Tokyo, downtown, simulation world


Qiankou stood there in a daze.

By sacrificing the human face on his skin, he gained a huge increase in the power of the Death Curse.

Logically, this attack should be able to kill all creatures that heard this sentence.

However, the ending was very ridiculous.

With a casual wave of Moxu Luo's hand, its strongest attack disappeared silently.


The killer mace was ineffective, the fatigue state and the injuries all over the body made the special grade curse spirit fall into a frenzy. It lost control and let out a strange cry, then began to release curses in all directions crazily.

"Cut it off!"

"Pierce it!"


But before it could release three of the thousand curses, the broken faces on its body gushed out a lot of blood, freezing it in place.

It was too badly injured!

Binding is a double-edged sword, hurting the enemy while hurting itself!

The more profound the sorcerer's attainments in spells, the more cautious he will be in using binding.

For example, Sukuna is a master in the field of binding.

Through subtle control, Sukuna can always get rich results at a relatively small cost!

And obviously, this special-grade curse spirit does not have Sukuna's ability at all.

Obviously, it spent a huge price, but in the end, it didn't even hurt Moxu Luo.

Its binding can be said to be a complete failure!

"Okay, Shadow"

"Now the cursed spirit is almost out of blood."

"It's time for us to attack."

Lu Ling glanced at Qiankou who had lost the ability to resist.

At this moment, it was in a very miserable state. Its green skin was now covered with purple and black, and there were countless wounds all over its body, spurting blood.

Qiankou couldn't even use the spell now, which was the best time to harvest!

Lu Ling transformed the shadow in the shadow into a ten-in-one tiger burial. He remained invisible and moved forward slowly.

He planned to sneak up to the special-grade curse spirit, and then use the maximum firepower at the closest distance to instantly kill the prey before Moxu Luo had a chance to react!


But then something unexpected happened to Lu Ling.

The magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned again.

This was the fifth circle.......


What's going on? Obviously, Moxu Luo has already fully adapted to the opponent's technique. But why is it still adapting?


Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

""Shit! We must leave here!"

He didn't care about collecting the heads of the special-grade cursed spirits at this moment, and hurriedly retreated!

Lu Ling, who was familiar with the original work, knew what the fifth circle of the magic circle meant!!

As Lu Ling left, the strongest shikigami also began to take action.

It stood in place and raised the sword of exorcism in its hand, gently waving it at Qiankou, who was still dozens of meters ahead.......

An invisible object flew out at an extremely fast speed.


This was the only thought in Lu Ling's mind at this moment.

If he was hit by this attack, he would definitely die!

He was very sure.......


Qiankou didn't know what Moxu Luo had done.

It couldn't sense it at all.

But just when the special curse spirit wanted to take further action


A thin wound appeared on its abdomen.

Then, under the pull of the weight, Qiankou's upper body and its two arms fell to the ground!

It was split in two!


"Is this the trick that defeated Gojo Sensei back then?"

Lu Ling, who was hiding not far from the special grade curse spirit, said so.

At this moment, he had completely lost his composure and was soaked in cold sweat.

This was the first time he had seen such a shameless trick since he came to this world!!

【[Slashing the World]

This is the skill that Moxu Luo just used.

As the name suggests, it can cut through anything!

Moxu Luo.

The treasure of the Zenin family, the strongest shikigami in the world of curses.

So why is it called the strongest shikigami?

Is it because it has physical abilities far beyond ordinary special-grade cursed spirits?

Or is it the regeneration power that can restore it to its original state even if it is cut into fine pieces like sand?

None of these. What really makes Moxu Luo the strongest is actually its unique ability - adaptation of all things!

When it is"affected" by a certain force for the first time.

Moxu Luo will analyze that force, and this process cannot be cancelled!

Unless the enemy kills it before it fully adapts, then all skills will be invalid in front of it!

But invalidation is not the end of Moxu Luo's ability!

There is a deeper level of its ability!

That is the expansion of the spell!!

After Moxu Luo has completely adapted to other people's spells and made them invalid, it will not stop adapting!!

Instead, it will enter a new stage!

At that time, the object of the spell is no longer limited to individuals, but will further expand to space, existence and the world itself!

This is the principle of [Slashing the World].

Holding the strongest shield that makes all abilities ineffective, and the strongest sword that cuts through everything!

This is why Mokhuluo is called the strongest!!

"There was no sound at all, and it was incredibly fast."

Lu Ling looked at Mo Xu Luo who had taken back the Demon Sword, and his face was ugly!

Since [Slashing the World] literally cuts off everything, there will naturally be no air resistance, vibration and other physical phenomena.......

It was a completely transparent and silent invisible blade, so it was much harder to dodge than ordinary skills!

Lu Ling thought that in this case, it would be extremely difficult for him to deal with this move.

"But fortunately"

"The cursed spirit is not a human being, so it won't die if it is cut in two."

Lu Ling turned his head to Qiankou who was lying on the ground, feeling lucky. If the target of the mission really died at the hands of the"Slash that Cuts the World", he would have to start all over again.

"Then, while [Slashing the World] is still on cooldown"

"Let’s finish it as soon as possible!"


【[Severing the World] is an absolute ultimate move, and this skill must have its usage restrictions!

Just like Lu Ling can't summon Shadow several times in a day.

Moxu Luo can't give Lu Ling a continuous [Severing the World] either.

So this is the best opportunity!


Lu Ling approached the body of the special cursed spirit that was cut in half in an instant, and then opened his own different-dimensional shadow space, allowing the shadow that had been ready for a long time to appear.

When it was first summoned, it was condensing flames according to the instructions of its master. It didn't explode until the moment it saw the light of day again.


Moxu Luo, who had just used the Dimensional Slash, was about to crush the enemy, but immediately saw a ball of fire appear where the Curse Spirit had been before!

So the strongest shikigami once again extended his demon-repelling blade.

【The Slash That Cuts the World】

Flame, Air, Space......

There was a line in the middle of everything, and then it suddenly separated

"It's really amazing......"

Lu Ling, who was in the flames, did not dodge this attack. Even though he used the overload mode, he only saved most of his body.

But some parts were still a step slower, and Lu Ling's ankle was cut off!

The Ten-in-One Tiger Zang that was transformed by the shadow was also seriously injured, and a large part of his body was cut off!

This pair of powerful shikigami and their masters were actually helpless under the [Slash of the World]

"But it's over."

Lu Ling showed his ineffectiveness to Moxu Luo, his winning conditions were different from Moxu Luo's.

With the flames of Hu Zang's full power, Qiankou's broken body was instantly covered by flames!!

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