Tokyo, downtown.

Lu Ling, who had just harvested a large group of low-level cursed spirits, felt refreshed. He even planned to take a break before going to the Zen Temple's private hospital to have a good time here.

After all, the achievement mode will not disappear due to the change of the building.

The elementary school that Lu Ling just visited can prove this point very well.

Even though it has become a ruin, the transparent crack at the gate still exists!

"It's 17:30 now."

Lu Ling took out her mobile phone and checked the current time.

Well, it's the standard time to get off work.

Japan implements a system of working at 9 am and getting off work at 5:30 to 6 pm.

There is a break of about an hour or 45 minutes at noon.

But these are just paper data.

In fact, in Japan, where the overtime culture is strong, it is not easy to get off work on time.

The people who Lu Ling just saw coming out of the company are probably just out to eat, and they can't really go home to rest after work.

Otherwise, it can't explain why the negative energy on them is so heavy!

"If I take a taxi to the Zen Temple private hospital now"

"The journey by car and on foot will take about 5 hours......."

Lu Ling calculated in his mind how much time he would have to spend here.

Would there be any problems with cars by then?

If possible, he didn't want to leave the achievement mode until tomorrow to complete it.


After thinking for a while, Lu Ling came up with an idea.

"As long as I can finish the harvest within two hours,"

"Then I still have a chance to complete both achievement modes in one day."

Strengthening points and achievement modes.

He will not give up any opportunity that can make him stronger.

"Let me find out where the cursed spirits are most likely to appear."

Lu Ling activated his own cursed power perception and observed the concentration of cursed power around him.

The higher the concentration of cursed power, the higher the possibility of the emergence of cursed spirits!!

First, the surroundings.

Because a wave of cursed spirits had been harvested before, there were no cursed spirits on the street now.


Suddenly, a strong wave of magical power came.

It was accurately captured by Lu Ling.

Lu Ling looked up in the direction of the wave.

He found that in the brightly lit high-rise building, there was an extremely strong magical power!!

It was obvious that the group of staff on the street just now were just small dishes, and the real big players were still in the building.


Predicting that there might be a high-level curse spirit among them, Lu Ling couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

His intuition told him that if nothing unexpected happened, he could have a"big meal" here today."!......

At the gate of an unknown building in Tokyo.

Lu Ling picked a building with the strongest curse power as his target.

He walked straight to the gate of the building and planned to enter.


"This is not a place for a kid like you!"

A sudden shout made Lu Ling pause.

He looked back and found that the security guard at the door was staring at him.

Lu Ling slapped his head.

He was used to coming and going freely and had completely forgotten about this matter.

How could such a big company not have a security system?

""I'm sorry."

Lu Ling apologized to the security guard at the door with a smile.

He didn't care about the other party's bad tone, after all, that was the security guard's duty.

Seeing Lu Ling's good attitude, the security guard just snorted and didn't pursue it.

The bigger the company, the more professional their security system will be.

If ordinary people want to get in, it would probably be very difficult.

But for Lu Ling, a sorcerer, this is an extremely simple thing.

"Advanced Invisibility Technique."

Lu Ling retreated to a relatively hidden location and began to perform the technique.


As the light distorted, his figure disappeared into the air.

It was as if he did not exist in this world at all.

With a gust of cool wind, Lu Ling entered the building like a ghost. He completely ignored the surveillance cameras and security guards.......

Tokyo, downtown, in a certain building.

Unlike the noisy downstairs.

The inside of the building is much quieter.

Although the lights are on, there is still a weird atmosphere spreading.

Lu Ling activated the advanced invisibility technique and walked in the building.

Due to the increase in the total amount of magic power, the time he can maintain the invisible state has also been greatly increased.

While Lu Ling was going to the upper floors, he also heard two employees discussing what happened in the building.

One of them said that the boss of this company seemed to have contacted some cult, and then brought back some bad things, which attracted evil spirits and caused many people to be killed recently.

However, after he finished speaking, he was immediately laughed at by his colleagues.

Another said: You are too superstitious. The recent deaths are just suicides caused by stress. This is common in Japan and there is no need to make a fuss.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart.

Lu Ling always feels that things are not that simple.

After all, as far as he knows, Xia Youjie is the founder of a cult.

If there is really a cult in the world that can be connected with the magic world, Xia Youjie is definitely the first suspect.


After a while, Lu Ling came to the upper floors of the building and lifted the advanced invisibility technique.

He had already inquired about it before coming here.

From this floor onwards, the surveillance was interfered by unknown factors and could not be used at all.

So Lu Ling did not have to worry about exposing his identity.


The moment he opened the door, countless huge tentacles pounced on him!

A third-level curse spirit attacked him.

Of course, this level of opponent would not cause Lu Ling's emotions to change at all.

He looked calm and stretched out his palms.


The tentacles didn't even touch Lu Ling before he rolled them into a black ball, then broke them and was absorbed.

【Defeated and absorbed a level 3 cursed spirit, gained 7500 points of reinforcement, current reinforcement points are 200110 points】.......

Tokyo, downtown, a high-rise building.

Boom! Boom!

Huge explosions were heard.

A young man wearing a black hood was fighting with a cursed spirit.


Light blue magic power exploded throughout his body.

A metal cone covered with patterns appeared between his palms!


With a sound like electric rotation, the cone spun wildly!

Then, with a"bang", it hit the head of the cursed spirit opposite like a fully charged bow and arrow!

The cursed spirit that was hit swelled all over. Then it burst like a balloon filled with water.

Purple-black blood sprayed everywhere!

The young man was able to kill the second-level cursed spirit without suspense. He was undoubtedly a second-level sorcerer.

He was Takuma Ino, a freelance sorcerer who assisted the Tokyo side in carrying out missions.

Today, he came here to exorcise the cursed spirit according to the task assigned by the high school.

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