"Turn it off!"

"Turn it off!"

""Extinguish it!"

The only remaining special-grade curse spirit was struggling non-stop, uttering spells to eliminate the flames one by one, as if a drowning person was making the last twitch!

But unfortunately, these actions were useless under the continuous scorching of the tiger burial!


Finally, under the continuous burning of the raging fire, the speed at which the cursed spirit's body was destroyed exceeded the speed at which it could use its cursed power to heal its body.

The severe pain caused it to stop using the curse and instead began to scream!


Lu Ling narrowed his eyes.

He knew that the cursed spirit had no ability to resist now.

This was a good opportunity, an opportunity to kill it in one go!

"That beast is dying, Hu Zang must use all his strength in his next move!"

Lu Ling ordered Hu Zang, who was breathing fire.


Following the master's command, the tiger-shaped shikigami, whose body was wrapped in flames, let out a loud roar. The already exaggeratedly large column of fire suddenly expanded again, as if Huzang wanted to squeeze out all the remaining flames in one breath!


The building, which had been somewhat deformed by the high temperature, was like a clay pot hitting the tide.

It began to collapse in just a moment!


The hundred people who originally had no ability to resist were burned to ashes without any surprise in the sudden increase in firepower!!

The flames shot up to the sky!

The entire 50-story building, along with all the cursed spirits inside, was destroyed by Huzang without discrimination under Lu Ling's terrifying total amount of cursed power and the strengthening of the curse!

【Challenge Success】

【Gained Freedom Level +5, Current Freedom Level 25】

At the moment when the special curse spirit was exorcised, Lu Ling also completed the task required by the achievement challenge, that is, to destroy all the curse spirits.

His body emitted a white light, and he returned to the real world again.

"With a"pop" sound,

Lu Ling fell gently from the four-meter air, just like a feather.

"I didn't expect that the current shadow is so powerful......"

He still remembered the battle just now. The performance of Tiger Burial after the ten-in-one match was really outstanding. It greatly exceeded Lu Ling's expectations.

It was able to directly destroy a 50-story building. This firepower was evident!

"After the auxiliary spell is strengthened, let the shadow concentrate all the abilities of the shikigami together......."

"If nothing unexpected happens, we will be able to obtain a super powerful Shikigami!!"

Lu Ling asserted!


"The amount of mana consumed is really too terrifying."

Lu Ling frowned slightly. He would not only pay attention to the power of the skill but ignore its disadvantages.

Shadow in its prime is strong, but the mana it needs is also terrifying.

It's like a top-notch sports car that runs fast but consumes a lot of fuel!

"Summon a super powerful shikigami, and then continue to increase his strength by 100%."

"The amount of mana consumed in this......

"Even though I just doubled my total cursed energy, I can't keep it up for long!"

"If that special-grade cursed spirit had lasted for 10 minutes longer, my cursed power might have been exhausted!"

Lu Ling analyzed the previous battle and turned it into his own experience.

In the end, he came to the conclusion of an old saying:

Cursed power is the foundation of a sorcerer!

Once a sorcerer runs out of cursed power, he will be no different from an ordinary person.

Although Lu Ling still has the enhanced body of Tianyu Curse Binding as a foundation even if he runs out of cursed power, there is no doubt that his strength will be greatly reduced without the enhancement of cursed power!

"It seems that I still need to continue to increase the total amount of mana. Let's try level 10 first!"

Lu Ling made up his mind.

The next moment, he added the free level he had just obtained to the total amount of mana.

【10 levels of freedom level have been consumed, the total amount of mana Lv40 is prompted to Lv50, and the current freedom level is 15】


"Well, the situation should be much better this way."

Lu Ling sighed, and the anxiety in her heart was much less.


At the moment when he successfully added the points, Lu Ling suddenly felt a sense of fullness all over his body!

I don’t know if it was an illusion.

After adding the points this time, Lu Ling felt that the total amount of his spell power increased much more than he expected.

"Wait, yeah."

"Forgot that my current mana is compressed!"

He slapped his head and found the key to the problem!

The system's increase in the total amount of mana is essentially to increase its ability to hold mana, which is the volume of the so-called"reservoir"!

According to mass = density × volume.

Lu Ling's current mana density is twice as high as before.

So naturally, every level increase can get double the effect!

"What a pleasant surprise!"

"I didn't expect that Power Compression (Primary) not only doubled my total amount of mana, but also increased my total amount of mana by one level, which was equivalent to the previous increase of two levels of mana!"

Lu Ling couldn't help but curl up his lips.

The benefits brought to him by special skills appeared one after another, making him very happy.

"I can try to improve some lower level skills later."

"Let's see if they can bring me some special skills after they break through!"

Now he still has a lot of enhancement points, enough to upgrade many skills to level 20 or above.

According to Lu Ling's previous experience, if a skill breaks through level 20, it will either evolve or provide a special skill.

Whichever of these two is good for him!

"Well, but the most urgent task now is to complete all the achievements first."

"As for the addition of points, we will study it slowly later."

Lu Ling looked up at the crack in the air. He had already determined the achievement of the next challenge in his heart!

Squatting and jumping, Lu Ling jumped high and slapped his hands towards the transparent crack.

【Please select the achievement you want to challenge】

【Currently remaining: Qiankou, Shura】

""I choose Qiankou!"

Lu Ling confirmed.

With a flash of white light, he suddenly returned to the night when he fought against the special-grade curse spirit Baikou.

This time he didn't need to challenge the other curse spirits, because there was only one curse spirit in the entire simulation space!

"You've changed a lot."

Lu Ling glanced at his opponent and said helplessly.

The system required the curse spirit to double its total curse power and use two curses at the same time!


Under the system's strengthening, the appearance of the curse spirit has changed a lot!

The original humanoid curse spirit, which was about 1.8 meters tall, has now exceeded 2.5 meters in height.

It is on all fours, looking like a complete beast!

The most eye-catching thing is that the human face that was originally all over the curse spirit has also changed.

Now it has two mouths on one human face!

"My goodness, this is a bit too much......."

Lu Ling felt the cursed power emanating from the green-skinned cursed spirit, and his eyes condensed.

He couldn't just summon a shadow casually against such an enemy.

Even though he had just increased the total amount of cursed power.

But summoning a shadow was still a very consuming thing.

Because it was summoned according to the percentage of Lu Ling's total amount of cursed power. No matter how much Lu Ling increased the total amount of cursed power, the cursed power that should be consumed would still be consumed.

There is only one way to reduce the consumption caused by the ten shadow spells.

That is to improve the efficiency of the use of cursed power!!

After Lu Ling summoned the shadow now, only 40% of his total amount of cursed power would be left!

40% of the total amount of cursed power against the opponent's 200% total amount of cursed power.

He had a hunch that if he engaged in a tug-of-war with cursed power in this situation, he would most likely lose.

And the result of losing, that would naturally be killed instantly by the death curse!!


Lu Ling seemed to have thought of something, and his brows relaxed.

If there was a killer move that didn't consume any mana at all, he also had it!

"Just a look"

"The cheating method I mastered before."

The deep blue mana emerged, and the overload mode was activated!

But at this moment, Lu Ling did not intend to use the overload mode to attack, but to use it to evacuate the battlefield.


Special Curse Spirit Thousand Mouths, I only felt my eyes blurred, and Lu Ling's figure disappeared here.

At the same time, on the 40th floor of the building.

The black-haired boy raised his fists in front of him one after another, and then shouted with a smile:

"Furube Yura Yura."

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