Tokyo, downtown, simulation world.

Unlike summoning shikigami, the ritual of taming the ten shadow spells does not consume any mana from the user!

Accompanied by Lu Ling's hand seals and chanting of prayers.

The ritual was completed.

The brightly lit building seemed to be pulled into an alternate dimension and suddenly became dark!

The cries of the jade dog and the toad echoed in it, and a pale giant cocoon appeared in this space.

"It is most appropriate to use Moxu Luo to challenge this achievement."

Lu Ling looked at Moxu Luo who was gradually changing shape, and said so silently in his heart.

He had considered whether to use this strongest Shikigami in the achievement of [Big Cleaning].

But Lu Ling soon gave up this idea.

It was still the same principle. Moxu Luo who had not been subdued was actually the same as a defense tower.

The cursed spirits killed by it would not be counted on Lu Ling's head!

The only way for him to gain benefits was to make up for it!

In the previous [Big Cleaning], except for Baikou, which was a special-level cursed spirit, all the other cursed spirits were low-level cursed spirits without exception.

Under the swing of Moxu Luo's sword of exorcism, they might not even have the chance to be wiped out directly!

In that case, Lu Ling would have no room for operation!

So he decided that unless all the enemies that appeared in the achievement mode in the future were above the special level, he would never use Moxu Luo. Otherwise

, he would most likely be judged as a failed challenge by the system!!

"Okay, it's up to you now."

A deep blue light lit up, and Lu Ling did the same.

He had used Moxu Luo many times before, and he was already familiar with this method.

Using all his strength to strengthen the spell, Lu Ling ran in one direction.

At the same time, he summoned a shadow and hid it in his own shadow, and finally used the advanced invisibility technique, and disappeared into the air with the shikigami. After completing the above steps!

Lu Ling's basic preparations were completed.......

This time, his speed was much faster than last time, because he wanted to leave here quickly!

Lu Ling could clearly feel that although he used the overload mode to quickly evacuate the battlefield, and then used the absolute to cover up his breath.

But the movement of summoning Ying and Moxu Luo was not small at all.

Qiankou, this super curse spirit strengthened by the system should have known his position.

This is what his perception of curse power told him. Just above his head, a huge source of curse power was attacking him.


This is also the result that Lu Ling wants to achieve!!

As long as he gets the time right, he can let Qiankou and Moxu Luo face off and let them fight successfully.......

Boom! Boom!

"Smash it"

"Smash it."

The special grade cursed spirit Qiankou locked onto the location of its prey the moment Lu Ling used Moxu Luo.

Although it did not know any skills in sensing cursed power, it knew the approximate direction through the wall because the noise Lu Ling made was so loud!

So, Qiankou made a prompt decision and rushed to that direction at the fastest speed, destroying the ground!

In an instant, all the floors between the 48th floor and the location of Moxu Luo were opened up.

"With a"click", the two-meter-almost-three-meter-tall figure of the curse spirit fell to the ground with a light sound. It was hard to imagine that such a tall body could be so light.

This time it did not damage the ground.

Because the special-grade curse spirit had already reached the destination, which was the 40th floor where Lu Ling had held the ceremony before.

But there was no Lu Ling here, no trace of that damn human!

Trample, tramp.

Just as Qiankou was in depression and was about to continue looking for Lu Ling floor by floor, a dull sound of footsteps came.


The pale hand crushed the wall of the corridor, and the figure of the strongest shikigami appeared in front of the cursed spirit.

It was Moxu Luo.

The narrow corridor made it very uncomfortable, so Moxu Luo planned to make space for himself while moving forward.


"Cut it off!"

The moment Qiankou saw the pale shikigami, the attack came instantly.

The human face on the skin opened its mouth, and an offensive spell turned into an invisible blade and slashed directly at Moxu Luo!

As for why Qiankou wanted to attack?

It can only be said that it was the instinct of the curse spirit.

These guys gathered by negative energy, the violent nature is hidden in the bone marrow!

They will not allow any threatening creatures to exist around them!

Unless they are at the level of the four natural disasters.

Those four are the highest-ranking curse spirits, with extremely high wisdom, and can even suppress their instincts to a certain extent!

But it is obvious that even with the systematic enhancement from"hundred mouths" to"thousand mouths". As a curse spirit, it still has not reached the level of the four natural disasters.

At least in terms of the brain, it is far inferior!


Moxu Luo did not dodge this move and was hit by the curse.

A huge wound appeared on the chest of the pale shikigami, and bright red blood splashed out.


After the successful attack, the curse spirit did not give up this opportunity.

"Cut it off"

"Cut it off."

Countless white lights appeared in the space, and then fell on the strongest shikigami without reservation.


Moxu Luo silently endured the attack while looking at the ignorant cursed spirit in front of him with a look of looking at a fool.

In the taming ceremony, Moxu Luo's primary target has always been the summoner.

But when the summoner cannot be found for a while, and the third chapter intervenes.

It will also attack the third party!!

Swish, swish, swish.

Countless wounds appeared on Moxu Luo's body.

Gradually, Qiankou began to doubt, what's going on?

He could only see it bleeding, but didn't hear it screaming.

Could it be that the creature in front of him is dumb?


With the sound of gears turning, the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned a circle.

Its adaptation has begun!!

"Gurgle. Gurgle."

The flesh and blood on Moxu Luo's body squirmed, and the wounds on the pale shikigami had healed as before.


Seeing that the enemy also has the same healing ability as himself, Qiankou was also stunned. It was the first time it encountered such an enemy, but this did not scare it!

Not only did it not use its full strength at this time!

"Cut + poison."

With the human face on the thousand skins using two mouths at the same time.

Moxu Luo, who was still slowly adapting to the slash, suddenly stumbled and knelt on the floor.

""Shit, what's going on?"

Lu Ling, who was hiding nearby and waiting for an opportunity, was also shocked when he saw this scene.

He saw that the wound on the pale shikigami's body did not bleed red blood, but a black liquid instead.

This is a sign of poisoning!!

"I see......"

"So this is what the requirement means when using two spells at the same time."

Lu Ling felt relieved.

Using two spells at the same time here means that Qiankou can compress the effects of two spells in one spell.

It turns out that both slashing and poisoning are spells with separate effects.

They can only be said one after the other.

Even if they are said faster, there are only two effects!

But now with the blessing of the system, Qiankou has combined them together to form the current poisonous blade!!

At this moment, each of its [Slashing] spells carries poison!

And poison is different from physical damage.

It is a very complicated thing, so the method of treating ordinary wounds must be used to treat poisoning.

Basically, no sorcerer can do it!!

Now the initiative is back in the hands of the special-grade spell spirit Qiankou.


Just as the Curse Spirit was feeling proud, Moxu Luo let out an earth-shaking roar.

At the same time as it roared, a strong shock wave was emitted from its mouth!


The special-grade cursed spirit was too close to Moxu Luo, so it didn't react for a while and was knocked back several steps by the shock wave. At the moment when it was pulling away from Moxu Luo, the strongest shikigami seized the opportunity, raised the sword of exorcism in its hand and slashed it fiercely at the injured part.

Moxu Luo planned to directly abandon the poisoned body, cut it all off, and then use its invincible regeneration ability to regenerate a new body!

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