Tokyo, downtown, high-rise building


After killing the second-level cursed spirit, Ino Takuma pulled a chair and sat down.

Because this place had just been closed for a short time, the facilities were still very complete.

Except for the fact that there was no one and the cursed spirits were rampant, it was basically no different from the place where the staff worked.

"How is this going......"

"There shouldn't be so many cursed spirits now."

Zhu Ye leaned on the chair, took off his headgear, and began to sigh.

He has lived in the world of curses for much longer than Lu Ling and the others.

So when this strange phenomenon appeared, Zhu Ye must have noticed it.

"The tasks I take are all dangerous and unprofitable."

"If this goes on, when will I be recognized by Nanami-senpai and become a first-level sorcerer?"

Zuno hugged his head and couldn't help complaining.

Becoming a first-level sorcerer has always been his dream.


Suddenly, Ino seemed to have noticed something.

He quickly put his hood back on.

Among the sorcerers, Ino Takuma was not a very powerful one.

But there was one thing that made him different from ordinary people.

That was his ability to sense danger!

Ino could sense danger from subtle changes in the environment, and could even judge the enemy's strength from his posture!

"Today, the high commissioner should have assigned me a solo mission."

"And the current president also said that he has blocked all the high-level areas."

"So no employees will come up to disturb you!"

"But now there was a sound of the door opening......."

"Who could it be?"

His whole body was filled with magical power, and a light blue light began to appear on him.

Zhuye activated the magical power enhancement, and then began to move towards the place where the noise came from.

He was very careful and did not dare to make any sound.

"Could it be that the person who caused the cursed spirits to flood this building has come here?"

"The one who can cause such a big phenomenon must be a vicious curse master!"

Zhu Ye thought so in his heart.

After being in the curse world for many years, he has a clear understanding of his own strength. He never thinks that he is a strong man.

But even so, Zhu Ye has the courage of being a curse master!

If he encounters a situation where he needs to protect others, then even if he encounters an enemy stronger than himself, Zhu Ye will move forward bravely!!

"I can't run"

"This building is full of ordinary people. If I run away......"

"At least we need to know who the enemy is and how strong they are."

"It would be even better if we could see him demonstrate his technique......."

With the idea that if they can win, they will fight, but if they can't, they will at least get some intelligence.

Zhuye continued to move forward.............

Tokyo, downtown, a high floor of a building.

At the same time, Lu Ling had already absorbed the third-level curse spirit.

He opened the door and stepped into this floor of the building.

It was quiet, too quiet.


Lu Ling showed a puzzled expression.

This, this is not right? According to his perception of the cursed power, starting from this floor of the building, there should be enough cursed spirits on each floor!

It can't be that after he absorbed a third-level cursed spirit, there would be nothing left on this floor, right?


Unconvinced, Lu Ling once again activated his perception of the curse power.

He planned to go directly to the next level if he still didn't find the curse spirit.


In just a moment, he discovered something.

But he did not discover a curse spirit, but a special wave of curse power.

Although both the sorcerer and the curse spirit can release curse power, their body structures are different after all, so the curse power they emit is also different.

Lu Ling, who has dealt with both of them, can naturally tell the difference!

"Is it a curse master?"

Lu Ling was alert and looked in that direction. After all, he didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, so he had to be careful.......

Judging from the cursed power emitted by the opponent, it is not very strong. Is he hiding his strength?

He thought so.

After all, unlike the cursed spirits, the cursers can freely control the cursed power they emit.

If you judge the opponent's strength based on the cursed power emitted, you will suffer a great loss!


Suddenly, Lu Ling's pupils shrank.

Through the perception of the cursed power, he found that the opponent's cursed power suddenly increased a lot, and the enemy was about to make a move!


With an excited shout, Lu Ling saw a hooded sorcerer appear beside him.

He spoke too hastily, so Lu Ling didn't hear what he said clearly.

A metal cone covered with patterns appeared in the other's palms.


The metal cone spun at high speed and shot towards Lu Ling with a"bang"!......

Tokyo, downtown, a high floor of a building.

Since the space on this floor is not large,

Ino Takuma quickly arrived at the corresponding position.

When he saw that the one who opened the door was a level 3 cursed spirit that he had missed before, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


"Oh, I scared myself. I thought it was a curse master.

Zhu Ye thought so.

Just when he was about to step forward to kill the third-level curse spirit, something strange happened!

The third-level curse spirit seemed to have seen something horrible and began to retreat continuously.

But all its struggles were useless. It was soon pulled out of the door! When

Zhu Ye saw this scene, he immediately hid in the corner of the room, not daring to breathe!

"There was a"ping" sound, like the sound of glass breaking. Then there was the sound of footsteps, and the person outside the door had walked in.

"What should I do? It's really coming."

At this moment, Zhuye's heart was in his throat. The thing he was most worried about had already happened.

��Before he could continue thinking, a powerful curse swept over.

Zhuye felt the curse. He was stunned for a few seconds, as if he was a boat falling into a whirlpool.

Fortunately, the other party did not continue to emit curse, but just glanced at him.

Zhuye quickly regained consciousness.

But at the same time, a strong chill crept into his heart.

Because he knew that his location had been discovered by the other party.


"We can't just sit here and wait for death."

Since his position is known, it's better to take the initiative to attack instead of waiting for the other party to attack!

The huge sense of crisis constantly stimulated his adrenaline secretion, making him burst out with more powerful magic power than usual!

Zhu Ye rushed out from his hiding place!

The magic power gathered and used his technique [Visiting Lucky Beasts]!

He could hide his face and make himself a medium, and use the abilities of the four lucky beasts.

The first thing Zhu Ye used was his strongest long-range attack method.


It was also at this time that he saw the face of the visitor for the first time.

A handsome young man with black hair.

Ino Takuma actually knew Lu Ling, after all, they were both students of Tokyo Metropolitan Jutsu High School.

But he only knew about it, and he had never seen Lu Ling himself or his photos. In addition, Lu Ling was not wearing a school uniform at this time, but his casual clothes.

So Ino did not recognize Lu Ling at this time.

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