Tokyo, downtown.


A violent explosion sounded, attracting the attention of the pedestrians downstairs.

They all looked up, but soon they regretted their actions.

The debris and glass that were blown away by the special force began to fall down like rain!!

"Ah, ah!!"

Seeing this scene, some people in the crowd finally reacted.

Screams and curses continued.

They wanted to escape, but because the crowd was too dense and chaotic, people suddenly squeezed and pushed each other!

The young and strong ran to a safe area in time, while the elderly and children were left where they were!!

""Mom, Mom."

A little girl fell to the ground, bleeding from her knees. She helplessly called for her mother. But the flow of people just now was too turbulent, and they were separated.

In just a few seconds, the"rain" would fall on the ground.

It would bring inevitable harm to her and all other people who had not evacuated in time!!

But at this moment.


A thunder sounded.

The glass fragments and gravel were annihilated by an invisible force.

Ordinary people cannot see the spells and curses.

But if they could see at this time, they would find a purple electric net covering the sky!......

Tokyo, downtown, about 150 meters in the air.

Strong winds blew in the ears of Lu Ling and Zhu Ye. The two were falling continuously.

""Nue, you did a great job."

Lu Ling praised.

Due to the great increase in the total amount of mana, his shikigami strength also increased a lot.

When he saw that there were still many people moving around under the building.

Lu Ling decided to use Nue's lightning to destroy the walls of the things that fell with them to avoid unnecessary casualties!

At first, he was still a little unconfident about his shikigami, worried that it didn't have the firepower to destroy all the"rain".

But now, Lu Ling's worries were completely unnecessary.

The advantages of the ten shadow spells once again appeared to him: the stronger the summoner, the stronger the shikigami!!

Lu Ling, who obtained twice the total amount of mana after the power compression, now has twice the original shikigami strength!

""Nue. Take Mr. Zhuye to a safe place."

Lu Ling ordered his shikigami.

Zhuye had temporarily lost his ability to fight due to the side effects of the Qilin. Sending him away would allow Lu Ling to display his strength without any scruples.

This was the best option.


Nue yelled, and with a quick speed, he carried the falling Zhuye on his back.

At the same time, he looked at his master anxiously.

Because Lu Ling had previously made fine adjustments to his shikigami, he sacrificed Nue's power in exchange for more speed, which resulted in Nue being unable to carry two people at a time.

At this time, Nue was very worried, afraid that his master would be injured because of his departure.


"Don't worry, it's only 150 meters."

"If I make good use of the spell power enhancement, I probably won't die."

"Go do what you need to do first."

The shikigami and the summoner are in tune with each other, so Lu Ling naturally sensed its emotions and calmed it with his mind, then let it continue to execute his orders.


After hearing the second command from his master, Nue no longer hesitated.

"With a"swish", the owl and its owner disappeared into the night sky. It will find a safe place to accommodate the pig as soon as possible, and then quickly come back to help its owner!


"Okay, I should think of a way next."

Watching Nue leave, Lu Ling also began to work on the next action.

The distance of about 150 meters seems long, but if you really calculate it, he only has less than 6 seconds!

Lu Ling doesn't have a second Shikigami that can fly, so he must find another way.

"Let's try the recoil."

He had an idea in an instant. The dark blue mana condensed in his hand and then released it!!

This is the most basic skill of a sorcerer, releasing mana.

Using it does not require any skills, just refine the mana and release it.

As for the power, it all depends on the total amount of mana and the output of the user.

Like the bluish-white skinned mana spirit that fought with Lu Ling at the beginning, its attack method is to release mana!


With a huge force shooting out from his hand, Lu Ling also suffered a relative recoil.

In just a moment, he was close to the surface of the building.

At the same time, a dark blue light emerged from Lu Ling's other hand. He bent his fingers into a claw shape and grabbed the glass wall of the building!


With a burst of intense friction, Lu Ling's speed dropped rapidly, leaving five long finger marks on the surface of the building.

Finally, when he slid to the 27th floor, he stopped completely.


"Fortunately, the current president specially built 10 floors of isolation because of the curse, so people only work from the 25th floor onwards. Otherwise, if others saw such a big person hanging outside, they would probably be scared."

Lu Ling complained.


A familiar cry came, and Nue had completed the task assigned to him by Lu Ling. Zhuye had been placed on the rooftop of another building.

At the moment it completed the task, Nue returned to its master without any interruption!

"It is indeed a specialized model with enhanced speed, and its efficiency is really high."

It took only a few seconds from Lu Ling's fall to his stop, but during this time, Nue flew back and forth, which is really powerful.

"Let's go."

Lu Ling let go and then kicked the wall with his feet, flipped in the air and jumped onto the back of the nue.

He grabbed the feathers on the back of the nue and whispered in its ear:

"Let's go and teach that guy a lesson."

After the order was given, Nue began to emit purple light all over his body, accompanied by a burst of thunder. It took Lu Ling and flew into the sky!......

Tokyo, downtown, 48th floor of a building

"Ha ha......"

The green-skinned curse spirit looked at the sorcerers who were knocked away, and the countless human faces on its body laughed.

After a few seconds, it turned around and prepared to leave from the exit.

Although the curse spirit has grown to a certain stage, it does not mean that it does not need negative energy to nourish it.

However, it is already a special grade, and it is obviously not satisfied with the resentment of those workers who are usually exploited.

The green curse spirit needs stronger negative emotions.

The strongest negative emotions born from death and terror!!

"Ha ha......"

It kept laughing, planning to go downstairs and torture those who were still in the building to death one by one!!

"Don't leave in such a hurry."

A voice came, it was calm but contained murderous intent.


The smiles on the faces of countless special curse spirits froze at the same time, and it turned around quickly.

A huge owl appeared in the sky, and the black-haired boy was looking at it with an extremely indifferent look.

Before the green curse spirit could react, Lu Ling took action first.


""Shock it for me."

The lightning dyed the night purple, and the power that annihilated everything before appeared again.

Countless electric currents formed a large net, directly covering the special-grade curse spirit!

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