Tokyo, downtown, high floor of a building.

Lu Ling glanced at the system panel that just popped up.

After repeated observation, he confirmed that the points for learning the spell were indeed reduced by 50%.

Lu Ling understood that this was because his special skill"Copy" was taking effect.

"Will the enhancement points for unique skills be halved?"

"Although it has no effect on skills such as Zhou, Jue, Liu, and Simple Field"

"But the effect on the spells is really extraordinary."

Lu Ling was very satisfied with the skill that Otsukoshi brought to him.

Apart from anything else, the fact that it could save him a lot of enhancement points was something that other skills could not match.


"So, what should we do next?"

The black-haired boy touched his head, and he fell silent as he looked at the fallen Zhuye Takuma.

The fight between the two was a complete misunderstanding.

Although Lu Ling wanted to reveal his identity during the fight

, the stimulant-like effect of the No. 3 auspicious beast Qilin made the wild boar lose his sense of pain and put him into an excited state.

So it was difficult for him to listen to Lu Ling's words.

If the fight continued like this, Lu Ling might be fine, but Zhuye would be miserable.

The kick he just gave Lu Ling had already caused him to have a slight fracture.


Lu Ling formed a hand shadow and summoned his own healing shikigami.

A deer-shaped shikigami appeared in the office on this floor.

Due to Lu Ling's several times of strengthening, Yuanlu's size has also increased a lot.

It slowly walked in front of the unconscious Zhuye.

A white energy different from the blue curse flowed out, healing Zhuye's injuries.

This is the positive energy of the reversal technique.

Although Lu Ling has not yet learned the reversal technique, it does not mean that he has no healing ability.


"Well, it should be fine now."

After treating Zhuye's body, Lu Ling felt relieved.

Now he just had to wait until the effects of his mild concussion were over.

Zhuye should be able to wake up.......

About ten minutes later


Zhuye struggled to open his eyes in confusion.

He touched his head, and the influence that Lu Ling had just caused him had almost disappeared.

"You're awake."

The familiar voice fell into Zhuye's ears, making him shudder. He jumped up as if by reflex.

But soon Zhuye couldn't control himself and fell to the ground. Due to the side effects of Qilin, he couldn't move freely.

"Humph! You can kill me or hang me as you wish!"

Zhu Ye looked at Lu Ling viciously. He had completely regarded Lu Ling as a curse master.


Lu Ling was embarrassed by this: Did he really look like a bad guy?

He reached into his pocket and took out a white card.

This was a student ID card for technical colleges.

It recorded Lu Ling's grade, spell level and other necessary information. It was something that could prove his technical college identity better than a school uniform.

Although Lu Ling didn't have the habit of wearing a school uniform, he always carried things like a student ID card with him.

After all, whether it was taking a bus or something else, he could get a lot of discounts with this card!

"That, that......"

"Mr. Zhuye, I am a student of Tokyo Polytechnic like you."

After that, Lu Ling handed him his student ID.

Zhuye raised his hand with difficulty, took the white card, and began to browse the information on it.

"Tokyo Metropolitan College of Jutsu, first-year student. Lu Ling, second-level sorcerer."

Second-level sorcerer?"

Zhu Ye looked at Lu Ling with a strange expression.

My mother is also a second-level sorcerer, how come I didn't know that second-level sorcerers are so strong!

He still remembers the battle just now. The opponent's"shake head" made him lose his fighting ability.

You tell him that the two of you are at the same level.

No one will believe it!

This student ID card is probably fake, right?

No, wait. I seem to have heard the name Lu Ling somewhere.

The wild boar came back to his senses.


"Are you the genius?"

Zhuye's eyes lit up and he said with a trembling voice.

Although he was not a student of the technical college, he also worked for the technical college.

So naturally he had heard the rumors about Lu Ling: he survived the hands of the special curse master Xia Youjie during his internship; he defeated many curse masters by himself and became a second-level curse master, etc.

Zhuye used to sneer at these things, but now he sees that those legends are very likely to be true!!

"Can you get up?"

Lu Ling asked while extending her hand to Zhuye.......

After a while, the side effects of Qilin on Zhuye disappeared.

He was back to his best condition. After discussing several topics that were closely related to the college,

Zhuye gradually let go of his guard against Lu Ling.

""Why did you come here?"

Seeing that the relationship between the two began to ease, Zhuye asked Lu Ling the question he wanted to ask the most.

Lu Ling did not intend to hide this and answered directly.

"I found out through my magical sense that the negative energy in the upper floors of this building exceeds the limit, so I came here."

"Logically speaking, this phenomenon should not occur in the entire season."

Lu Ling's words seemed to touch Zhuye's heart, and he couldn't help but nod his head.

There is something wrong with this building, and any sorcerer can see it.

"What did you do to the cursed spirit in the first place?

Zhuye continued to ask.

If Lu Ling had simply exorcised the cursed spirit, Zhuye would not have been so alert.

But he saw clearly that Lu Ling's method just now was similar to that of the curse master Xia Youjie!

He was the enemy of Lu Ling because of this!

Hearing this question, Lu Ling was also at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

He was actually the one who was cursed for this reason.���Was it an attack?

"This is my technique"

"I can imitate other people's spells and use weaker versions."

【5000 points of reinforcement have been consumed, and the skill Visiting Auspicious Beast Level 1 has been acquired. The current reinforcement points are 210110 points.

Lu Ling took out a piece of paper from the office on this floor and pasted it on his face. The activation condition of the Visiting Auspicious Beast—hiding the face—was achieved.

Then he stretched out his palm to Zhuye.


A metal cone covered with patterns appeared in Lu Ling's hand.


Seeing this scene, Zhuye could no longer control his expression.

At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind: Lu Ling was a complete monster!

"call out——"

After seeing Zhuye's reaction, Lu Ling knew that he should have understood.

Lu Ling took off the paper on his face.

With the disappearance of the activation conditions, the ability of the visiting auspicious beast also disappeared.

He continued to add to Zhuye

"I've fought against Geto Suguru before, so I copied his abilities."

"I started out using a weaker version of the Curse Spirit Manipulation Technique - Curse Spirit Capture."

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