"Oh no, I'm going to die."

When people face the threat of death, they see things more slowly, which is a normal reaction of the brain.

Zhuye's senses were further enhanced due to the use of Qilin.

The two combined.

He clearly saw that the green cursed spirit was attacking him.

It was waving its fist, ready to smash Zhuye's head.

Zhuye's state at this time was a bit similar to Lu Ling's overload mode.

But unfortunately, his physical strength is not high and he does not have enough curse power to strengthen his body.

Therefore, Zhuye cannot move freely during this period of time like Lu Ling. All he can do is stay where he is and wait for the arrival of the god of death.......

During this time, countless emotions surged into his heart.

"Am I going to die like this?"

"Before it became a first-level spell, before it was recognized by Mr. Nanami?"

A strong sense of regret filled Zhuye's heart.

At the same time, his eyes glanced at Lu Ling again.

"Alas, it's a pity for this guy."

"Not small���You broke into my mission, and now two people are going to die."

He saw Lu Ling's talent.

This person who has only been in the world of sorcery for half a year has now shown the level of a first-level sorcerer.

If given time, he will definitely become a great figure.


Zhu Ye sighed in his heart. He had lost the will to live and was completely hopeless.

As expected, there is no such thing as a sorcerer dying without regrets.......


Just as he was in despair, something strange happened.

A hand covered with deep blue light tightly grasped the curse spirit's fist.

The two huge forces collided, and an invisible air wave spread in all directions.


"I'm not dead yet?"

After escaping from the shadow of death, Zhuye seemed to have woken up from a nightmare. He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

At this moment, Lu Ling actually blocked the attack of the special-grade curse spirit for him!

"How is this possible?!"

Zhu Ye, who came back to his senses, exclaimed.

He didn't know that the curse power on Lu Ling's body had been compressed. He just thought that such a small amount of curse power could not have a strong curse power enhancement.

But the fact is just the opposite. Lu Ling's curse power enhancement level is already strong enough to compete with the special grade curse power!!


The attack failed, and the cursed spirit also cried out in surprise.

It didn't expect that the opponent could actually block its attack.

But Lu Ling did not give up the opportunity of the cursed spirit's daze. Deep blue curse power emerged and quickly concentrated them on the palm of his hand holding the cursed spirit's fist.

Then he clenched it with all his strength!

Heaven and curse binding + physical ability + curse power enhancement, three kinds of enhancements burst out at the same time


A large amount of purple-black liquid splashed out, accompanied by the sound of bones being crushed.

The fist that the green curse spirit was about to use to smash the pig's head was ruthlessly crushed by Lu Ling, like a large blueberry.


With a sharp pain, the cursed spirit let out a shrill scream and began to retreat frantically.


"Lu Ling, you......"

Zhuye looked at the fleeing special-grade curse spirit and pinched his cheek. He thought that all this was an illusion and that what happened just now was just a revolving lantern.

If what happened before his eyes was true, then Zhuye would have to retract his previous opinion.

Lu Ling's enhanced spell power could not only compete with the special-grade curse spirit, but was obviously stronger than the special-grade curse spirit!!

Is this possible? A second-level sorcerer has such strength?


As the curse power concentrated, the flesh and blood began to twist on the green curse spirit's arm, and then it began to recover quickly.

Using the curse power to directly repair the body is the basic operation of the curse spirit.

"No attack method using cursed energy"

"Maybe things will be a little troublesome......."

Lu Ling looked at the recovering cursed spirit with a serious expression.

Compared with the blue-white skinned cursed spirit he had fought before, this special-grade cursed spirit did not use cursed power bursts or cursed power beams.

Since it did not use these methods of directly controlling cursed power to kill the enemy, there was only one reason!

That was that this cursed spirit had a spell!


Sure enough, after repairing its broken wrist, the green-skinned cursed spirit looked at Lu Ling with a resentful look.

It had put away its mentality of dealing with a toy, and instead regarded Lu Ling as a complete threat!


The blue cursed light bloomed on its body, and a violent cursed power fluctuation also appeared.

The special-grade cursed spirit was about to use its spell!


Lu Ling immediately stood in front of Zhuye.

Unlike him who had a body bound by heaven and curse, Zhuye's defense could not withstand the attack of the special-grade curse spirit!

In addition, after using Qilin, Zhuye might be unable to move at any time due to the side effects!

If the spell of this curse spirit was similar to the type of large-scale group damage used by Zenin Shouro.

Zhuye would definitely not be able to dodge it in his current state!

With the continuous surge of blue curse power, the body of the green-skinned curse spirit began to expand continuously.

After a while, it changed from its original strong image to a big green balloon.


Seeing this, Lu Ling was ready for battle.

He did not attack rashly, as he did not have Gojo Satoru's six eyes to see through the opponent's spell.

If it was a counterattack spell, which would only be triggered by Lu Ling's attack, then it would be a lot of fun.

After comprehensive consideration, Lu Ling chose to use all his magic defense to take the attack!


The faces on the green curse spirit's skin all opened their eyes and mouths.

Those faces kept struggling on the curse spirit's body, as if living people were locked inside the curse spirit.���They wanted to escape, but they couldn't. So every face looked painful and hideous.

Even the experienced Lu Ling and the wild boar felt sick when they saw this scene.


The will of those faces seemed to be taken away by something, and their expressions became numb and uniform. Their countless eyes looked at Lu Ling, and then all their mouths opened as wide as possible.

"Blow them away."

The curse spirit controlled these human faces and spoke these words in different voices at the same time.

Suddenly, an invisible force appeared in the air and formed a storm.


Lu Ling and Zhu Ye only felt that they were hit by an invisible wall.

Both of them flew out in one direction!

At the same time, this force also destroyed the glass wall of the building!

Along with countless fragments, Lu Ling and Zhu Ye were directly blown outside the building!!

""Not good!"

Zhu Ye screamed.

Although the attack and the broken glass did not hurt them because of the strengthening of the spell power, they were now in the 48th floor! Nearly 150 meters high!

If they were to free fall from here, even a first-level sorcerer would have a hard time surviving.

Although the spell power water of the turtle could cushion the impact, it was completely useless in this situation!

"Now that things have come to this, are we really going to die?"

Zhuye glanced at Lu Ling who was also flying into the air and smiled bitterly.

The strong wind blew past his ears. Zhuye thought that Lu Ling had done his best.

They were still too weak in front of the special class.......

As the side effects of Qilin appeared, Zhuye's body began to lose the ability to move, so he closed his eyes and waited for death to come.



Lu Ling formed a hand shadow with his hands and summoned the flying shikigami from the ten shadow spells.

For him, the current situation was not critical!

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