At the gate of the ruins of an unknown elementary school in Tokyo.

Lu Ling took a look at the magic power that he had gathered by using the"hard" technique.

There was no strong light, but the color was a little darker.

From the outside, it looked ordinary, like a dark sea.

But Lu Ling, who held this power, knew very well that he was now completely different from when he just completed the achievement mode.


Lu Ling dispersed the curse power on his palm.

His goal had been basically achieved.

Originally, Lu Ling was just thinking about how to use the"hard" skills in actual combat.

But by accident, he actually changed the density of his curse power, doubling the total amount of curse power!

It was a case of planting willows by accident and getting shade.

"I didn't expect special skills to have such a powerful effect."

"I didn't pay attention to it before."

After seeing the benefits of the efficiency of using mana and power compression (primary),

Lu Ling also began to pay attention to his special skills.

"Let me see if there is anything I have missed or can improve."

After that, he opened his system panel and browsed the information inside.

Lu Ling wanted to find out if there were any special skills that he had acquired but had not paid attention to.

He wanted to dig them out again and discover their functions.

So that he could take a step forward.


After a few seconds,

Lu Ling was shocked. He had only done this as a joke, but he actually found two special skills that he had never noticed before!

"Infinite Power (Primary) and Gathering Qi into Blades.

The former is a special skill that Lu Ling got after fighting with Li Xiang.

The latter, like Power Compression (Primary), is the realization that Zhou got after breaking through level 20.

When Lu Ling got them, he didn't feel any obvious changes in himself. So he forgot them unconsciously.

"After acquiring these two skills, I didn't pay attention to them"

"I guess I missed a lot of useful things."

Lu Ling thought to himself.

He clicked on the skill introductions of these two skills and began to read them carefully.

Some skills have effects that cannot be seen from the name alone.

For example, this [Infinite Power (Primary)], Lu Ling has obtained it for some time, but he has not seen any improvement in his spell power.

So to really know the effect, you still have to see it yourself and try it yourself.

【Infinite Power (Primary): Automatically restore 0.05% of the total mana per second%】

【Gathering Energy into Blades: Changing the nature of one's own magical power into a weapon】


"Recover 0.05% per second without any conditions?"

The moment Lu Ling looked at this skill, he understood a lot of things in his heart.

He said that after summoning shadows these few times, why was he able to recover to full status so quickly?

It turned out that it was because of this!

When the total amount of cursed power of a sorcerer has not reached the upper limit, that is, when the"reservoir" is not full, they can fill it up by refining cursed power.

For high-level sorcerers, doing this is as easy as breathing.

So Lu Ling called it the natural recovery of cursed power, which is the so-called mana recovery.

Depending on the talent, the natural recovery speed of each sorcerer is also different.

Some are more, some are less.

For example, Sukuna and Gojo Satoru are among the gifted ones, and the cursed power they recover naturally is much higher than others!

Coupled with the extremely high efficiency of using cursed power.

The speed at which they consume cursed power is basically not as fast as their natural recovery speed, so it is so surprising. With the two of them, it is an illusion that the cursed power is infinite.

But as strong as Gojo Satoru and Sukuna are, their natural recovery speed will also be affected by their status.

Once they are seriously injured or in any other situation, their natural recovery efficiency will become low.

Just like people with good physical fitness, once they are sick or injured, they will also have difficulty breathing!

But Lu Ling does not have this concern.

This is the first advantage of Infinite Power (Primary).

It will provide Lu Ling with cursed power under all conditions.

No matter what state Lu Ling is in, it will strictly provide him with 0.05% of cursed power per second.

It can be said to be truly infinite!!

Another advantage is that Infinite Power (Primary) restores cursed power by percentage. The cursed power it provides is linked to the total amount of Lu Ling's own cursed power.

The more total amount of Lu Ling's own cursed power, the more cursed power Infinite Power (Primary) provides!

Although the number 0.05% seems small, it is calculated in seconds.

In just 2000 seconds, Lu Ling can recover 100% of his mana!

Infinite Power (Primary), Power Compression (Primary), Total Mana.

Lu Ling looked at the three skills in his skill bar and fell into deep thought.

One of them provides mana capacity, one provides mana recovery, and one increases mana density.

"With these three, one day in the future, my total amount of cursed power may really surpass Yuta Otsutsukotsu and Ryoumen Sukuna......."

Thinking of this, Lu Ling couldn't help but clench his hands, unable to hide his excitement.

He was one step closer to his goal of defeating the final boss.


"Let's see what the other special skill is like."

Lu Ling took a few deep breaths and calmed himself down.

He turned his gaze elsewhere and looked at [Qi Condensation Blade].】

【Gathering Qi into Blades: Changing the nature of one's own cursed power to turn it into a weapon]

This skill did not give Lu Ling much of a surprise.

After all, his fighting style generally did not rely on weapons.

Because of his enhanced body bound by heaven and curse, and his extremely high level of physical ability,

Lu Ling spent much more time using his fists than using blades.

But in line with the principle of"how can you know the effect without trying it",

Lu Ling still planned to experience it himself.

After all, every skill given to him by the system is useful.

""Gathering Qi to form a blade."

Lu Ling imagined the weapon he wanted to use in his mind.

As Lu Ling's will was fulfilled, the dark blue mantra on his body also changed.

They began to gather in Lu Ling's palm.

After a while, his palm was covered with a layer of sword-shaped mantra.


Lu Ling waved his arm.

Then the cursed blade on his palm moved.

If there were ordinary people present at this moment, they would definitely exclaim.

Why can this person, with nothing in his hand, just wave his arm and make the sound of a sword cutting through the air?

"I don't know how powerful it is."

Lu Ling looked at the dark blue cursed blade wrapped around his palm. He wanted to test its power.


Since there was nothing to cut around, Lu Ling turned his attention to the ground beneath his feet.

With a"swish", he swung the cursed blade and drew a circle.

The dark blue cursed power was like cutting butter, leaving a mark on the ground.

"Well, the power is pretty good."

Lu Ling commented as he looked at the circle he had drawn and dispersed the magic power in his hand.

"But I don't know how it compares to the power of the cursed energy attached to the weapon."

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