Tokyo, downtown, simulated world.

At this time, the simulated world has completely turned into a white land.

After the great battle between Moxu Luo and Qiankou.

Not to mention the buildings, now even a complete brick can't be seen!


With the burning of the tiger burial flame, Qiankou, who was only left with one breath, was completely wrapped in it.

It consumed a lot of mana, paid the price of being bound, and was hit by [Severing the World]. Now it has no hope of surviving!

Lu Ling and his shikigami were gasping for breath on the side. Their condition was not very good. A lot of blood gushed out from the severed wounds.......

There is no doubt that they were all seriously injured!


Moxu Luo raised his Demon Sword and prepared to use [Severing the World] again.

Seeing this, Lu Ling was not panicked at all, but looked at Moxu calmly.

"Thank you so much this time."

"But soon, we will meet again."

As long as the target of the mission dies, his destination will be reached. It doesn't matter if he dies later.

However, this time, because the system has strengthened the special-grade curse spirit.

In addition, the power of the flame was greatly reduced because it was cut off.

The combination of these two factors has prolonged the death time of the curse spirit.

But Lu Ling can be sure that this time will not be too long.

30 seconds!!

In just 30 seconds, Qiankou will die, and he can return to the real world.

To delay this little time, can't you just have a hand?!


Lu Ling's face changed, and an invisible force passed through his body.

He only felt his whole body loosen, as if someone pushed him from behind, and the whole person began to fall backwards slowly.

He who has the vitality of heaven and curse binding knew what was going on in an instant.

【The slash that cuts off the world] pierced through his abdomen!

"Good guy, although I had expected it"

"But in the end, he still had to take this hit."

At the last moment, Lu Ling personally experienced the treatment that only Gojo Satoru had, which taught him that people should not always think positively of the other party, and occasionally consider unexpected situations.


The biggest weakness of this sorcerer was hit, and Lu Ling felt that his stored mana was emptied instantly.

Whether it was the mana enhancement or the technique, he could no longer use it.

"Is this what Gojo-sensei felt like back then?"

"No wonder he was defeated without using the reversal technique."

Lu Ling used his hands to forcefully pinch his body together, which was already in two parts. This time, the position of Moxu Luo's [Slashing the World] was a bit bad, and it did not cut off Lu Ling's arms.

Under normal circumstances, once cut in half, the signal generated by the brain will be directly blocked, the lower body will instantly lose consciousness, and then the person will fall to the ground uncontrollably!

But the shadow who shared the same mind as Lu Ling came to his back at the first time, and used his body to support his master to prevent him from falling!

Relying on the vitality of Tianyu Zhubin and the help of the shikigami, Lu Ling managed to stand up and face Moxu Luo!!

However, he only stood up.

The large amount of lost vitality was still constantly reminding him that he was fatally injured.

But if he maintains his current state, Lu Ling can still live for a while.

After being cut in half, ordinary people can live for a maximum of 1 minute, but he feels that he can live for more than 10 minutes.

"This is a rare experience."

"Let me personally experience the power of [Severing World Slash]."

Lu Ling remained calm. After personally experiencing this move, he was not so afraid of [Severing World Slash] anymore.

In the countdown of his own life of 10 minutes, Lu Ling continued to say to Mo Xu Luo:

"But this also made me realize that I am not completely helpless."

"Shadow, switch to round deer form."

Shadow is a shikigami formed by Lu Ling consuming a large amount of mana at one time. It does not need Lu Ling to continue to provide it with mana to exist!

Although Shadow will disappear instantly after Lu Ling's death, Lu Ling's will is still very clear at this time!

When he has no mana, Shadow is a huge external source of mana.

Obey the orders of the master.

The originally seriously injured Shadow immediately turned from a tiger burial into a pool of black water, and turned into a deer-shaped shikigami again.

However, its size is much smaller at this moment.

Although the second [Slash to Cut the World] did not hit it, the damage from the first hit alone took away 50% of its energy.

Now Shadow is estimated to have only the water of a five-in-one shikigami. It quickly approached Lu Ling

, emitting gentle energy and began to heal Lu Ling's wounds. At the same time, the size of the round deer began to shrink like a piece of melting ice.

Its mechanism is to extract the magic power from the owner and convert it into positive energy.

But Lu Ling's magic power source has been destroyed at this moment, so there is no magic power left. So Ying can only consume the magic power that makes up his body to heal Lu Ling.

Whoosh - just when Ying was about to disappear completely, Lu Ling's wounds finally healed.

Although it is still far from complete recovery, at least in the current state, Lu Ling does not have to worry about breaking into two pieces when walking!

""Thank you for your hard work, Shadow."

Lu Ling touched the shadow at his feet.

The round deer it transformed into was only the size of a palm and looked very fragile.

Compared with the one it had just summoned and covered 600 square meters of the street, it was a world of difference.


Lu Ling sighed.

He had saved his life at the cost of Ying's complete disappearance. And now he had no cursed energy at all.

Even with Rika's [Infinite Power] and Lu Ling's own good cursed energy extraction efficiency, he would not be able to fight as a curser for a while.


Moxu Luo in the distance raised his Demon-Repelling Sword once again. Lu Ling knew that this guy was going to use the third [Severing World Slash].

However, this time he really had no other options. He could only dodge with the power of Heaven and Curse Binding!

【Challenge Success】

【Get three extra spells, the current number of spells available is 7]

Just as Lu Ling was about to face [Sever the World] again, the Tiger Burial Flame, whose power was weakened by half, finally completely destroyed Qiankou.

With the destruction of the mission target, Lu Ling also returned to the real world with a white light!


Lu Ling sat down on the floor with a"puff" sound, and then began to take deep breaths.

He was really exhausted this time.

Although the challenge was successful, the system did not give Lu Ling a mental shock!

But this achievement challenge brought him a lot of mental damage!

Facing one of the strongest divine skills in the Curse World View [Severing the World], Lu Ling can't relax at all!

"I could barely hold on for 30 seconds!!"

"If only I could learn this trick."

The surviving Lu Ling thought so.

At the same time, along with his hope, the system's prompt sounded!

【The host has been detected to meet the learning conditions. Do you want to learn"The Slash That Cuts the World""?】


Lu Ling couldn't believe her ears.

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