Swish -

Lu Ling swung the cursed blade wrapped in his palm.

Although he did not draw his own sword, after using the Qi Condensation Blade,

Lu Ling still had an extra"special" weapon in his hand.

After a while, the deep blue light left a snake-like track in the air.

The originally hard stone ground was also scratched by Lu Ling with deep marks.

"call out——"

Lu Ling dispersed the cursed blade in his hand.

He was quite satisfied with his ability.

Apart from other things, in terms of convenience. Gathering Qi into a blade has extremely high value! It can appear out of thin air when needed, and disappear when not needed.

If any criminal learns this trick, the Japanese judicial personnel will be miserable, after all, they can't even find the murder weapon!!

"I don't have to worry about security checks anymore."

Lu Ling couldn't help but smile as she watched her"weapon" being deployed and retracted at will.

"However, I still don't know the specific power."

He looked at the cracks on the ground with regret.

Although the weapon formed by the Qi-Gathering Blade does have extremely high performance, it can easily leave these marks on the stone.

However, this does not mean anything.

After all, the object is just a stone. Curse spirits and curse masters above level three can do this.

Even Lu Ling himself can do it, as long as he wants.

With only the body bound by the sky and the curse, he can break the stone with his bare hands.

If you want to know the true power of the Qi-Gathering Blade, you have to find some curse spirits or curse masters to fight.

"It seems that there is no point in staying here any longer."


Lu Ling bowed slightly towards the school gate, in the direction of the transparent crack.

He gained a lot from this achievement challenge and became much stronger.

Therefore, Lu Ling was grateful to the system that gave him all this.

"Okay, it's time to go to the next place."

He stared at the school gate for a while, and then left.

Lu Ling was going to move on.......

Tokyo, downtown.

After leaving the elementary school,

Lu Ling came to the densely populated downtown area.

His next destination was the Zenin family private hospital.

It was also the place where Fushiguro Megumi's sister, Fushiguro Miki, was kidnapped.

In the past, Lu Ling relied on the advantage of sneak attack and the modern weapons provided by Maki to defeat more than half of the Zenin family, including Tokuru and Bing.

But now, even if he doesn't rely on those means, he can still win.

After all, Lu Ling is much stronger now than he was back then.


He put his finger on his forehead and tried hard to recall the location of the hospital. After a while, Lu Ling frowned and said helplessly:

"It seems that it will take a long time."

The location of the Zenyuan private hospital is too remote.

Not only is it hidden in the deep mountains and forests, but the location is also very hidden.

If he runs over now relying on the power of the spell, it will attract the attention of ordinary people and violate the rules set by the high school.

So Lu Ling planned to go to the city first to see if there is a vehicle that can take him nearby.

The rest of the journey can be solved by walking.

""Beep! Beep!"

The horns of taxis rang everywhere on the street.

It was the rush hour.

It was not difficult for Lu Ling to find a suitable means of transportation.

Office workers came out of the company one after another, with tired expressions on their faces.

They exuded more negative energy than usual.......

"It shouldn't be......"

Lu Ling observed the people coming and going around him and found that their mental states were very bad. The leaked curse power was spreading in the air. There was a tendency for curse spirits to form!

What's more, some people had a lower-level curse spirit lying on their shoulders!

"It shouldn't be like this now."

Lu Ling was puzzled by the scene at that time.

Unlike what ordinary people imagine.

The profession of sorcerer is not actually open all year round. They also have the saying of off-season and peak season.

Looking at the whole year, students like Lu Ling and teachers like Kusakabe should actually have a long vacation. The reason why sorcerers have vacations is the way the curse spirits are formed.

The curse spirits are a collection of negative energy, and negative energy is generated by people.

With the seasons, some specific things will happen.

May sickness, winter blues, hay fever, entrance examinations.......

During this period, people will inevitably feel sad, nervous, and have a lot of negative emotions!

These negative emotions usually lurk for about a month, and then burst out in the form of curse spirits.

This is why there are often many more curse spirits in summer than in winter.

But Lu Ling knew very well that it was not summer now.

Curse spirits should not appear in such large numbers!

"When this happens, it's obvious that something is wrong."

"But if it was really serious, how could the top leaders in Tokyo and Kyoto hold a school exchange meeting?"

"It seems that we need to find an opportunity to investigate later."

Lu Ling came to this conclusion based on the situation at the scene.

Since it is not the peak season, there are so many negative emotions.

So it is likely that someone is behind it.

"The most urgent task is to improve my strength as soon as possible."

Lu Ling made a decision. After all, he didn't know who was the one who created this strange phenomenon.

Was it Xia Youjie? Was it the backup left by Koso? Or was it another curse master?

He didn't know anything.

However, there was only one thing he could be sure of now!

That was to continue to improve his combat effectiveness. As long as he was strong enough to deal with all enemies, then no matter what conspiracy or means, he would not be afraid.

"But now that I'm here"

"I still have to fulfill my responsibilities as a sorcerer."

""Exorcise the curse."

Lu Ling glanced at the tired people around him.

When someone was already possessed by a cursed spirit, he could no longer sit idly by.

A cursed spirit of level three or four could cause a serious illness. A cursed spirit of level two or one could directly threaten people's lives.

However, these pests in the eyes of others were just prey in Lu Ling's eyes!

""Curse spirit capture."

Faced with this situation, he decisively used the most suitable spell for this situation!

Accompanied by a huge suction force from Lu Ling's palms, it was as if a vortex appeared on the street.

Countless low-level curse spirits lying on people's heads or shoulders were pulled and separated under the influence of this force. Then they flew to Lu Ling and were rolled into black balls.

""Pah! Pah!"

The sound of balls falling continued to ring around Lu Ling.

After a while, the atmosphere on the whole street became much better.

Those who were possessed by the cursed spirits also showed relaxed expressions because they were freed from the cursed spirits.

Lu Ling's goal had been achieved.

"What an astonishing number."

He glanced at the black ball on the ground and couldn't help but sigh.

"Ping! Ping! Ping!"

As these black balls shattered, Lu Ling turned them into his own strengthening points.

【20 level 4 cursed spirits have been eliminated and absorbed, and 60,000 points of reinforcement have been obtained. The current reinforcement points are 110,110.】

【11 third-level cursed spirits have been eliminated and absorbed, and 82,500 points of enhancement have been obtained. The current enhancement points are 192,610. Seeing that he had gained so many points in a short time,

Lu Ling was stunned.

"I didn't expect to be able to gain so many enhancement points so easily."

"It seems that going to crowded places during peak season is a great way to get a lot of reinforcement points!"

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