"Wow, I didn't expect this to happen."

"By concentrating the magic power, one can reduce his body size"

"It can not only increase its speed explosively, but also abandon the outer layer of its body that has been eroded by positive energy."

"What a clever move!"

"Shadow, the situation has changed. We won't fight anymore, let's retreat!"

Seeing that there was still hope, Lu Ling immediately gave up the idea of joining the battle.

One person and one shikigami began to move positions immediately.

They planned to find another place to watch the battle.

Since Rika still had enough fighting ability, Lu Ling would definitely let Moxu Luo fight her.

Of course, the pale shikigami would definitely not allow Lu Ling and the others to leave like this.

The muscles on its thighs swelled violently, and it planned to jump in front of Lu Ling in one breath.

Just as it did this, something strange happened!


Red blood spurted out!

Rika, who attacked from behind, pierced Moxu Luo's back with her claws!

The huge impact pushed the pale shikigami to the ground, and Rika continued to pursue the victory!

Her height is no longer 10 meters, and is even smaller than the 3-meter height of the pale shikigami.

But this definitely does not mean that Rika has become weaker.

This is an adjustment made for Moxu Luo's sword of exorcism!

Although affected by the violent characteristics of the cursed spirit, the curse queen does have a certain wisdom.

After suffering such a big loss, she had to use some of her brains.

Just like Moxu Luo would not allow Lu Ling to leave, Rika would not allow Moxu Luo to leave!


The violent Curse Queen retracted her claws. Then she swung at the pale Shikigami's arm at a faster speed.

After the previous round of competition, she also understood one thing.

That is, the sword on Moxu Luo's arm is too threatening to her.

She must destroy it in advance!

""Sizzle!" accompanied by the sound of flesh being torn apart. Moxu Luo's arms broke at the same time, and along with the sound of his arms falling to the ground, the Demon-Exorcist Blade also disappeared.

"Gurgle! Gurgle!"

At the moment when the pale shikigami's arm fell, its regeneration also began at the same time. In an instant, flesh and blood began to grow from the broken part of the pale shikigami's arm.

However, Rika would not give Moxu Luo a chance to grow his arm again. Every time it was about to regenerate, Rika would cut it off in time!

In just a moment, Moxu Luo's blood filled the entire street.

Looking at Moxu Luo who was powerless to resist,

Lu Ling couldn't help but exclaimed in shock.

"Shit, he actually knew to attack the Demon-Repelling Blade!"

"Did this guy get his brains knocked out?"

"Let's get ready. We are really ready this time."

"It's Rika's victory!"

I don't know if it's because of Kusakabe's guidance. Lu Ling seems to have inherited his skill of nurturing whoever he wants to kill.


With the sound of gears turning, the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned a circle.......

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