Tokyo, downtown, high-rise building


When Lu Ling saw the metal cone flying towards him, his pupils shrank instantly. He was not frightened by its power, but he had some guesses about the identity of the enemy.

After all, Lu Ling was a person who watched anime seriously, and he had some impression of every character that appeared.

Is this Xiezhi?!

And the person opposite him was wearing a mask, could it be Mr. Zhuye?

Could it be that I accidentally entered the place where he was carrying out the mission and was mistaken for a curse master?

Lu Ling thought so.

In a very short time, he had roughly figured out the whole story.

""Good timing!"

Facing his Xiezhi, the enemy did not make any move.

Zhuye naturally thought that it was his sudden attack that caught the enemy off guard!

So he surged with magic power all over his body, and before the first attack hit, he made up for the next attack.

"Visiting Beast, No. 2"

"Spirit Turtle!!"

With the second activation of the technique, the light blue cursed power on Zhuye's body changed in nature! The originally invisible cursed power energy now turned into tangible cursed water.

This is one of the abilities of his technique, Spirit Turtle.

It can make the user's cursed power have the nature of"water". It can not only buffer the enemy's attack, but also increase the movement speed.


Zhuye followed Xiezhi and ran towards Lu Ling.

With the blessing of the cursed water, his speed was extremely fast!

Strictly speaking, Zhuye didn't run over, but"slid" over!

He clenched his fists and quickly closed the distance with Lu Ling. He kept planning the next tactics in his mind.

"Xiezhi's and my attacks will arrive almost at the same time!"

"Faced with two attacks coming from completely different directions, even Mr. Nanami cannot underestimate it!"

"I don't believe that a mere curse master can block this move!"

Zhuye showed a joyful expression on his face.

Of course, because of the mask, Lu Ling naturally couldn't see anything.

However, he was happy for a certain reason.

To become a first-level curse master, many conditions are required.

Compared with completing the tasks assigned by the college bit by bit, catching a powerful curse master who is very likely to commit a major crime.

It will undoubtedly bring Zhuye one step closer to a first-level curse master!

Lu Ling was promoted to a second-level curse master because he defeated a second-level curse master.

According to common sense, he estimated that it would take him half a semester to reach this level.

But here it refers to the level, not the strength. Judging from the level alone, Lu Ling is still a second-level curse master.


Facing the two attacks that kept approaching him, Lu Ling's expression was very calm.

A dark blue light appeared.

It was not as dazzling as Zhu Ye's light blue light, nor was it as powerful as his curse.

At this time, Lu Ling only looked like a trace of color on his body.


He stretched out his magically wrapped palm and grabbed the cone that was flying towards him quickly, just like catching a slowly falling feather.

"How is this possible?!"

Seeing that the move he was proud of was easily taken by the enemy.

Zhuye, who rushed towards Lu Ling, immediately began to doubt his life.

However, he had already closed too much distance with Lu Ling and was almost in front of Lu Ling.

The arrow has been put on the string and it has to be shot!

Zhuye slid while concentrating the magic power on his fist.

Using the weight and acceleration of his whole body, he attacked Lu Ling's abdomen.

In the battle between sorcerers, attacking the head and abdomen first.

This is common sense.


With a muffled sound, Zhuye's fist successfully hit Lu Ling's abdomen!

But he was not happy at all.

Wall? Rock?

It was obviously hitting the enemy's body, but it gave him the feel of these things.


Zhuye retreated quickly. Thanks to the blessing of the cursed water and the fact that Lu Ling did not embarrass him,

Zhuye and Lu Ling once again distanced themselves.


Lu Ling wanted to reveal his identity. After all, this was just a misunderstanding.

He wanted to resolve it peacefully as soon as possible. If he continued to fight, the other party would most likely get hurt.

"What a strong opponent. It seems I have to use all my strength.

Zhu Ye interrupted what Lu Ling was about to say, and then burst out with even more powerful spell power.

He was going to use his best trick.

"Visiting auspicious beast, number three. Qilin!"

Like the spirit turtle, this is also an auxiliary move.

However, the effect of Qilin is much more extreme.

During the period of Qilin, Zhuye can obtain a stimulant-like effect, ignoring pain and greatly improving his physical level. He can also forcibly maintain a combat state when seriously injured or exhausted!

However, this move is not without disadvantages. Once the skill time is over, he will become immobile!


After being greatly strengthened, Zhuye kicked Lu Ling's head with a high kick.

Although he was only a second-level sorcerer, with the blessing of Qilin, Zhuye's panel at this moment was no different from that of a first-level sorcerer.


There was another muffled sound, and Zhuye's attack hit Lu Ling's head again.

""Crack", the sound of something breaking was heard!

Lu Ling showed an extremely ugly expression on his face, not that Zhuye's attack really hurt him.

With the enhanced body of Heaven and Curse Bound and the enhanced power of the curse, Lu Ling was still somewhat confident in his defense.

But he was not injured, so the one who was injured was naturally Zhuye.

The whip kick just now not only did not hurt Lu Ling. Instead, it fractured his own calf.

And Zhuye was in an excited state.

This caused him to be unaware even if he was seriously injured!


Lu Ling sighed.

At this point, he had to take action.

Otherwise, Zhu Ye would most likely get himself seriously injured by attacking Lu Ling!

"Overload mode."

As Lu Ling said this, the already small amount of mana in his body was further diluted.

It was almost obvious that he was using mana.


Zhuye only felt his eyes blurred, and the enemy disappeared from his sight.

Then his hood disappeared without a trace.


Visiting the Auspicious Beast is a skill that Zhu Ye can only use when he is masked. Now that the condition has been broken by Lu Ling, the skill is naturally broken.

At this moment, both the cursed water wrapped around his body and the Qilin in his body have disappeared. He can only rely on the cursed power to fight.

"Sorry for the offense."

Before he could react,

Lu Ling's big hand had already grabbed Zhuye's head. Then he shook it hard.

Zhuye didn't even have time to think, and a severe dizziness made him lose consciousness!

【Defeated Level 2 Curse Boar and gained 15,000 points of reinforcement. Current reinforcement points: 215,110 points】

【You can learn the skill Visiting Auspicious Beast (10,000), Copy (5,000)]

Lu Ling took a look at the enhancement points of the skill he learned, which were halved, and he immediately understood.

"So this is where replication comes in handy."

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